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    Professor Ishmael Palin has established a permanent base of operations in the Arque system.

    Aegis Research confirmed the news with a statement from Professor Alba Tesreau:

    "Having fled the Maia system, Professor Palin and his staff have installed their equipment at the planetary port Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E."

    "All of the engineering services previously offered by Professor Palin are now available at his new location. His study of meta-alloys and other Thargoid-related materials has also resumed."

    "The megaship Carson's Spring, which facilitated an emergency evacuation of the Palin Research Centre, has left the Arque system to resume other duties."

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    Azimuth Biotech has outlined plans for the corporation's future following the confirmation of Salvation's death.
    Director Torben Rademaker, head of strategic operations, submitted a statement to public newsfeeds:
    "The loss of Salvation, formerly known as Caleb Wycherley, is a sad day for our organisation. We will remember his sacrifice on humanity's behalf, but recognise this as a chance to forge a fresh path towards the future."
    "Azimuth Biotech is now under new management, with myself as its acting CEO. We have lost a great deal of expertise and personnel, but our decades of xenological research will serve a vital purpose in the war against the Thargoids."
    "Unfortunately, due to a misguided campaign by radicalised saboteurs, many of our official facilities have been illegally snatched from our control. Yet plans are already underway to rebuild our corporate infrastructure. Of our surviving

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    John Rhys-Davies has started a new YouTube channel, and one of his first videos is a reflective piece on the impact of the coronavirus. He talks a bit about his personal history and describes how humanity will endure through tragedy as it always does. Mr. Rhys-Davies is an eloquent speaker and it's nice to hear his perspective on things!

    21st March 2020. John Rhys-Davies shares his thoughts from his home in the Isle of Man. He reflects on the experience of his family during the war and what we can learn from a generation that faced the greatest adversity of the 20th century.

    Not all the clips that he's planning to post will be nearly as heavy. Here's the easygoing intro he posted a couple weeks back. Thanks to capi for the tip!

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    Dear Players, Many of you have asked about the impact of current events on Cryptic Studios, so we wanted to provide an update: We are actively taking preventive measures to protect the health of our employees and their families. Plans are in place to ensure Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online remain operational and Magic: Legends continues active development. Meanwhile, our teams will continue to work remotely in accordance with recent “shelter in home” orders enacted by our local county. We appreciate your understanding while we adapt to both ensure a positive play experience for all of you and keep our studio family safe. —Cryptic Studios

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    We've got a couple smaller updates for the WC4 Fan Remake today based on questions from fans at the CIC Forums. The first request was to add VR headset support, which the team was surprisingly open to. There are existing tools out there that facilitate conversion to VR, but they are rapidly evolving, so it would be something the team revisits much later on when the mod is closer to release. There were also questions about cockpits, and we got another beautiful shot in reply that shows off their potential. They look like a good mix of classic WC style with information embedded while being rather inobtrusive like in Prophecy. As designed by Origin, WC4 reacted hard to the popularity of invisible HUD cockpit options in Armada, WC3 and Kilrathi Saga. While they may have been the predominant way people were playing in 1995, the game loses a little something by not having them as an option. It's nice

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    wc3_killboardt.jpgbsmith1702 was recently going over the killboard in Wing Commander 3 and noted that while it called out ace kills specifically, capital ship destructions were not included. It's just a fighter killboard. Then he had a truly "eureka!" moment. Most pilot rosters like this are sorted either by displayed name or number of kills. The WC3 board isn't ordered either way though, so it's easy to dismiss the question and assume they're more or less randomly assigned. But actually, the pilots are listed by each character's last name, not callsign! That's a pretty cool realization. Jace Dillon comes after Wingston Chang who comes after Laurel Buckley and so on. And now you're an even smarter Wing Commander fan because you know!

    Another random thing I noticed was how the names are listed in the kill board. At first it didn't make much sense to me (and I liked how in WC1 the names were ranked by number of
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  • 06


    Today we've got a little snippet unearthed by Sash's RetroBytes. It's a segment from the British TV show Bad Influence! that peeks behind the scenes of Wing Commander 3. Most of the footage looks like material we'd have seen on other longer WC3 BTS features, but it's always nice to see times when Wing Commander was showcased on television!

    The Heart of the Tiger! Hollywood comes to video games in a big way - as we see in this clip of Bad Influence series 3 episode 4 where they went behind the scenes of the production of Wing Commander III. #Retrogaming #dosgaming #wingcommander #technology #90s#GameTVNibbles

    — Sasha's RetroBytes (@SharkaBytes) October 9, 2023
    The Heart of the Tiger! Hollywood comes to video games in a big way - as we see in this clip of Bad Influence series 3 episode 4 where they went behind the scenes of the production of Wing Commander III.
  • 07


    Scimitars may not be known for going fast, but blink and you might miss this one. Hit the gear in the lower right and you can slow the clip down in slow motion. At 0.25 speed you can admire the design a little more. This is just one of the Wing Commander fighters that

    Stephen Fender

    is working on. He's got four Confed and four Kilrathi ships coming together, and with that he's considering putting together a Lego movie or comic. Whatever form this ends up taking, we'd love to see it!

    A little LEGO model I designed in Lego Digital Designer, converted to 3DS, then imported into Lightwave for a quick test render.
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    One of our favorite things to come out of the internet this past year has been the fantastic Shield of Tomorrow, the actual-play show run by Eric Campbell on Geek and Sundry’s Twitch Channel and Alpha. The crew of the Sally Ride, Aliza Pearl, Bonnie Gordon, Hector Navarro, Sam de Leve, Amy Dallen and Gina DeVivo, beamed themselves onto our computer screens each week with new tales of the Federation facing against the unknown. It even inspired some of the STO developers to do their own tabletop live stream. Sadly, Shield of Tomorrow's initial run is coming to an end, and while you won’t have to miss the incredible cast on the screen (they’ll still be around in a brand new show), we couldn’t let Shield of Tomorrow pass into internet history without our own little memorial. Starting July 13th, the Sally Ride will hanging out in Sector Space in Star Trek Online…somewhere. We’re not going

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    Good news, Captains! We're extending the R&D Promotion for one extra day - until November 1st at 10am PT. You still have a final chance to purchase and open R&D Packs for the chance at any of our Infinity R&D Ships, including the Discovery Constitution and D7, the original T6 Consitution, and the brand new U.S.S. Franklin! But that's not all - during these last 24 hours, we're putting R&D packs on sale for 30% off! It's the best possible time to take command of the ship of your dreams. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT {