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    Authorities in the Betel system have confirmed that the conflict between the Silver Creative Network and Betel Free has come to an end.

    Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but ultimately there could be only one victor.

    General Hollis of Betel security had this to say:

    "Now this feud has been resolved, we will hopefully see a period of prolonged peace in the system."

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Amphipolis in the Betel system.

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    Recent reports from the Geras system indicate that after a spate of reciprocal attacks, hostilities between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc have escalated into all-out war.

    According to Donal Varden, an independent journalist:

    "For several months we've seen these factions sniping at one another from the shadows, but now the stakes have been raised. It won't be long before the space lanes of Geras are littered with the burned-out shells of dead ships."

    The warring organisations have issued calls to independent combat pilots for support. Commanders who participate in the conflict will be generously rewarded by their chosen faction.

    Both factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 1st of November 3304.

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    Authorities in the Geras system have confirmed that the conflict between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc has come to an end.

    Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but in the end there could be only one victor.

    Independent journalist Donal Varden offered an analysis:

    "After a week of furious fighting, the Geras system is now eerily quiet. Ultimately only one side could be victorious, but this uneasy peace has come at a great and dreadful cost."

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Yurchikhin Port in the Geras system.

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    The Lave Radio Network, an independent organisation based in the Lave system, has announced plans to broadcast its annual conference, which this year will take place in the Diso system from the 24th to the 25th of June.

    To ensure they can share the event with the entire galaxy, the Lave Radio Network has placed an open order for various commodities, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Lave Station in the Lave system.

    But not everyone is enthusiastic about the event. The Lave Jet Family has responded with a rival campaign expressly designed to undermine the Lave Radio initiative, and has invited pilots to deliver commodities to help construct a signal jammer.

    The two organisations have set out week-long operations to achieve their aims, which will begin on the 7th of June 3304.

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    Dalton Chase, the Federal governor of Andavandul 1, is campaigning to become a member of Congress with support from the Thargoid Advocacy Project.
    A profile of Governor Chase was published in The Federal Times by political journalist Sofia Trevino:
    "Despite only being in his mid-thirties with a short political career, Dalton Chase has made a habit of beating the odds. He achieved a very strong following within his home system of Andavandul, eclipsing more experienced rivals to become a planetary governor."
    "This is largely due to his willingness to reach beyond the mainstream. Many politicians claim the kind of exuberance and natural charisma that Chase possesses, but few would risk talking about the Thargoids using pointed phrases such as 'communication not extermination'. Younger voters are drawn to his boldness, as are the ICE-casters who routinely invite him onto their platforms."

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    Today I'm going to pop around on a thread that starts with author Diane Duane. She's a very well known sci-fi author who's written lots of Star Trek novels, various video game books as well as her own series. Of particular interest to WC fans: she also wrote the screenplay to the cinematic story of Privateer 2! And just yesterday, she had this to say on the topic:

    I was a busy girl on this one. It remains the single longest screenplay (at 300+ pages) I've ever done. And had the BEST cast. Brian Blessed, Clive Owen, David Warner, so many more... :)

    startrek_picard1t.jpgNow to jump franchises, we're also still gushing about the fantastic final season of Star Trek Picard. The show's production designer, Dave Blass, also recently shared that one of the many ships featured in the show is the USS Inaieu, which is 'a nod to the Defender class ship from Diane Duane's [1984 Star Trek novel] "My Enemy, My Ally"'. Dave also posted

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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Communication with all ships in the HIP 22460 system has unexpectedly terminated, following the Proteus Wave's activation.
    As intended, the energy pulse from Salvation's Guardian-based superweapon disabled all Thargoids in the system. This was followed by a second pulse of similar intensity from an undetermined source, which rendered the Bright Sentinel megaship powerless. The Thargoid vessels displayed signs of returning to life, after which all comms channels fell silent.
    The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have verified that they are no longer receiving signals from their capital ships. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to contact the Bright Sentinel or Heart of Taurus. There has been no word from Salvation or any Azimuth personnel within the system.
    Some newsfeeds have begun publishing eyewitness reports from independent pilots, claiming that

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    LOAF recently acquired an interesting and well made copy of Wing Commander on VHS. It's not uncommon to see bootlegs with surprisingly sophisticated production values at conventions or some counterfeit markets. The first release of the movie on VHS was priced to rent at a whopping $103.99, so it's no shock that pirated copies popped up here and there. A more budget-conscious $9.99 home version became available in 2001.

    Here is a glorious 1999-vintage VHS bootleg of the Wing Commander movie. All the artwork is taken from the long dead official site!


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    I've been waiting for this day: AD has discovered the first ever bootleg Wing Commander LEGO set on AliExpress!

    aliexpress_lego1t.jpgaliexpress_lego2t.jpgaliexpress_lego3t.jpgaliexpress_lego4t.jpgHere's the original source - a fantastic design by Paul Magurean.

    The F-107 Lance was developed in the immediate aftermath of the Terran-Kilrathi War by the Black Lance, an elite special forces organization created by Admiral Geoffrey Tolwyn. It was designed as an all-purpose heavy fighter to be used exclusively by the Black Lance for its intended use in defending humanity in future conflicts. It was funded by the Black Lance's many elusive backers and like all Black Lance projects, was designed and tested in the utmost secrecy. Ultimately though, the Dragon was an illegally-produced spacecraft that had been fielded without the approval of the legitimate Confederation authorities.

    The Dragon was a heavily-armed fighter with some of the most advanced equipment to emerge in the 2670s. It was

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