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    “My namesake once said Mycelium was ‘like the Earth’s internet’. He was right, but it turns out he was off on the question of scale. It’s more like a quantum internet. For the universe.” - Paul Stamets Beneath the Skin is a brand new episode coming to Star Trek Online with the launch of Awakening, and brings the story of STO back to the year 2410. J'ula, the fierce and uncompromising Klingon warrior who was catapulted forward in time by the use of her Mycelial weapon in Age of Discovery, is now threatening Andoria with that very same weapon. In order to stop her, you’ll have to use holographic technology to resurrect Paul Stamets, as played by Anthony Rapp. Together, your Captain and Stamets will venture into the Mycelial Network itself, to discover the source of Ju’la’s power and put a stop to it. This episode will be available for Captains who have completed the tutorial, as part

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    The recent Azimuth Biotech initiative to expand its operation assets has been described as a 'partial success'.
    A primary goal of obtaining sufficient resources to establish a new anti-xeno megaship has been met, Azimuth CEO Torben Rademaker announced. The megaship is expected to be operational within the next few weeks.
    Opponents of the weapons research corporation, seeking to disrupt the campaign, mobilised forces to engage Azimuth security vessels. While unable to prevent sufficient deliveries from reaching the Musashi, it is thought these pilots inflicted significant losses on the Azimuth fleet.
    "We are delighted with the support shown to Azimuth Biotech by independent pilots, and look to the future with optimism," said Rademaker. "We will soon deploy a new AX megaship to lead our mobile operations. Setbacks inflicted by anarchic opponents of progress have delayed our plans to establish

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    As its anti-xeno initiative in HIP 22460 continues, Azimuth Biotech has been deliberately targeted by protestors in other systems.
    Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, made a public broadcast from the corporation's headquarters at Hind Mine starport:
    "Azimuth Biotech is dedicated to the vision of Salvation, whose expertise will soon quash the Thargoid blight once and for all. The Alliance, Empire and Federation have put aside their differences to turn this ambition into a reality. But a fractious minority are determined to prevent this, giving the Thargoids a window of opportunity to avoid their fate."
    "Almost immediately after our corporate rebrand from Taurus Mining Ventures, Azimuth came under attack. A rabble of buccaneers and political agitators forcibly expelled our assets from the Merope and Qarato systems. Only by extreme and costly means were we able to retain Hind

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    Studying the Thargoid Titans has become a priority for Azimuth Biotech, which is keen to learn more about the alien motherships.
    Director Xavier Rousseau , head of the corporation's bioscience division, was interviewed by the tech industry ICE channel On/Off Switch:
    "The Thargoid Titans present us with a range of exciting unknowns. What technologies were involved in their construction? We do not know. What exactly is a Titan's hull comprised of? We cannot tell. How do the glowing openings on its superstructure work? We are not certain. Do they perform the same function as our docking bays? We can only speculate."
    "How can we find these answers? By analysing whatever fragments and residues can be obtained directly from the Titans themselves. What military breakthroughs will result? What scientific marvels could be unlocked? What commercial opportunities might arise? We at Azimuth Biotech will

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