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    has released some new samples from his WC-inspired space combat game,

    Project Aries

    . The first of the two animated gifs below show off the classic interior cockpit options that you can select during flight. Then there is a demonstration of WC1/2 style flak cannons in action. Finally, there's a clip of a Salthi and Dralthi lookalike escorting a transport. It's nice to see there's still progress being made!


    It's been (almost) two years, while development has been on and off (mostly off), work continues.
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    The conflict between two rival factions in the Loha system has now come to an end.

    Karleen Troy, freelance warzone reporter, delivered a report for the Vox Galactica news service:

    "This has been a harrowing week for the people of Loha. In that time, I've witnessed acts of brutality and heroism from both sides. But now that their resources are exhausted, overall control of the system has finally been established."

    "For those pilots who took advantage of the conflict, this will have been a profitable exercise. Both factions have announced that pilots can now collect their rewards from Whitworth Station in the Loha system."

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    Aegis has announced a breakthrough that has effectively neutralised the disruptive effects of Thargoid Sensors on starports.

    Henrik de Lacerda, a senior engineer at Aegis Research, told the media:

    "As we know, Thargoid Sensors can cripple starports for weeks or months at a time, but recent advancements in our study of meta-alloys have resulted in an effective cure for what was once called 'the technological plague'."

    "New procedures in the application of meta-alloys mean that extremely small quantities are now sufficient to shield systems from disruption."

    "Following this breakthrough, we have made arrangements to ship meta-alloys to all affected stations, to restore them to functionality. It will not be long before every starport in known space is immune to Thargoid Sensor–related interference."

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    has made a fun new Wing Commander overview video. For starters, it's all in Italian, and we love to see fans spread the word in different languages to reach as many people as possible. On top of that, he's gone through and added extensive subtitles so English speakers won't be left out. He's also upped the production values a notch here by dressing up as a WC1 pilot and inserting himself into various scenes via green screen! That's dedication! Let him know what you think at the

    CIC Forums


    Hi there! I just made a retrospective video about the first Wing Commander. Is in Italian, but I added English subtitles. I would appreciate your help about this, since my English is veeeery rusty :p


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    Aegis has stationed a security force in the Meene system to protect the engineer Ram Tah.

    An announcement was made by Professor Alba Tesreau:

    "Ram Tah's research has been enormously beneficial to our understanding of the Thargoids, and resulted in developments that aid us in the conflict. We therefore have a vested interest in protecting his work."

    "We have deployed a security force that will provide continual support while allowing Ram Tah's operation to remain completely independent. Hopefully this will prevent any further disruption."

    There has been no response from the Sirius Corporation, which recently arrested a cabal of junior officers from its private fleet for launching an incursion into Meene. Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of Sirius Corp, has allegedly withdrawn his offer to work with Ram Tah on Guardian-human technology.

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    Cryptic Studios is proud to announce our Extra Life Charity Gaming Event for 2018! On December 8th and 9th, from 10am to 10pm Pacific Time, Cryptic Developers will be playing video, tabletop and board games live and raising money to support UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospitals. You can tune in, win amazing prizes, and donate to help children in need – it’s a win/win situation for everybody! You’ll be able to watch the whole thing on Cryptic’s Twitch Channel or on the Facebook pages for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online! Take a look at our schedule, and see below for more details on the events and the prizes! You don't have to wait for the event to donate. Click here, and you can do that right now! PRIZES But that’s not all! Just by tuning in, being your wonderful selves, and getting the chance to donate to a great cause, you can win some incredible prizes from

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