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    It's not every day that we get to directly follow up on a twenty-two year old news post, but back in 1999, AD reported that the June issue of Film Score Monthly would have a review of the Wing Commander Movie Soundtrack. We're a little bit late, but here's that article! They give it three stars, which isn't bad for people whose job it is to professionally critique movie film scores.

    filmscoremonthly_1999june1t.jpgfilmscoremonthly_1999june2t.jpgWe've previously reported on a neat development diary interview that they posted with George Oldziey in the January 1999 issue. And can we take a moment to appreciate the amazing gem that is? They don't seem to have changed their website format and layout much since February of 2001, yet they still make regular updates to this day. It's web design after our own heart. You can find decades of their back issues meticulously maintained here.

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    Erik Gunnarson of the Wallglass Investigations Agency discusses the secretive gambling circle attended by the galaxy's wealthiest players.
    "Casinos and gaming hubs have always been popular, tempting people to risk their credits for the chance to score a lucrative win. But where do the billionaires and trillionaires go to enjoy that buzz?"
    "Jokers' Deck is a highly exclusive gambling event attended only by the rich and powerful. Nobody knows who runs it, only that it's held in a different location each time. Its attendees are guaranteed – and can afford – total anonymity."
    "There was one exception. In 3305, Wallglass was hired to find the heiress Lady Talitha Ambrose, after she vanished along with her family's fortune. I was part of the team that discovered she had gambled away 300 billion credits at Jokers' Deck in a high-stakes game of deadlock poker. Their security was so tight that we never

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    DefianceIndustries has added a nice big toy to the growing fleet of ships in his digital TacOps game. He's deployed a Clydesdale transport so you can see how a capship looks on the board. I love the scaling here. It just makes me wish the whole thing was a real physical game - but this is the next best thing! Playtesting is getting closer, so continue to watch this space if you'd like to try things out yourself soon.

    defiance_render477t.jpgdefiance_render478t.jpgIt's no small feat to just "add a ship" to the project. First, Defiance has to rebuild and customize a given model to fit right in the engine. Here's some great work in process shots generated as he put the tanker together.


    Here's a quick update to the TTS version of TACOPS. There is a version on Steam for playtesting though it is currently locked down for my Steam friends only. But I'm pretty close to being ready to release the starter pack to the public. Maybe next week or two. I
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    Happy Thanksgiving out there to Wingnuts who celebrate! We hope you are all able to have a safe and healthy day with your families. As a prime Pilgrim-themed holiday, it's a good opportunity for us to remind you that the third and final Wing Commander Movie novel, Pilgrim Truth, is available online. And of course, it's not all about the Pilgrims. Native partners, such as the Mopoks and Dolosians, were critical in the effort to defeat the Kilrathi!


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    Merry Christmas and a happy CIC holidays to all of you Wingnuts out there! We would like to wish you peace and safety from our little corner of the internet. Join us in #Wingnut if you'd like to share in the holiday cheer. It helps keep us grounded in these crazy times!

    This year EmuMusicFan put together this wonderful sketch. There are a couple of inspirations behind it. The art style is reminiscent of the classic blue and white scheme from Claw Marks. It's also a spiritual successor to Denis Loubet's Christmas card from a few years back where Hobbes receives endless balls of gift wrapped yarn. This time he gets a (timely because of the World Cup?) soccer ball instead!


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    It's time for a new poll, and we've got a fun one here. LOAF recently put together a neat comparison of all the Wing Commander Academy ships alongside their game counterparts. It's a really stunning visual! Today's survey asks which one you think made the best transition from the PC to television. Make your pick below:


    The last poll was our annual evaluation of what people think the year ahead will be like. I think it's a surprisingly positive result! It's still early, and already we've got exciting things like the vinyl album on the horizon. Of course, the community is what we make it, and we can all help make the year great!

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    It appears that the pending removal of Wing Commander Academy wan't a false alarm. The show is no longer listed for streaming on the Peacock service. With the removal of great shows from a number of platforms and new paywalling/gatekeeping happening all over, it feels like the hits just keep coming. Fortunately you can still pick up the DVD for about $11. And never fear, the Wing Commander CIC remains free and there's no limit the number of forum posts you can view in a day. You can also always join us in Discord #Wingnut!

    peacock_academy38t.jpgpeacock_academy39t.jpgA peek back at better days:


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    I FOUND A TRUCK! In the Wing Commander Academy finale when Maniac is flying through the Agon'Ra'Sivar he hits a Kilrathi fuel truck. You can barely see it under the explosion! It's a similar shape to the Kilrathi tanks in WC3!

    wca_truck1t.jpgwca_truck2t.jpgwca_truck3t.jpgwca_truck4t.jpgI also made a quick graphic of the layout of the Agon'Ra'Sivar's flight deck as Maniac strafes it! You can see he hits a Sartha on the catapult followed by several loaded strike planes and then the truck to set off the secondary explosions that cripple the ship.

    wca_truck5t.jpgwca_truck6t.jpgwca_truck7t.jpgwca_truck8t.jpgThis was all in the service of another fun project: I went through the show and divided into missions like the games… and then I used that to do a kill board for the show! Here’s the episode-by-episode breakdown. I hope there’s somebody that counts HISS tanks like this.

    wca_truck9t.jpgYou can read more about vehicles in Wing Commander below!

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