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  • 05


    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Azimuth Biotech urgently requires deliveries of Guardian artefacts to HIP 22460 as vital components of the Proteus Wave.
    Salvation issued an official request to the Allied, Federal and Imperial taskforces, which was then shared via public channels:
    "We have now begun assembly of the Proteus Wave. Our existing stockpile of Guardian material was sufficient to begin construction, but we must now establish a supply line capable of delivering the quantity needed to finish the weapon."
    Azimuth Biotech has established an initiative to encourage independent pilots to supply the Bright Sentinel megaship with Guardian commodities. Azimuth are also offering additional ship liveries to contributors.
    Pilots can deliver any combination of Guardian caskets, orbs, relics, tablets, totems and urns to the Bright Sentinel megaship in the HIP 22460 system.

  • 05


    You might think GOG's Summer Sale is still in full swing, but it actually came to a close on June 27. Don't despair, however, as a new Weekend Sale is discounting Wing Commander, Ultima and more! The GOG Twitter account also put out a little trivia message that included references to Ultima 8 and Wing Commander Academy. There's only about 24 hours yet to go as of this writing, so act fast! And if you miss it, don't worry, I'm sure there will be another Wing Commander sale in our near future.


    Can you name the titles from our Good Old Games Weekend? No cheating! 😏

    You can find more classics up to -90% here 👉 | #GOGSale

    — GOG.COM (@GOGcom) July 3, 2022
  • 04


    Azimuth Biotech's operation in the HIP 22460 system has been publicly denounced by the Thargoid-worshipping fringe religion.
    A video message from a hooded young woman aboard the Testament, the cult's missionary vessel, was transmitted directly to the newsfeed Vox Galactica:
    "This plan to entrap and destroy the heralds of the Far God must cease immediately. As the newly appointed First Apostle of the True Chapters, I beseech those in authority not to support Salvation's evil crusade. To slaughter these holy beings is a monstrous act of deicide."
    Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading authority on the enigmatic sect, commented:
    "It is extremely unusual for Far God believers to make any kind of announcement or acknowledge current events. They accept their own deaths with equanimity, believing as they do that all life will be extinguished when the Far God emerges from hyperspace. But they are clearly

  • 04


    Embarrassing discovery: “grimalkin” is a real word which means cat, often a witch’s familiar. This means I have been missing a joke in Special Operations 2 for THIRTY YEARS. Paladin renames a captured freighter the Grimalkin for the titular special operation. I always assumed it was just a second Kilrathi name because the cats knew the Gamal Gan had been captured!

    grimalkin1t.jpgAdditionally: I learned this not by noticing it in Shakespeare or Hawthorne but because ballroom_blitz got me PYEWACKET, an old children’s book about a gang of cats. We’ve been reading a bit before bed each night!


  • 03


    At the CIC we're all huge fans of the new Star Trek shows, and Mark Glass must be an even BIGGER fan because he's combined his two loves - new Star Trek and Wing Commander - into one project. The Strange New Worlds introduction is already near perfection, but Mark wondered how he could make it better. The answer is clear: add Wing Commander. His version features the WC Overture theme. Check it out below!

    And here's the originals for comparison!

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  • 01


    TV Spot Movie Fan has just posted a fun collection of television ads from the March 1999 marketing campaign for the Wing Commander Movie. We've essentially got these same clips in our video archive, but in some cases ours lack the temporal bits. For example, at the 13 second mark of the 4th video and 19 second mark of the 4 5th video, there is an "in XX days" countdown reference. Other clips refer to the upcoming "March 12" release date or the movie being "out now." I had the extreme privilege of catching these countdown commercials as they were broadcast live in real time back in the day, so they really trigger some fond memories here. It's nice to see them again!

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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    A coalition of independent Commanders has been formed to destabilise Salvation's anti-xeno organisation.
    The Alliance, Empire and Federation are providing military backing to Azimuth Biotech – formerly Taurus Mining Ventures – to end the Thargoid threat. Many members of the Pilots' Federation have also declared their support, but some have organised a resistance movement.
    To undermine Azimuth Biotech's presence in several systems, a series of civil actions and combat strikes are being coordinated under the banner 'Operation Wych Hunt'. This refers to evidence that suggests Salvation's real name is Dr Caleb Wycherley, also referred to as 'the Witch' in several sources.
    The Commanders are directly protesting against Salvation, claiming he is responsible for numerous illegal activities that resulted in multiple deaths. These include developing the mycoid bioweapon for

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    ZOmegaZ has a new Kickstarter campaign for a new run of challenge coins inspired by various video games and TV shows. Although the emphasis this time around is on his new items, there are a small number of remaining Wing Commander coins from his previous effort available. They are sure to go fast, but if you act now, there's a chance you can snag one for $13 plus shipping. Find out more here!


    Wing Commander: Vega Campaign 2" (limited quantities)
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  • 29


    I love these European CD-ROM Classics that came in thick jewel cases. How cool would it be to have a collection of them in all the different languages? Here's a recent photo posted by Stephan:


    I really appreciated the CD-ROM Classics and bought them regularly. If I remember correctly, they had their own EA displays at the POS. Great selection of excellent titles. I have kept a few to this day.

    I believe there were three Wing Commanders:


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    Last year we mentioned Plywood Fiend's alternative take on a Wing Commander playthrough. Rather than just add typical commentary to the stream, he spices up the episodes with his own animations, supplemental dialogue and unique captions. After winning the Vega Campaign, he's moved on and is now well into the Secret Missions. You can find a few samples below or check out his full Wing Commander playlist on YouTube here.


    Woe, calamity and me, for I have returned with more stuff. Specifically I've gone back to do a play through of Secret Missions 1 in my own peculiar fashion; the playlist can be found here (scroll down for the new material, I'm currently up to the Gwenhyvar mission.) Below are a few samples of the added extras I've twisted in, most notably is a pixel art animation I made showing a fateful distress call from the TCS Johann which, suffice it to say, was not the luckiest of vessels, as
  • 26


    Today has been exhausting, and we know many of you are exhausted too. We'll be back with some more upbeat Wing Commander stories tomorrow, but for now, here's the topically relevant angle on current events: the owner of the WC franchise, Electronic Arts, has announced tepid support for abortion rights in the US. Although they didn't come out and use the word "abortion" in their public-facing statement, they have internally communicated to employees that they "will soon offer expanded travel health benefits" to employees seeking basic healthcare that they will only be able to access out of state. They join a number of other game developers and tech companies who have announced similar measures today. With the competitiveness of the industry at a fever pitch these days, these types of benefits will be critical incentives in the future.

    Anyhow, take care of yourselves out there. Hit us up on Discord