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    It's time for us to swap out front page polls, and the new one is a logical choice. We're asking what your favorite Kilrathi design recreated for the Academy television show was. The were five (or six) fighter/bombers and two capships that made the jump, and they all look pretty sweet, so take a moment to consider which looks best to you. The Strakha is a bit of a questionable once since it's more of a "stealth Sartha" in this case. We did exclude the Carrier/Destroyer/Blockade Runner/Transport, since it's a unique design that simply borrows some design elements from familiar WC3 ships.

    academy_comparison30t.jpgacademy_comparison28t.jpgacademy_comparison32t.jpgacademy_comparison6t.jpgacademy_comparison4t.jpgacademy_comparison2t.jpgacademy_comparison8t.jpgwcatv-strakha.jpgThe old poll asked about the Confed ships that appeared in WCA. For some reason, the Hellcat was massively popular with double the votes of the second place winner. It's kind of funny because the ship only appears in the simulated combat from the pilot episode. Oh well, people like what they like!

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    ParadiseRegaind has posted an extremely cool and unique collectible. He worked with apesincaves to commission an awesome diorama cube of the key original Wing Commander art and Hornet cockpit. The artist also makes them for Tie Fighter, Doom and many other franchises. You can even pick one up for yourself for about $42!


    Picked up these really cool diorama shadow boxes on eBay recently. The maker/seller is great and made the Wing Commander one at my request. I’m trying to get him to make a Descent one now!


    He has a ton of these for various classic games and series. Well worth a shout out!
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    wc4_remake66t.jpgThe WC4 Remastered team is back with a big new update on the significant progress that the team has made over the last couple months. Although they haven't formally published any updates, they've been very busy at work on several fronts. Some key menu / interface tasks and video integration have been completed. The team has made some excellent asteroid fixes and fleshed out the first few introductory missions. There's even a beautiful new Clarkson class transport model. Head over to WCRespace for the full article on what's new!

    Over Christmas and the early part of this year progress has been excellent, not only have we added all the missing UI menus but two more missions are now fully playable. Unfortunately it’s now ODVS’ turn to be overwhelmed with work so we will hold off showing those menus until he can replace my programmer art with his usual high standard.


    For this article we will take a look
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    Intense investment into research on Titan travel has been announced by the aerospace subdivision of the famed robotics company.
    Their research has been centred on the method used by the Thargoid Titans to travel at speeds well beyond that of humanity's current technological capacity.
    A spokesperson for Achilles Aerospace had this to say:
    "For so long now, the means of space travel have been controlled by one company in a strict monopoly. Under that monopoly, progress seems to have stagnated entirely. But Achilles is a corporation built on the iteration and refinement of technology, and we intend to bring space travel into a new age."
    "We have been limited to observational data alone so far, but that is no longer the case. The remnant of Taranis is now accessible, and within it lies the missing component to our work. We urge pilots to venture to the wreckage of the destroyed Titan and try to

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    Yesterday we reported on Mash's spectacular patch to increase Wing Commander 3's resolution and integrate enhanced videos. As we also mentioned, this was something that Destro was working to incorporate into Wing Loader. With the success of Mash's program, Destro has officially stopped trying to integrate that into his mod. He's instead released a new version of Wing Loader that seamlessly supports both apps side-by-side. It's also packed with fixes and improvements for Wing Commanders 1&2! Grab version 0.92 here!

    Wing Commander III HD Video playback via Wing Loader has been cancelled. I was planning to release this a couple of weeks from now but I ultimately cancelled the project... Why? Someone did it for me!!! And in my testing, theirs works better. :p

    Mash has created an Enhancement Pack for Wing Commander III that includes adding in the HD Videos and this is what I'm going to recommend using

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    Second Officer’s Log, Supplemental My third night shift with the conn has been rather sedate thus far. Several members of the command staff are enjoying some off-duty entertainment in Holodeck Two; I believe it has something to do with a peculiar form of Terran mythology from the 20th century known as “super heroics.” The captain seemed amused by my tactical suggestions for the event, particularly regarding the inefficiency of capes in close combat situations. “All decks have reported in,” Ensign Chen said from the Operations station. “We’re ready to begin the system maintenance sweep at your command.” Second Officer Stoln nodded from the center chair while calling up a display to monitor the procedure. “Very well, Ensign. Begin the procedure, starting with deck 30.” The young Vulcan officer studied the holographic readout emitted from the command chair’s armrest and

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    We've been around for quite a few years, and new fans have been joining the community for the entire time. It's always interesting to see the spread from old timers that found us in the '90s compared to newbies that weren't even alive back then (we also appreciate people who are old timers but just now found the site!). Vote below to let everyone see when you joined in.

    The old poll asked which faction logo was your favorite. Perhaps not too surprisingly, the Confed Star won out, but in a major upset, the UBW beat back the Kilrathi for second place! The Black Lance also had a surprisingly low fourth place turnout.

