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  • 03


    We have some unexpected news today regarding the Wing Commander Movie. Sebastian Z noticed that the film has been added to the slate of free streaming films on YouTube in the United States. A lot of people might not even be aware that YouTube also hosts full fledged theatrical releases, but up until recently, WC was available as a $4 rental and $10 purchase. It's now showing as free with ads - or just free if you're a YouTube Premium subscriber! Fans outside the US are reporting that it doesn't seem to work there, but let us know if you find other platforms or other places where this also applies.

  • 02


    Last month, we reported that Supercade was planning to manage a crowd funding campaign for a vinyl release of George Oldziey's Wing Commander Orchestral Recording Project. Now, it seems like the launch is imminent as Supercade author Van Burnham has just tweeted:

    Just a heads up that the preorder campaign for Supercade’s first soundtrack release is launching SOON… a deluxe vinyl edition of the Wing Commander orchestral score by composer George Oldziey. So excited to share more details!#wingcommander #videogamesoundtrack #vinylcollector

    — Van Burnham (@supercade71) February 1, 2023

    There's no additional information yet but we'll let you know the moment it's available. If you are curious about the promotional screenshot, it's actually from a Wing Commander Academy mod developed by HCl that adds a Hellcat V to the game! Want to try it for yourself? You can download te patch here.

  • 28


    Back in February, we reported on a teaser post from Supercade announcing an upcoming crowd funding campaign to release an LP (vinyl record) of George Oldziey's Wing Commander Orchestral Recording Project. The good news today is that the campaign is still happening and it sounds like it's launching soon. Supercade founder Van Burnahm tweeted in response to a question that it was launching in just four days, on May 1st!

    It’s launching May 1st!!!

    — Van Burnham (@supercade71) April 27, 2023

    Obviously these sorts of things are never fully set in stone... and who knows more about slipping release dates than Wing Commander fans... but we're crossing our fingers and hoping to bring you more on Monday!


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    LotsoRobbinBear has found a long lost easter egg built into Wing Commander 1. He was playing through the Vega Sector in such a way as to hit all of the losing track systems when he came across something odd in

    Brimstone 3

    . When he kills all the fighters, things proceed as expected. However, if he kills Maniac as well as all the fighters, he is awarded a Bronze Star! Normally, losing a wingman (even Maniac) results in a reduction in medal points that would often disqualify you from an award. In just this system, the opposite is the case. This isn't random either! Recall that at the start of the Brimstone series, Halcyon gives you permission during the mission briefing to shoot Maniac down if he disobeys. This is apparently not just idle chatter - the game mechanics have been slightly tweaked to reward the player for following through! It's pretty neat that this has been hidden in the code all

  • 04


    Media organisation Broadcast Cobra has announced its intention to build a megaship in the HIP 16038 system. The organisation, which specialises in politics and current events, aims to reach a much wider audience with the construction of this mobile studio.

    Alessandra Koa of Broadcast Cobra issued the following statement:

    "As a broadcaster, we like the idea of a ship that can carry our signal to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. A megaship will allow us to transmit to systems that other broadcasters can only dream of reaching."

    To facilitate construction of the megaship, Broadcast Cobra has placed an open order for thorium, indium and superconductors, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Sopwith Dock in the HIP 16038 system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing material can do so safely.

  • 11


    Broadcast Cobra has announced that its appeal for commodities has reached a successful conclusion, having received an overwhelming response from the galactic community.

    Vast quantities of thorium, indium and superconductors were delivered to Sopwith Dock over the past week. These will allow construction of a megaship from which the organisation will broadcast its take on current events.

    Alessandra Koa of Broadcast Cobra issued the following statement:

    "We'd like to thank everyone who supported this campaign. We hope that wherever you are, you're always listening."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Sopwith Dock in the HIP 16038 system.

  • 04


    While most people were getting ready to party on New Year's Eve, Mac was hard at work putting the finishing touches on his new Wing Commander lore video - a man after our own hearts! This one is a thorough profile of the A-17 Broadsword. It focuses on the elevated role of phase shielding versus torpedoes in the late 2660s but also goes all the way to the ship's exploits against the Nephilim decades later. Check it out below!

  • 19


    Yesterday was all about the Sabre, and today we've got a new wallpaper featuring the Broadsword. This one is Klavs' model once again, but it's been posed into an in-your-face perspective by Mac. This was actually made to complement the Broadsword lore video that he made for New Year's. You can imagine this might be the last thing a Ralatha sees before it goes boom!


    Big Broadswords Bomb Battleships By Blackmane Base.
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    It’s two times the terror and two times the carnage as Spencer Johnson steps in for Mark Abent and brutally murders an insurance issue that’s been messing with nested vehicles. The bug bodycount continues in this chilling episode of bugSLASHERS. “Ki Ki Ki… Ma Ma Ma…”

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    has posted further instructions on how to turn his simple WC fighter templates into small cardboard miniatures. He simply prints out the artwork below, affixes it to plain cereal box cardboard, cuts the outlines and glues the final product together. The results, as previously shared, are astounding for such a simple method. It's a neat art project anyone can try!


    I just use cereal boxes for the cardboard. Just print out the templates on any half decent inkjet printer, use a glue stick to glue the template down to the cardboard. Let it dry... for like 12 hours. Then use an exacto-blade to cut out the parts. Any parts that are white with a black outline are just meant to build up body mass.

    So if you look at this image, I've numbered the parts for reference, and then look at this image where I've laid out a mock-up of layers to show the order the parts should be built up in. The white