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    The King of Grabs has turned his attention to the Wing Commander series. The concept here is to take a whole pile of screenshots for all sorts of classic games. We love giant walls of WC screenshots, so this is right up our alley. They do run into a bit of a classic pitfall: there are dozens and dozens of pictures of WC1... which are all flying the Hornet in the Enyo System. Likewise, the WC2 images are all flying the Ferret in Gwenydd. It's a missed opportunity to see a greater variety of ships and some of the cooler late-game set pieces, but it's still a pleasing sight. Stay tuned for Hellcat dogfighting in Orsini!


    Wing Commander was developed by Chris Roberts and his team at Origin Systems and first released for PC MS-DOS in 1990. It’s a classic cockpit-based space combat game with cinematic cut scenes, and it developed into a long-running series. The Wing Commander series.

    Wing Commander is

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    Another little discovery tonight is there were two versions of this ad. The update corrects a nasty typo ("fill" instead of "kill") and rewords some awkward copy.

    priv_ad_copy1t.jpgpriv_ad_copy2t.jpgThey also reworked it for the CD-ROM release about six months later.

    priv_ad_copy3t.jpgThese ran from November 93 to February 94, then June 94 for the CD-ROM. Privateer also had an earlier teaser ad that ran January 93. Note the bullshots, dropped logo and wrong future date!


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    As construction proceeds on Salvation's Proteus Wave, there is widespread dispute on the issue of eliminating the Thargoids.
    An article by Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign newsfeed, has divided public opinion:
    "Salvation's latest superweapon is designed to attract and then destroy members of the species we've named 'Thargoids'. If successful, it would wipe them from the core systems entirely. But there are a number of questions that nobody seems to be asking, including this: do we have the right to take such action?"
    "What's that, you say? The Thargoids are the aggressors, out to destroy humanity? Or are they just defending historical territory from our expanding presence? Remember, they were navigating space a million years before we were. If a new species suddenly emerged on our worlds and began strip-mining our lands, how would we react?"
    "Now, I'm not suggesting we should

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    Privateer has different comm responses depending on your reputation with a particular faction (friendly, neutral or hostile). The one exception is the Retros for whom there's no way to increase your reputation; it's always negative. Except...

    retro_quirk1t.jpg... if you destroy 6528 Retro ships, an incredibly unlikely number, you'll max out the value and flip around to friendly status. But there are no recorded comms... just warnings and weed jokes that the game's designers thought would never be seen! Folks asking why this happens: each Retro ship you destroy subtracts 5 from the reputation, which starts at -128. Killing 6528 of them subtracts 32640 which hits the 16-bit negative maximum. One more and an integer overflow jumps you to +32763 (decidedly friendly)!

    retro_quirk2t.jpgretro_quirk3t.jpgretro_quirk4t.jpgWhich is to say, maybe those Retros aren't so bad after all.

    retro_quirk5t.jpgThis may also explain their amazing temple in Righteous Fire.


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    I'm very excited to announce the date for the CIC's 24th Birthday Party! We're one month out: this year's gathering will be on Saturday, August 13. You can mark your calendars now for 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT) on that night. We've got some fun ideas that we are pulling together now, and we've also been talking with some of you who are also building some awesome fan items that will be ready by then. The action takes place in Discord #Wingnut. Feel free to stop by any time beforehand to get acquainted with how everything works - and see you there!

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    Milquetoast Gaming has been steadily progressing through the WC series in a livestreaming adventure dubbed 'Wing Commander-thon'. There's lots of people out there broadcasting playthroughs of WC1, WC3 or even Privateer, but Milquetoast has been hitting them all. This includes games like Academy and Armada. These titles are often overlooked - people today may consider them too simplistic to take up - but they were both quite revolutionary in their own way at the time they were released. They're chronically underappreciated, so we love to see people having fun with them! It's wonderful to see people poke through all the unusual menus and options that each game provides. Academy and Armada are super unique in the franchise, and they hold a special place in our hearts!

    The next stop on our trek down Wing Commandathon we jump into one of the game that lets you manage your own ship, mining planets and
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    Here's the nav map from the original Wing Commander. That "Sector: Vega XR-231.3" is my favorite kind of texture... you know what the Vega Sector is and you assume the designation makes sense to the character; the world is implied to have history and rules beyond what you see.

    wc1_map_detail1t.jpgUnfortunately, the mission disks let us down by not changing it (they're set in the Deneb and Antares sectors, respectively). The name is stored in WC.EXE so it couldn't easily be changed for Thor's Hammer... while Secret Missions 2 is probably a case of just forgetting about it.

    wc1_map_detail2t.jpgwc1_map_detail3t.jpgHOWEVER! We have to again praise the Mindscape team that did the SNES ports... they thought to swap it to XR-41.8 for The Secret Missions. Which is not only right, it continues the implication that there's some sector classification system we don't understand.

    wc1_map_detail4t.jpgwc1_map_detail5t.jpgThe folks adapting Super Wing Commander, on the other hand, solved the problem the opposite way:

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    Oberon Church, founder of the crime syndicate Red Family, has managed to avoid capture by the Federal Intelligence Agency.
    The Federal Times's crime correspondent Ethan Takahashi reported on the latest developments:
    "In many ways, the FIA's operation against Red Family can be considered a success. Coordinated raids and arrests have seized most of the organisation's assets, including colossal amounts of illegal narcotics and weapons."
    "But Oberon Church has lived up to his self-styled image as 'the man of smoke', forever drifting through the fingers of those who try to grasp him. And until this notorious drug lord is finally apprehended, the agency cannot relent in its work."
    "Proactive Detection Bureau analysts are working to decrypt communications found on captured data drives. They believe these include coordinates where the surviving syndicate members are gathering to protect their leader."

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    Here's a short clip of a deleted line (and alt takes and temp cues) from the Wing Commander movie. Hugh Quarshie's Mr. Obutu utters an apparent African expression that I'd love to learn more of its origins and meaning. I feel it gives the scene an interesting flavor.

    One thing that was always great in the WC games (and to an extent the movie too) was the international representation on the crew, and cutting the line feels like a missed opportunity.