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    We're going to wind down this week with another set of Spanish Pcmania scans from Maxi de Sokar. These compromise their preview, review and advertisement for Wing Commander 4. I like how their blue formatting matches the game's Confed uniform tones, but overall it's a lot less flashy than some of the magazine layouts from earlier in the decade. We've added translations again for folks who are curious about what they say, which is generally pretty positive with a 91% final score. You can also compare these to their WC3 article here.


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    Today we have a neat "video review" for Wing Commander Privateer from Interactive Entertainment, a CD-ROM magazine. This is from the inaugural issue dated February 1994. The clip doesn't include rolling video, but it has a narrated overview presented on top of a large number of screenshots, which would have qualified as full fledged multimedia back in the day! In a similar vein, the author gushes about the vast universe, diverse planets and enormous freedom provided by the Gemini Sector. It's the same language you might hear in a modern review of Starfield today, which is interesting food for thought on how expectations evolve with the cutting edge of computer gaming over the decades. AD was able to piece together their proprietary image format and pair it with the appropriate audio to recreate this sequence, and now you can easily enjoy it on YouTube!

    Interactive Entertainment (IE) was an
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    During Roberts Space Industries' October festivities for the anniversary of Star Citizen, they spent some time going through the features of "Star Engine." The material was embedded in larger streams at the time, but they have now released the clip as a standalone. A number of folks have written in to point out the similarities between the conductor that kicks things off in the new clip and the Origin conduct that kicked things off at the start of many classic WC games. Here is for anyone who missed it!

    originconductort.gifstarengine_conductort.jpgOf course, as LOAF reminds us, it didn't just appear in front of Wing Commander games!

    I dunno maybe it’s a Martian Dreams reference. 😂

    — Ben Lesnick (@banditloaf) October 25, 2023
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    Have you ever wanted to study the gloriously 1993 3DS closeup background plates in Privateer but can't stand those damn characters getting in the way? Have I ever made the visual reference for you!

    visual_reference_backgrounds1t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds2t.jpgA couple of these are appearing for the first time; they're stored in the game's files but they're for places where a third angle is never used... like these fixer backgrounds for Oxford and the pleasure planets, respectively:

    visual_reference_backgrounds3t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds4t.jpgYou'll also notice some are higher resolution and have more of 4:3 aspect ratio versus Privateer's usual 16:9 for the conversations. Some are designed to 'open' when you have to make a choice. Since many choices were cut, you're seeing some tops and bottoms for the first time!

    visual_reference_backgrounds5t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds6t.jpgAlso: so, so much space booze.

    visual_reference_backgrounds7t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds8t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds9t.jpgvisual_reference_backgrounds10t.jpgYou can also find all the Privateer 2 background plates here!

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    Knight26-77 is back with an impressive new set of 3D prints - plus the time lapse videos to go along with them! The first model is the fantastically large Midway class megacarrier compared to variety of other large capital ships. We also get to see his new Piranha side-by-side with a handful of light fighter favorites. It's very cool to see how everything comes together on the printing pad!


    DefianceIndustries gave me permission to do some test prints of a couple of his WCP Model upgraded designs. We have started with the Piranha and the Midway. DI warned that they were but under-detailed, but I decided to give it a try anyway. We'll start with the Midway.

    Flying alongside her Kilrathi War contemporaries, you can see just how much of an absolute unit the Midway is.

    Next up the 1:72 F-106 Piranha alongside some of her Kilrathi War era precursor light fighters, most by the super talented Klavs and one
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    AD spotted a phenomenal pair of art pieces by AEdwardBaker. He's just created a beautiful take on the TCS Victory. This test render is only available in 1080p, but there's already so much great detail in everything down to the laser turrets and weathering on the hull paint. It's really slick! You can give him feedback or check out his many other gorgeous space scenes here.


    "She's a fine carrier with a long history of service to the Confederation."

    "Yes sir. A very long history."

    A test render of my model of TCS Victory from Wing Commander III.

    Done in Blender

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    The GamesBay has posted a bit from Prophecy Advance, and that's really got us thinking about this incredible game. We don't share enough about this pocket treasure, so I'm happy to repost it here.

    It's definitely Wing Commander, complete with all its strength and flaws. The difference here is that instead of FMVs, you get text. A lot of text. And you don't have the option of a flight stick. That might be a dealbreaker for some.

    While there is not a flight stick that you can just plug into the Gameboy Advance, you CAN play Prophecy on the Gameboy Player attachment for the Nintendo GameCube and then plug a GameCube flight stick into that! I'll also mention again that Apple has recently started allowing emulators and iPhones and iPads, and you can connect a flight stick or game controller to these devices when emulating your Wing Commander games.

    It's Prophecy that really caught my eye, but GamesBay also

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    Today we've got a couple of Wing Commander overview videos narrated in both Italian and German. Wing Commander unboxing videos come up from time to time, but it's less common to be able to sample so much of the series in one place at one time like this. You may or may not understand the language, but it's pretty easy to understand what they're saying in context. It's very cool to see them flip through the different language WC manuals and even box inserts. Some of packaging material is different as well. Because people get used to these mundane objects and don't realize they differ from region to region, we don't often get a glimpse at these fascinating differences, so it's wonderful to be able to see them here!