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    Here's another little detail I've never noticed in the Wing Commander movie before. [[ChrisReid: "Which is saying A LOT coming from AD!"]] In the Time Slice sequence there's a 3D effect layered over the lights on the panels behind Blair and Angel. Alas, it's nearly imperceivable in the final cut due to the matting. Here's the final film version compared to a wider shot:

    timeslice_3deffect1t.jpgtimeslice_3deffect2t.jpgYou can see in the original takes from the rig that there's no effect in the shots. It was recorded on a separate pass and layered into the shot in post-production. It's an interesting effect and would have added another dynamic to the scene if we could have actually seen it.

    timeslice_3deffect3t.jpgtimeslice_3deffect4t.jpgtimeslice_3deffect5t.jpgtimeslice_3deffect6t.jpgTechnically speaking, it's not exactly the matting that's the issue though. At some point - possibly to try and mask the transition between the regular camera and the timeslice footage - they cropped into the frame for the freeze effect.Still, some of the

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    Ginger Lynn Allen

    is selling off one of her iconic Rachel Coriolis jumpsuits. It comes with matching hat and utility belt. Based on the sleeve cutoffs, it seems to be the variant worn in Wing Commander Prophecy. It's very cool to get some close up photos of this design! First bid starts at $499. There's also a $1000 Buy It Now for any Wingnuts who might want to preempt a bidding war. Ginger mentions that the suit still fits, which is more than some of us can say for outfits from 20+ years ago!


    Hi, it's me Ginger Lynn,

    So if you like WC III, I found this the other day. Lock and load with Rachel Coriolis! Still fits after all these years!

    I'm one of those girls who has saved everything from the beginning of my career right up until today. I have photos. magazines, wardrobe, trophies, trading cards, scripts, shoes, checks from SAG-AFTRA, original artwork and so much more. Everything is signed

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    Evidence presented at the trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent suggested financial links to Federal shipbuilding corporation Core Dynamics.
    This significant development was covered by Ethan Takahashi for The Federal Times:
    "The initial investigations around Starship One's destruction in 3301 were outlined by the prosecution. When the Federal Attorney's Office revisited this historical data, traces were found of financial transfers routed through non-Federation banking systems."
    "The FAO brought in the expertise of the Wallglass Investigations Agency, which discovered that these transactions were made via shell companies created by Core Dynamics. Fleet Admiral Vincent, as well as several other naval officers, received billions of credits through these companies that went undeclared."
    "Vincent refused to answer any questions about this evidence, once again claiming that he is the victim of a

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    An anonymous source within the shipbuilding corporation Core Dynamics has revealed details behind its hostile takeover of Lakon Spaceways.
    The nameless insider had previously stated that the acquisition of Lakon was the personal project of Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester. These additional claims were broadcast via Vox Galactica:
    "In the last few years, Rochester has purchased many companies based outside the Federation, such as Vodel. Lakon Spaceways is just the latest. It seems legal, but he manages these subsidiaries directly and installs his own people there. Some say he's diversifying his family's private holdings, rather than expanding the business."
    "It's well known that several departments only follow Rochester's directives, and operate in silos unconnected with the rest of Core Dynamics. Staff refer to them as 'Jupiter Division'. Some offices even started using that name, like

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    Eagle-eyed Wingnut


    spotted a Wing Commander prop reappear in a television commercial. A simple, but unique, console appeared near the Midway's hangar in Prophecy. The same unit popped up again in a Coca-Cola ad the following year. Both are visible just briefly, so this is a crazy catch!


    Here’s a background WC prop which can be found in another production. This futuristic console (although if you look closely, it looks like a solar panel attached to a battery box and lights) can be found on the hangar deck of the TCS Midway in WCP, as well as a later Coca Cola commercial from 1998. The commercial can be found at:
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    Senator Zemina Torval's company Torval-Mastopolos Mining has become fully independent from its parent corporation.
    The former subsidiary of Mastopolos Mining has officially rebranded itself as Torval Mining Ltd. Zemina Torval is listed as its CEO, with her eldest daughter remaining as operations director. The starport Torval Orbital in the LTT 198 system serves as the company's headquarters.
    Business correspondent Anton Lagorio reported for The Imperial Herald:
    "Although Torval Mining Ltd is now an independent company, shares are legally transferable between it and Mastopolos Mining. This has allowed loyal supporters of both Zemina Torval and Gabriella Mastopolos to flock to each other's banner. As a result, Torval Mining Ltd has acquired many ships, staff and resources from its former parent."
    "There have been assurances that the split was amicable and in line with Imperial traditions of

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    The fall of Jupiter Division has undermined the popular movement calling for the Federation to be governed by corporations.
    Conrad Sterling, political journalist for Vox Galactica, reported on developments:
    "Core Dynamics's recent victory in the Ts'ao Tach system dealt a severe blow to the corporatists. Many companies withdrew their support even before the last shot was fired, and plans for Jupiter Division to become the movement's central organisation have been abandoned."
    "Sighs of relief were undoubtedly breathed through the corridors of power on Mars when this threat to the Federation's democratic principles was defeated. And yet, despite Congress downplaying it and many Federal newsfeeds neglecting to cover the story, calls for a corporatocracy have not been completely silenced."
    "Citizens who seek an alternative to voting for either Hudson or Winters are still attracted to the idea.

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    The Alliance Defence Force has been unable to reach a consensus over the proposal to combine the superpowers' forces against the Thargoids.
    Admirals Liam Flanagan , George Varma and Rachel Ziegler all openly support the concept of a unified fleet formed of Allied, Federal and Imperial vessels. However, Admirals Nikolas Glass, Maristela Silva and Tahir West have rejected this in favour of focusing on the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.
    Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin, the highest ranking officer in the Alliance Defence Force, has yet to reveal her own view. When pressed by a journalist from the Old Worlds Gazette, she commented: "A decision of such magnitude is more political than military, and therefore the province of the Assembly."
    There was a more forthright statement from Admiral Ziegler, who previously commanded an Allied anti-xeno taskforce:
    "This refusal to accept that we