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    Just kidding. Today actually marks fifteen years of continuous daily WC news updates. The last day we missed was May 25, 2003, short of the occasional technical issue that may have slightly delayed the daily news a bit. Back in the spring of 2003, we were all eagerly awaiting the imminent release of Wing Commander Prophecy for the Gameboy Advance.

    Not every day features major breaking stories or unearths startling revelations, but there's always something happening in the Wing Commander community. That's thanks to how engaged and dedicated you all are every day. Where will we be in another five, ten or fifteen years? Probably looking back and wondering what the heck the headline on this post meant.


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    Rule of Acquisition # 74: Knowledge equals profit. Any wise Captain knows that when a sale this good comes your way, it’s best to take advantage of it. We’re pleased to announce that Ferengi Merchants are putting a 15% sale on Keys from April 11th at 8am PT to April 15th at 10am PT. Now is the best time for Captains to load up on your Keys and grab those ships you’ve been eyeing. Remember Captains, Rule of Acquisition # 22: A wise man can hear profit in the wind. Now is the time to act. For a limited time only starting today, players will be able to purchase the Key Ring Bundle! This special pack includes 20x Master Keys (used to open any Lock Box) for the price of 2250 Zen. As an additional special promotional offer when purchasing this bundle, every pack also includes a single Ultimate Tech Upgrade. Applying this item to any upgradeable piece of equipment will instantly set both its Mark

  • 15


    Eagle-eyed ship spotter Doug Lee has found a squadron of familiar Wing Commander designs in an unlikely place: a mobile game called Stellar Patrol: Galactic Conflict! The top-down space game features a host of familiar Wing Commander designs... and even uses a Rapier as its app icon! This is likely not a case of licensing the IP from Electronic Arts as Stellar Patrol also includes a number of other familiar science fiction ships like Battlestar Galactica's Viper, Star Wars' A-Wing and Firefly's... Firefly. It's a fun little phone shooter reminiscent of Subspace. If you'd like to check it out, you can download Stellar Patrol for free on Android or iOS. Better hurry and get to it before the lawyers!


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    New Features: Kobayashi Maru: The Kobayashi Maru weekend event has returned! In the simulation of the original “No Win Scenario”, protect the Kobayashi Maru from ambushing enemy ships. A new reward has been added for this event: The Prolonged Engagement Power Dynamo Console. For more details, please visit the Kobayashi Maru Weekend event blog at:…-of-the-kobayashi-maru%21 Romulan Imperial Minefield: Captain Nog has requested the help of Captains from all factions to defend a mining asteroid field that is being overrun by Romulan Imperials. The Romulan Imperial Minefield queue replaces the Gorn and Federation Minefield queues. This new version allows all factions to team together. For more details please visit the Romulan Imperial Minefield blog at:…omulan-imperial-minefield General: Extending Renegade’s

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    Event: Battle at the Binary Stars Featured Task Force Operation The Battle at the Binary Stars is the first Featured Task Force Operation in Star Trek Online. Captains will be able to take on the appearance of Federation ships from the Discovery era in this simulated battle. This event will last for 3 weeks and Captains can earn an all new reward! Complete the TFO on 14 different days to earn the Beacon of Kahless while earning marks and Dilithium, as well as three Featured TFO Reward Boxes. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box. Beacon of Kahless The Beacon of Kahless is an all new reward for completing Battle at the Binary Stars on 14 different days. Summon your own personal Beacon, giving off a light that blinds your enemies, completely eliminating their accuracy for several seconds. The Beacon will also

  • 04


    Today we have a new poll that asks which game engines you're most excited about on the modding scene. Fan Projects have been reaching back further than ever lately and doing some



    things with classic Wing Commander game engines. There's a lot of ways you can group these, so we went with the general way that projects have been getting managed lately. Yes, technically Privateer is a spinoff of the original WC1/2 engine, and technically Armada is a prototype of the RealSpace engine popularized by Wing Commanders 3 and 4, but we usually see projects sorted out by the options as we have them depicted here. And while I would absolutely love to see SWC or Arena on this list, due to platform limitations, there's very little action going on with these at this time. Hopefully talented Wingnuts can change this in the future though!

    wc_toolbox5t.gifwc1_rehsinmod15t.jpghcl_academy_import5t.jpghcl_academy_import11t.jpgwc_toolbox8t.jpgarmadamultiplayer01t.giflars_p2render_1t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade238t.jpgOur annual birthday poll showed similar, yet still impressive,

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    A few months ago, we added a brand new feature to Star Trek Online. In partnership with Gameprint, we gave Captains the opportunity to make a 3D printed, fully customized, hand painted collectible of their favorite starships in the game. Now, we’re incredibly proud to announce that starting June 1st, the types of ships you’ll be able to order will be expanding. Gameprint is launching a brand new line of full-color, resin, 3D-printed starship models. Unlike the hand painted collectibles that started this line, these new models are printed in color in a variety of new sizes. You’ll be able to order these brand new ships in three new sizes, 4”, 7”, and 12”, fully customized to match your ship in the game, at starting prices of $20, $99, and $299, respectively. Check out some examples of the Pathfinder shown off in these new sizes and this new printing style below. You can order these

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    Meddling in the timeline is prohibited by almost all galactic powers in one way or another, but when values are in conflict a hierarchy must emerge. The Iconian War set that prohibition against life itself, and while records are tightly sealed, temporal disturbances were recorded by independent observers across the quadrant. We have recently learned that this, at least for Starfleet, was not a unique instance. An entity called the Red Angel meddled repeatedly in what has been termed the ‘prime timeline’, giving credence to the notion its primacy refers to its favorable outcome. The Angel’s actions were seen as a moral duty: values held by life mean nothing to cold, dead rock. In this way have morals and ethics always conflicted with practicality in Star Trek. A culture’s principles must eventually weigh against each other. Brutal decisions creep ever closer, we cannot always find clean