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    Today we have a very sleek Heretic model built by AdamKop. As you can see from the comparison shots beneath, the design stays close to the in-game model. It's a little bit less weathered than most versions we encounter, which comes across as nice and clean. The motion blur and engine effects are also a nice bonus!

    privateer_heretic_adamkopt.jpgFrom left to right: the in-game model, the front box cover and a 1995 promo shot.


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    Super Wing Commander has cutscenes showing the Tiger's Claw jumping between (most) systems. There are a couple special versions: this is the unique 'fleet' one that starts SWC's version of The Secret Missions. But do you notice anything funny about it?

    The ships that enter the jump point (first picture) are the Claw plus an Exeter destroyer, a Dilligent transport and four Venture corvettes. But out the other end comes... the carrier, Diligent, Exeter, six Hornets and four Raptors. What happened in there?!?!

    sm_timeline7t.jpgsm_timeline8t.jpgsm_timeline9t.jpgsm_timeline10t.jpgHere's a clip with all the 'regular' jumps the game actually plays together. Enyo doesn't have one since it's the start, Dakota, Border Zone and Tartarus are skipped in favor of special midgames and Hubble's Star just doesn't play a jump for some reason.

  • 07


    Starports in the Coalsack and Witch Head Nebulas have been damaged during full-scale Thargoid incursions.
    An appeal by Aegis for anti-xeno support led to a concerted response from the galactic community. However, the Thargoid forces proved to be overwhelming and have attacked systems within the nebulas, with the loss of thousands of lives.
    Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison of Aegis, broadcast this message:
    "Despite the heroic efforts of many pilots, the alien ships have resisted being driven from the Witch Head Nebula."
    "Aegis's military capability and manpower are both severely limited as a result of curtailed funding from the Empire and the Federation. We have no choice but to rely on independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons as the first line of defence against the Thargoid threat."

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    It has now been more than two months since the Thargoids began a concentrated assault on the core systems, and in that time they have attacked dozens of starports, resulting in thousands of casualties.

    As authorities in the affected systems continue to appeal for aid, Admiral Aden Tanner, Aegis's chief military liaison, has offered the following assessment:

    "What's surprising is that the Thargoids aren't targeting our most important social or military centres, such as the superpowers' home systems. There's no doubt that they're trying to weaken us, but evidently they're guided by different principles than those that typically govern human martial strategy."

    "What we can say is this: with capital ships of limited use against Thargoid craft, independent combat pilots remain our best defence against the Thargoids."

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    The Thargoids have returned to the Pleiades Nebula in large numbers, with several conflicts reported within hours.

    Professor Alba Tesreau gave an update on behalf of Aegis Research:

    "The Thargoid forces that recently withdrew from the core systems have resurfaced in the Pleiades Nebula following a brief disappearance. An initial analysis of their movements suggests a subtle change to their tactics. I believe they are seeking to reassert themselves in their original nexus."

    "A considerable number of Thargoid craft have gathered in the Maia system. With the Palin Research Centre facing an imminent attack, the decision was made to evacuate Professor Palin and his staff, thereby protecting a number of vital research projects. All work at Palin Research Centre has been suspended."

    "Regrettably, however, a transmission from Palin's megaship, Carson's Spring, indicates that it was assaulted by

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    Aegis has confirmed that the Thargoid presence in the core systems has been significantly diminished, due largely to the efforts of the galactic community.

    Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis, made this statement:

    "This is a very positive development. Using data from our Eagle Eye network, courageous members of the galactic community have formed a barrier of steel and fire, preventing Thargoid vessels from encroaching further. In doing so they have prevented several starports from being attacked, saving many thousands of lives."

    "Furthermore, in many regions the Thargoid incursion has actually been reversed. Although they remain entrenched within the Pleiades, their forces in the core systems have been pushed back to the Bhal system, their initial beachhead."

    "Aegis offers its sincere thanks and congratulations to every one of the Commanders who risked their lives by meeting

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    The human enclave within the California Nebula has reported multiple attacks from Thargoid forces.
    Systems such as California Sector CQ-Y c5 and HIP 18077 have experienced direct assaults by large numbers of Thargoid vessels. Megaships in the area have also been attacked and left in disrepair, with surviving crews activating distress signals.
    Harrison Gladstone, a spokesperson for Turner Research Group which oversees Allied operations in the region, gave a statement to Vox Galactica:
    "We're accustomed to the Thargoid encounters in the California nebula, but this time their aggression caught everyone by surprise. Research teams have been recalled from the region's barnacle sites. It's just become too dangerous to send our people out there."
    Colonisation of the California Nebula took place in 3302 and focused primarily on harvesting meta-alloys from Thargoid barnacle sites. Although the enclave

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    The Thargoids have emerged in the Witch Head Nebula, just hours after human expansion efforts in the region began. Numerous attacks in the area indicate that Thargoid craft are aggressively defending the region's barnacle sites.

    Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research said in an update:

    "Representative factions of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have entered the Witch Head Nebula to begin colonisation efforts. A number of megaships and Ocellus starports arrived in the area on schedule, only to be met with hostile Thargoid vessels soon afterwards."

    This development, coupled with increased Thargoid activity in the Pleiades Nebula, suggests that the Thargoids are intent on driving humanity out of regions containing barnacle sites. Tesreau was quick to repeat that securing access to a source of meta-alloys is of great importance to humanity.

    "All three superpowers are urgently requesting help

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