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    The CIC is now officially 20 years old! Time flies when you're having fun. We opened up on August 10, 1998 and never would have imagined we'd still be here all these years later. We've seen this milestone approaching over the last few years, but it's kind of mind blowing that it's finally here. What makes it so impressive is everything the community continues to do. Just look at the last couple weeks of news: there's multiple innovative hacks/mods to Wing Commander 1, gorgeous creative art, newly recovered movie footage, new programming tools, discovery of easter eggs and some great fan projects. And just last month we finished out the Baen ebook series. Thanks for being here with us to enjoy it all.


    We're very much looking forward to the party, which will take place a week from tomorrow on Discord. Set your calendars for Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and

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    Wide Awake and Dreaming

    Far away from the Crucible, you’ll find the first dedicated endgame destination we’ve created, home to our largest endgame experience ever.

    You’ll discover the Dreaming City in Destiny 2: Forsaken.

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    Quote from Ikora Rey

    "This is our finest hour. Ever victorious against the enemies of humanity. Ever triumphant in our home, and around the system. Now the City wants to honor us. Who are we to deny them?"

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    The Crystalline Entity is back and stronger than ever. For three weeks, from August 16th at 8:00 AM PST to September 6th at 10:00AM PST, Captains between levels 50-65 can queue up for our 10-captain “Crystalline Cataclysm” event to defeat the Crystalline Entity. Completing the event queue will earn you one Crystal Shard every 20 hours. After collecting 14 of them, players can complete a new Event Reputation project to be rewarded with the following: Crystalline Space Antiproton Energy Weapons (Account Unlock) Antiproton Matter Conversion Dual Heavy Cannons Antiproton Matter Conversion Beam Array 50,000 Dilithium Ore 500 Fleet Marks 250 Marks of their choice (Includes all current marks except Gamma) Once the main reputation project is complete, a bonus 1-Shard project will become available to slot. Completing this will earn players: 2,000 Dilithium Ore 50 Fleet

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    made this pretty nifty sketch inspired by the Raptor heavy fighter. He started with the familiar bones of the craft and then started filling in the connections in a radical way. There's a careful balance of authenticity and artistic license necessary, but it seems like this technique could be applied to a number of ships with wild results!


    I have been experimenting with different blocking methods. I think this works fairly well. Throw down some two or three tone shapes and just start throwing lines in where it looks like they'd be.
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    Here's an early look at how Rosie's crash scene in the Wing Commander Movie was originally envisioned. It features a slightly different take on how wreckage would be removed from the deck. In the theatrical cut of the movie, a pilot's crashed fighter is pushed off the runway by some sort of tractor vehicle, presumably driven by a maintenance crew. This causes some to ask whether it wouldn't have been just as easy to push the wreckage into the hangar where the pilot might possibly have been recovered.

    In this early version, the shunting is done automatically and is controlled from the flight control room (where the flight boss is located). This would also have made the shot of Maniac pleading up to the flight control window make more sense.

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    Attention! We’ve doubled our efforts to give Captains the necessary experience to deal with threats to the Galaxy. From Thursday, August 16th at 8AM PT, to Monday, August 20th at 10AM PT, players will be able to enjoy twice the experience! During the event, content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT {