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    Today we have a new poll that asks which game engines you're most excited about on the modding scene. Fan Projects have been reaching back further than ever lately and doing some



    things with classic Wing Commander game engines. There's a lot of ways you can group these, so we went with the general way that projects have been getting managed lately. Yes, technically Privateer is a spinoff of the original WC1/2 engine, and technically Armada is a prototype of the RealSpace engine popularized by Wing Commanders 3 and 4, but we usually see projects sorted out by the options as we have them depicted here. And while I would absolutely love to see SWC or Arena on this list, due to platform limitations, there's very little action going on with these at this time. Hopefully talented Wingnuts can change this in the future though!

    wc_toolbox5t.gifwc1_rehsinmod15t.jpghcl_academy_import5t.jpghcl_academy_import11t.jpgwc_toolbox8t.jpgarmadamultiplayer01t.giflars_p2render_1t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade238t.jpgOur annual birthday poll showed similar, yet still impressive,

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    is back with a new video on the top five carriers of all science fiction. Wing Commander manages to snag TWO of the slots with the Bengal class strike carrier at #3 and Vesuvius heavy carrier at #1. As we've previously mentioned, Daniel from Spacedock covers a wide array of sci-fi content on his channel and happens to be very well versed in the WC franchise. For this reason, we get a real thorough discussion on the merits of these two models compared with other WC favorites like the Yorktown or Midway as well as other series' efforts. His videos have really surged in popularity over the past year or two, and this clip is currently over 84,000 views on its way to 100K+ likely soon. That's a lot of folks out there learning about the finer points of WC lore!

    Spacedock breaks down five sci-fi carrier designs.

    There's also a handful of


    items you can get based on the subjects that

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    The Battle at the Binary Stars is one of the most important historic battles between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Every cadet studies it at Starfleet Academy, though it has been purely in a historical context until now. The threat of temporally-displaced rogue Klingon starships, led by the legendary J’Ula, has brought a need for understanding 23rd century battle tactics to the attention of Alliance admiralties. The Battle at the Binary Stars is the first Featured Task Force Operation in Star Trek Online. Five Alliance captains will be able to take on the roles of Federation ships at the battle, in a new holodeck simulation crafted specifically for the Alliance’s mutual understanding and betterment. During this simulation, your ship will take on the appearance of a Federation ship from the Discovery era, although you will retain your powers, bridge officers, and trays – it is only a

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    Authorities in the Geras system have confirmed that the conflict between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc has come to an end.

    Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but in the end there could be only one victor.

    Independent journalist Donal Varden offered an analysis:

    "After a week of furious fighting, the Geras system is now eerily quiet. Ultimately only one side could be victorious, but this uneasy peace has come at a great and dreadful cost."

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Yurchikhin Port in the Geras system.

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    Following a skirmish with a group of mercenaries, security forces in the Meene system have launched an operation to capture enemy agents in order to investigate the attack.

    Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force gave the following statement:

    "The mercenaries were targeting Ram Tah's Phoenix Base, but it's clear they were just hired hands. We need to recover as many surviving mercenaries as we can and interrogate them, so we can find the real culprits."

    The Independent HIP 29241 Green Party, which is overseeing the initiative, has asked pilots to recover both occupied and damaged escape pods, and to deliver them to Felice Dock in the Meene system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing to the recovery can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 8th of November 3304 and will run for one week. If the final

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