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    Andrea Contato and team have launched the Kickstarter for the Through the Moongate sequel. Part 2 is titled "From Wing Commander and Ultima VII to Portalarium" and promises to capture the historic significance of Origin's Wing Commander development in the '90s and beyond. Some 40+ former Origin employees were interviewed for this work, so it looks to be a very well rounded effort.

    As an extra bonus, fans who opt to pledge for a hard cover copy of the book will also receive a special Wing Commander bookmark with new art by Denis Loubet, the senior Origin artist who led art direction on the first few WC games. That tier costs €50 plus an additional €24 shipping to many places, so it's not cheap, but who can resist an exclusive Wing Commander bookmark?! I'm sure the in-depth Origin story will be a fun read as well! Digital and soft cover editions start at €15 and €25 (but do not include the

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    Hailing all Captains! We are pleased to announce a sale on Lifetime Subscriptions from now October 24th at 8am PT to November 21st at 10am PT, bringing the price down by $100 to $199.99! Now is the perfect time to pick up a Lifetime Subscription to STO! And with the brand new Jem'Hadar rewards, we're announcing a 25% off sale on the following Jem'Hadar items from October 24th at 8am PT to October 28th at 10am PT: Gamma Vanguard Pack Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack Jem'hadar Vanguard Species T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Raider T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Dreadnought Cruiser T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier T6 Jem'Hadar Temporal Vanguard Warship Jem'Hadar Tactical Uniform Jem'Hadar EV Suit Enjoy all the rewards that come with being a Lifetime Subscriber. With exclusive species unlocks like playable Talaxian Species, instant access to all Lifetime Rewards, there are

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    General: "Battle at the Binary Stars" (Normal, Advanced, and Elite) have been added to the available TFO lists, rewarding either Fleet Marks or Discovery Marks upon completion. Normal and Advanced versions of this TFO are also now eligible for Random matching. "Mycelial Realm" (Normal) has been added to the available TFO lists, rewarding either Fleet Marks or Discovery Marks upon completion. This TFO is also now eligible for Random matching. Resolved an issue that could prevent some players from purchasing the Picard Bundle. Resolved an issue that was causing Dual weapons to not properly display their effects. Resolved an issue where various smoke and stun effects were not properly displaying on low settings. Resolved an issue that caused an improper stance when crouching or aiming while using the B.A.T.D. Extractor weapon. UI: Updated the Debuff icons that are

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    General: Added automatic acquiring of admiralty ships from Zen-Store purchased ships. Not all ships will automatically acquire admiralty ships including: Steamrunner-class Blockade Runner Escort Steamrunner-class Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit Odyssey-class Tactical Cruiser Odyssey-class Science Cruiser Odyssey-class Operations cruiser Vesta-class Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer Esquiline Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer Aventine-class Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer Bortasqu'-class War Cruiser Bortasqu'-class Tactical Cruiser Bortasqu'-class Command Cruiser Cardassian Galor Cruiser Jem'Hadar Heavy Strike Wing Escort (T5) Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier (T5) Scorpion-class Fighter Content: Resolved an issue that allowed low level players to play the Advanced and Elite versions of some Borg TFO’s. Resolved an issue

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    It's about to be the weekend, so I know what you need: a Wing Commander 2 folder icon! On top of the WC Movie icon we've previously reported on, ZenOasis has created an icon starring Prince Thrakhath. It's perfect for storing the shortcuts to your favorite classic WC games! The main graphic is below, and an even more retro interlaced version can be found on DeviantArt. You can now commence your weekend - it'll be even better now than it would have been before! You're welcome.


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    If you liked his Arena-era Midway last week, then you're going to love DefianceIndustries' Indomitable and Kiranka class battlecruisers. It's exciting to think about where we might see these pop up in future fan projects. I really like the broadside angles on the Confed version that show off the ship's ridiculous armament. The Kilrathi take isn't as far along, but it's a fun one too. This makes me want to fire Arena right up - along with fifteen friends - and have the fleets go at it (Achievement Unlocked)!


    That's the Battlecruiser. Or as I call it, the Nope Brick. These are my current state WIP shots of the brick.
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    Reaperman4711 has posted a video of him playing Wing Commander 3 on "period hardware." To me, that sounds positively ancient and even older than "vintage hardware." With that being said, there's a certain nostalgic joy to watching the game running on a nearly thirty year old beige box. On one hand, it's mind blowing how easy it is in 2021 to do a one-click GOG Galaxy install on your M1 Mac and launch the game with no effort. That frictionless experience is critical for bringing new blood into the Wing Commander community today. But there's a sense of accomplishment that goes along with getting your sound card IRQ settings set and firing up the game from a DOS prompt. And watching someone else who's done that work is the next best thing - enjoy!

    Here is Wing Commander 3 gameplay, from an old MSDOS computer. There are some "immersive" ship-wandering cutscene conversations, followed by two early