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    Crossfire Version Story Chapters

    Every version of the Crossfire mod introduced a new part of the Crossfire story. These Story parts leading from one version of the mod to the next are covered by the Crossfire Story Chapters. Together with the Crossfire Short Stories and the Crossfire Ingame Story they cover the full Crossfire Storyline. These three story elements are completely linked with each other.

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    Greetings Champions, Captains, and Adventurers! Champions Online, Star Trek Online, and Neverwinter are celebrating Cryptic’s 20th Anniversary with free in-game items! Check out the details below for each game: Champions Online The following items will be availablet to claim in the Zen Store until July 16th: New Title: Cryptonian Exclusive Platinum Aura Platinum Defender Action Figure Platinum Backup! Defender device Star Trek Online The following items will be available to claim in Mudd’s Market section of the Zen Store, under the Bundles tab until July 16th: New Title: Cryptonian Platinum Discovery Era Sniper Rifle Once per account Platinum Vanity Shield Platinum Tardigrade Non-Combat Pet Featured TFO Reward (3x) Once per account Neverwinter The following items can be claimed at the Rewards Claim Agent starting today at 10am PT until July

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    Greetings Champions, Captains, Adventurers, and Planeswalkers! On July 1st, Community Managers Mike Fatum, Julia Fredrickson, and Winter Mullenix will be hosting a special Cryptic 20th Anniversary Stream! Join us for a retrospective of Cryptic and its games as fellow Cryptonians share stories and help give out special prizes including physical goods courtesy of our partners at Eaglemoss, WizKids, and D&D Beyond! When: Wednesday, July 1st, 2pm PT (when is this for me?) Where: Why: XPlatinumX

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    Cryptic Studios is proud to announce our Extra Life Charity Gaming Event for 2018! On December 8th and 9th, from 10am to 10pm Pacific Time, Cryptic Developers will be playing video, tabletop and board games live and raising money to support UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals. You can tune in, win amazing prizes, and donate to help children in need – it’s a win/win situation for everybody! You’ll be able to watch the whole thing on Cryptic’s Twitch Channel or on the Facebook pages for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online! Take a look at our schedule, and see below for more details on the events and the prizes! You don't have to wait for the event to donate. Click here, and you can do that right now! PRIZES But that’s not all! Just by tuning in, being your wonderful selves, and getting the chance to donate to a great cause, you can win some incredible prizes from

  • 07


    An obscure cult based in the Zlota system has requested a range of rare items for an arcane ceremony.

    A handwritten statement from Barnabas Cole, leader of a group named the Children of Tothos, was submitted to the media:

    "This is the rite that will unmask us and allow us to see the path – the path we will all take, together, toward freedom."

    Zlota Federal Holdings, which is thought to have some connection to the cult, has requested Aganippe Rush, Motrona Experience Jelly and Onion Head to be delivered to Nusslein-Volhard Settlement in the Zlota system. It has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to protect those delivering these rare commodities.

    The initiative begins on the 6th of December 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

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    Archambault Terminal in the Chun Tstar system remains under threat of nuclear destruction by the Children of Tothos.

    Senior Agent Rochelle Karim updated the media:

    "Despite the best efforts of our negotiators, the cultists remain in control of the starport and still intend to detonate the Lucifer Device. This 300 megaton weapon is capable of wiping out Archambault Terminal, along with the starport's entire population."

    "Their leader, Barnabas Cole, has transmitted messages via the starport's comms array, repeating claims of 'preparing to bring Tothos's light to us all'. There is no mention of a deity named Tothos in historical or mythical records, which suggests the faith was recently founded by Cole."

    "Despite this, several civilian ships arrived in the Chun Tstar system over the past few days, attracted by Cole's sermons and seeking to join the cult. The FIA is monitoring the situation

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    Tonight's rabbit hole: I noticed that Privateer has two different internal sets of names for its commodities, one used in the exchange (and on your PPC) and one used on the in flight manifest. Some are the same but others are different. "Movies" becomes... "Moviechips"!

    p1_commodity_names1t.jpgp1_commodity_names2t.jpgGames become Gamechips, Books become Bookchips. And PlayThing (tm) becomes...!

    p1_commodity_names3t.jpgp1_commodity_names4t.jpgSo I ended up extracting everything and making a Spreadsheet of different commodity names across six sources (three in-game, three from the Playtesters' Guide). It also shows what type of container displays for each:

    p1_commodity_names5t.jpgFound some cut content, too: traces of the ability to eject passengers and a list of additional story-specific items that were cut when the plot was shortened: Alien Crystal, Alien Device, Ancient Gun, Alien Machinery and Alien Metal!

  • 28


    People have been finding a lot of fascinating old magazine articles lately, and here's an interesting one from Computer Games Strategy Plus. FredDude found this Wing Commander 2 review in the December 1991 issue. It's interesting for a professional review - the author seemed to lack a powerful enough PC necessarily for decent performance, and he encountered a couple of bugs right off the bat that game developers today would have quickly worked to mitigate for a high profile print review. He calls the number of Tiger's Claw survivors "implausible" and the speed of the cutscenes "infuriating." He also never played far enough into WC2 to fly a Sabre nor even experience a bombing run in the Broadsword, which was a marquee feature. All in all, it doesn't quite seem like he was ready to review the game. If I was the editor, I likewise would not have considered this ready to go to print. Maybe this