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    wc4_remake24t.jpgWe posted an exciting trailer this past weekend that gave everyone a solid update on all of the progress being made for the WC4 Fan Remake. The team has also published a new article on classic assets and how they differ from the fancy new models. The original models and textures are used as an index to ensure the new content is spot on. There will even be an easy switch in the game that allows players to swap between the old and new graphics. Read up on what they're doing at WCRespace here.

    One of our primary aims with this remaster is to create a version of the gameplay which matches the FMV as closely as possible. This means creating new models based on the FMV. That said it is fairly standard practice for these kinds of projects to offer a classic mode where you can play the game unaltered.

    Likewise when the remaster is eventually released you will be able to switch between Defiance Industries'

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    From May 23rd at 8am PT to May 28th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition:

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    Here’s why weird eBay listings are so much fun. I took a chance on this “NEC PowerPlayer CD Collection” which claimed to include Mechwarrior 2, Command and Conquer, Descent 2... and Wing Commander IV! I had never heard of this bundle and thought it might be a case of a PC owner storing his game discs in a random booklet. But worth a look for a few bucks. Then I saw the WCIV discs: “not for resale” with a unique EA number! It’s an OEM WC4. By searching for the included games, I discovered that it's a software bundle included with two models of computer in late 1996: the NEC PowerPlayer 2010 and the PowerPlayer 2020!


    are some very old stats for the 2020.

    nec_powerplayer_oem1t.jpgnec_powerplayer_oem2t.jpgAs I write about this, the postman delivered two more neat pickups! Here’s a German Wing Commander IV promotional mousepad with a second design I’d never seen before. And here’s the original painting for the Kilrathi “Ram” maneuver card

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    Star Trek Online is running a special weekend event where you can earn bonus Dilithium Ore by playing content throughout the game! It’s time to hit the drills, Captains! The Dilithium Ore event runs from 8AM PT Thursday, April 12th to 10AM PT Monday, April 16th. During the event, bonus Dilithium Ore will be provided for the following content: Vlugta Asteroid Field: 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions 100% Bonus to all Rich Dilithium Claims Fleet Dilithium Mine: 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions Everywhere else in the game 50% Bonus Dilithium Ore Dilithium rewards from completing Event Reputation Projects no longer receive a bonus. This excludes Event Reputation Projects Please note: The Dilithium Weekend does not effect rewards from the Endeavor system. We hope you enjoy this special event and we’ll see you in-game!

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    Event Campaign: Event Campaigns are a new system where players can participate in a series of upcoming events in order earn a Zen Store coupon for a Tier-6 Starship of their choice! To kick things off, the Kobayashi Maru Featured Task Force Operation will be the first of a series of events to contribute towards Event Campaigns. Players may earn 50 Event Campaign Progress for each day they participate in an eligible event. Additional Event Campaign Progress can be earned by participating in Bonus Days, after the Grand Prize of an eligible event is claimed. Updates include: There is an entire tab in the Events UI now dedicated to explaining and celebrating this ongoing activity, as it spans multiple Events that will come and go. The amount of Event Campaign Progress required to claim the prize has been reduced to 2100, compared to the previous requirement of 3000. Buying out an eligible

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has clashed with President Kincaid in the Alliance Assembly. Following repeated demands to increase military funding, Kincaid was reminded by Mahon that executive presidential power had been turned down following a vote. The funding proposals were rejected.

    A Diamondback Explorer has been stolen from Fort Dixon in the Vega system despite a number of active security measures. Details indicate the thief was able to override the starport's security network and gain access to the ship from within the landing pad hangar.

    And those are the main stories this week.

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    has made more progress with his Wing Commander


    game. He's pretty close to being able to playtest the game with fellow fans thanks to finalization of some stat tables. There's also an attractive new 3x6" card layout for characters and ships. Last, but not least, he's also testing out different logo designs. The one below is my favorite!



    So I've had a bit of a semi-quasi-productive day today. I'm getting closer to a point where I feel like I'll be ready to start doing pre-alpha play testing and as a part of that I'm working on fleshing out stats. This is a point where using something like Excel has been a huge time saver as I can simply enter the bits of data and allow Excel to do whatever calculations I've set up. In this case I set up a spreadsheet to take the burn value, turn value, shields, hull points, how many flares and/or decoys the fighter has, how many missiles in
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    Starting this Thursday, August 23rd, new Destroyer-class vessels are being made available on the C-Store for Federation and Klingon characters, and their respected allied members among the Romulan and Dominion factions. These new vessels will be available in both Non-Fleet and Fleet variants. Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From now until Monday, August 27th you can get these ships for 20% off. Thereafter, they will return to their normal pricing at 3000 ZEN when purchased individually, or 4000 ZEN for the 2-ship Bundle. Fleet versions of each of these Destroyers will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 4 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply if you have purchased the ships from the C-Store. Lafayette-class Recon Destroyer (T6) In these trying times, constant conflict and ever-present hostility have made exploration and reconnaissance at the edges of the

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    Yesterday we were talking about collecting rare international versions of Wing Commander, and here's another prime example. AD found this awesome set of Wing Commanders 1 through 4 from South Korea. WC1&2 got an especially nice combo treatment with localized fighter blueprints and everything. We know it got a big promotional push at the time too from various artifacts that have cropped up over the years. The first package was done by SKC Soft Land, but I can't quite make out the details on WC3 or WC4. The originating post on this dates back to 2004, so the original poster is probably hard to find today, but if you've got experience with these, please share in the comments! It does appear that WC4 was censored in South Korea to remove the throat cutting, Telamon body and Tolwyn hanging to conform to local ratings pressure. This is a very cool find!


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    Paul Stamets stepped through the automatic doors and into the dimly lit Corridor Seven, a bar with a reputation of being raucous, free-wheeling, and loud enough to allow for a nice, private conversation in a public place. He dodged to one side as a young Starfleet ensign, complete with casually undone collar, stumbled toward the exit. Of all the Academy-adjacent bars in San Francisco, his new friend had chosen to meet in this one. Paul nervously adjusted the mobile emitter on his shoulder and searched the room for the man he’d come to see. He found the atmosphere, the clothing, the people in this place distracting. In his time, things were… different. His world was more low key and practical. Uniforms came in shades of bronze, silver, and gold. Klingons wouldn’t be caught dead celebrating with Tellarites in a shady bar on Earth. It was a lot to process, and he was still working through the

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