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    Dennis Mull is restoring items after a recent move, and he's hung some fantastic Wing Commander collectibles! One poster I particularly love is his framed Academy key art. He's also got a cool Privateer ad print as well as a Mike Winterbauer WC1 SNES canvas reproduction.


    I’m just putting up my pictures after moving and one of them is an original Academy promotional poster.

    Dennis has a wonderful collection - here are a few more shelves full of goodness!


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    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has made a public announcement for the first time since the Battle of HIP 22460.
    In an address before the Senate, which was broadcast on all Imperial networks, she stated:
    "Our endeavour in the HIP 22460 system was a noble one, born from our duty to defend Imperial citizens against the Thargoid threat. We honour the crews of the INV Audacious Dream, INV Illustrious Fortune and INV Paramount, as well as other auxiliaries and volunteers who fought against overwhelming odds. Their names will be remembered."
    "The disastrous outcome from the so-called coalition provides direction for our future. It is clear to me that the Empire must learn to trust its own military strength once again. Joint operations with the Alliance and Federation, and our reliance upon Salvation's superweapon, were strategic errors that we cannot afford to repeat."
    "Henceforth, all inter-superpower

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    Hunter_13 found a cool starship size comparison video that includes a neat Wing Commander mention. There's a bunch of these types of videos and depictions across the internet, and we appreciate all of the Wingnuts out there who report these types of things because we can't catch them all ourselves! The clip begins with some familiar small ships like Tie Fighters and X-Wings and then progresses through a nice variety of sci-fi fighters before getting up to medium size vessels like what you might encounter in Star Trek. Eventually they reach large megastructures like the Death Star and Halo ring. Wing Commander 2's F-57 Sabre appears at about the 2:20 mark!

    Here is 3D animation of the spaceship size comparison inside the Matrix city using Unreal Engine 5.
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    With nearly a thousand players now on the flight roster, the buzz continues for the WC4 Remastered playable demo. First up, ODVS has made another video that further compares the original music to FilmCompos3r's updated tracks. Give it a listen below:

    Here I present a comparison of the original "Mission 1" music from Wing Commander IV with the reorchestrated version created for us by our resident composer Greg "FilmCompos3r" Nicolett.

    There have also been additional playthroughs by prominent streamers, including Docteur J!

    You can see what all this fuss is about yourself and try the WC4 Fan Remake demo here (900 meg exe).

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    Azimuth Biotech has outlined plans for the corporation's future following the confirmation of Salvation's death.
    Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, submitted a statement to public newsfeeds:
    "The loss of Salvation, formerly known as Caleb Wycherley, is a sad day for our organisation. We will remember his sacrifice on humanity's behalf, but recognise this as a chance to forge a fresh path towards the future."
    "Azimuth Biotech is now under new management, with myself as its acting CEO. We have lost a great deal of expertise and personnel, but our decades of xenological research will serve a vital purpose in the war against the Thargoids."
    "Unfortunately, due to a misguided campaign by radicalised saboteurs, many of our official facilities have been illegally snatched from our control. Yet plans are already underway to rebuild our corporate infrastructure. Of our surviving

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    NakaKen is back with a more thorough look at the incredible TCS Tiger's Claw he built in Space Engineers. This time he goes through each of the key locations - flight deck, bar, barracks and briefing room - and shows how the original compares to the new version. It's really impressive. The video narration is all in Japanese, but YouTube will attempt to auto translate captions into your language of choice with a few clicks. You can grab this for yourself in the Steam Workshop here.


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    Mac is back with a belated but very much appreciated birthday gift! In honor of our 24th anniversary, he's put together another super slick wallpaper. This one is inspired by End Run and the adventures of the corvette TCS Johnny Greene. It's being harassed by a wing of Dralthi with a Rigakh in hot pursuit. Another fabulous scene - and ready to fill your 4K displays!


    Happy Belated Birthday to the Wing Commander CIC! Without them, my job as a YouTube Lore Guy would be much harder.

    I would have liked to say something the day of, but at the time I was somewhere over the Pacific. So here's part of a thing I've begun working on.

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    GOG has lots of discounts tied to certain holidays, such as the Lunar New Year or summer, but this week GOG is kicking off a new event just dubbed The GOG Sale. To celebrate it being the end of August, 3500 games are marked down up to 90% off. Wing Commander is a part of this too, and fans benefit with 75% off. That means all DOS and Windows games are less than $12! Complete your collection via the links below!


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    Out of Print Archive has posted another vintage Wing Commander scan, and this one's a beauty! It dates back to the May 1993 issue of CVG in the UK where they highlight the Super Nintendo release of WC1. The graphics design here is wonderful. It features solid blue tones, "high tech" beveled thumbnails and plenty of caution striping. As was common at the time, we get a cockpit overview, missile rundown and fighter identification chart. I would have loved this as a 13-year old. A really cool review!


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    Although the WC4 Fan Remake team just released the Remastered Demo, they're not slowing down at all. ODVS has published a new article at about their resident musician, Greg “FilmCompos3r” Nicolett. You can read all about how he got started with Wing Commander, what his inspirations are for the remastered tracks and some thoughts on the future here. There's also a new video showing off the new battle music below!

    Our resident Composer-In-Chief, Greg "FilmCompos3r" Nicolett, isn't just bringing the original score of Wing Commander IV up to modern snuff for our project. He's also extending it and improving on it where the technical limitations of 1996's audio technology fell short of George Oldziey's original vision for the game's soundtrack.

    Here's a prime example: the game's original battle music was only 45 seconds long - which could get grating and repetitive during extended dogfights.