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    strikecommander_vr4t.jpgFabien Sanglard has posted a great podcast interview with former Origin programmer Frank Savage. The main purpose of the conversation was to learn more about Strike Commander, but there's also wonderful information about Origin as a company, the technology of Wing Commander 3 and Mr. Savage's later work on Xbox. The whole recording close in at more than 70 minutes, but there's also a transcript you can skim to get the gist of it. Check it out here!

    Frank Savage: So at that time I was a hobbyist game developer. I taught myself C and C++. My education was in Electrical Engineering. So I knew the mathematics behind 3D stuff, but I had never applied it. I never tried to do anything with it except for a couple of courses in college. I was a huge fan of the Wing Commander series. I had Wing Commander license plates on my car in Illinois where I was living in Chicago at the time. I would go to GenCon every
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    wcso_shipupgrade224t.jpgThe year is quickly drawing to a close, so Wingnuts once again have a chance to pick their top fan projects and/or websites of the year. Before the voting gets going later on, everyone has a chance to nominate some of the undertakings that they think should be recognized. Send your recommendations to

    and let us know! Here's a rundown of the past winners to jog your memory.

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    Mark Gabby-Li has a great physical Banshee model to share today. It might look like it came out of a bespoke kit, but this is actually made just from Snapships parts! Last year we highlighted how these new space toys could be tweaked to build some more familiar designs, and it's wonderful to see fans taking up the challenge. And that papercraft Banshee on the side is pretty slick too!


    My first attempt at a remix of a spaceship from (relatively) popular culture: Wing Commander IV's Banshee!

    You know, making fan models of spaceships with Lego or Snapships feels a little like a sort of poetry.You are trying to capture the essence, as the pieces you have limit your ability to perfectly replicate it.

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    Games on Film

    podcast has recorded an episode that's all about Wing Commander. They spend more than 80 minutes talking about the franchise's background and the environment that existed in 1999. Then the commentators spend quite a bit of time talking through the highs and lows of the film itself. One thing that sets this review/discussion apart from the cliche comments you frequently see is that they thought the space action was on the boring side but were actually intrigued by the Pilgrim angle. Since their focus is all about video games that have crossed over into theaters, they make a good point that FMV-centric series seem to have an inherently difficult time gaining acceptance since it's so easy to break with cinematic styles that their fans are used to. You can check out the full episode



    Harry and Rory journey into the deep reaches of space - and the even deeper reaches of the DVD
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    As revealed on our Ten Forward Weekly community stream last night, Star Trek Online is incredibly happy to announce our next Star Trek actor to join Victory is Life: Aron Eisenberg! Aron is returning to the role of Nog, the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, and the Captain of the U.S.S. Chimera. Nog is a former Chief Engineer of the Enterprise, as well as a veteran of the Dominion and Iconian Wars. With the return of the Hu’rq, he’s been called into action and will once again be interacting with your Captain in a race to save the galaxy. Welcome, Aron, we’re so glad to have you back! Check out our official reveal and interview with Aron Eisenberg from last night’s Ten Forward Weekly. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px;

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    During Star Trek Online’s 9th Anniversary event you will be able to obtain 9th Anniversary Prize Vouchers by participating in the event. These 9th Anniversary Prize Vouchers can be spent on an Event Reputation project to obtain the Tier 6 Vulcan T'Pau Scout Ship! This project requires 1000 9th Anniversary Prize Vouchers. 200 of these Prize Vouchers can be earned by completing the new episode “Para Pacem” for the first time, and an additional 200 can be earned by completing the new episode “Illusion of Communication” for the first time. Once this starship is obtained by any character on your account, all of the characters on your account will be able to claim the Vulcan T'Pau Scout Ship [T6] from the Account Claim tab within the Event Store (in the Event Reputation window). We are also excited to announce that this starship will be available January 23rd on PC, and Xbox One and

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    Classic gamer Dennis Mull has had a productive winter so far by adding a wide range of fantastic additions to his collection. What I'm most envious of is his German special edition of Wing Commander 3. Check out that t-shirt it ships with! Compare with the all black version that came in the Sam's Club edition, which he also recently obtained. There's also a double-pack of the Secret Missions. These used to be the type of thing that would eventually find their way into bargain bins in the mid '90s, but now they are a pretty nice find. After that it's a Greek release of Privateer 2, which is also really neat. Last, but not least, is a German set of Wing Commander novels.

    mull_collection4t.jpgmull_collection5t.jpgmull_collection6t.jpgmull_collection7t.jpgmull_collection8t.jpgmull_collection9t.jpgMoving on from Wing Commander items, there's also some great aerial sims from Origin. His latest Strike Commander find is a Spanish copy of the Tactical Operations expansion, which looks good along with its siblings. He's also

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