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  • 07


  • 07


    The Vadimo Patrons of Law, an Imperial organisation based in Vadimo, has announced plans to host an elaborate soirée in the Vadimo system.

    A spokesperson for the organisation elaborated on the nature of the event:

    "Let's be honest, things aren't great at the moment. We've got aggressive aliens on the doorstep and no one seems entirely sure what to do about it. So we thought – why not throw a big party? Give the people of Vadimo a chance to forget about their worries for a night. We want this to be the best party the system has ever seen. Or at least the best one of 3304."

    To ensure that the event is a success, Vadimo Patrons of Law has placed an open order for a range of commodities, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Sikorsky Station. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to guarantee that those delivering commodities to Sikorsky

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    The Vadimo Patrons of Law has announced that its campaign has received the unalloyed support of the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the campaign by delivering commodities to Sikorsky Station and by eliminating agitators in Vadimo, thereby protecting traders participating in the initiative. The delivered goods will be used to throw an elaborate party for the people of Vadimo.

    The Vadimo Patrons of Law has extended its gratitude to those who supported the campaign.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Sikorsky Station in the Vadimo system.

  • 07


    The Utopia commune has launched a project to build a military installation in its home system to defend the Sim-Archive from potential Thargoid attack.

    Dr Leigh Constantinides, a spokesperson for Utopia, made this announcement:

    "Following recent observations by the respected strategist Marquis Novantico, we accept that the Sim-Archive requires increased protection to prevent its knowledge from falling into the wrong hands. Our partner organisation, the Narri Justice Party, is therefore overseeing the construction of a new security installation. We beseech the galactic community to support this worthy endeavour."

    Independent pilots are requested to deliver construction materials to Bobko City in the Narri system. To protect traders, the Narri Justice Party has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list operating in the system.

    The campaign begins on the 3rd of May 3304 and will run

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  • 07


    We’re adding two brand new items to the Gamma Vanguard Pack, which launches with Victory is Life in June on PC! Preorder the pack now, and you will also receive the T5 Cardassian Galor Cruiser, and the T6 Jem’Hadar Vanguard Carrier! And the best news is, the price of the pack hasn’t changed at all, and anyone who already preordered will also receive these items. Check out the details: T5 Cardassian Galor Cruiser During The Dominion War, a small surplus of Galor-class starships were given to the Federation and Klingon Empire to aid in the defeat of the Jem’Hadar. This ship was once only available in the Cardassian Lock Box but is now included in this pack for every character on an account. This ship comes with a free upgrade to T5-U when owned by a Level 50+ character. T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier This enormous vessel supports the Vanguard Fleet by acting as a mobile assault base for

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    The Mirror Invasion will be returning to Star Trek Online as part of a limited time event starting on May 10th at 8am PT and ending on May 31st at 10am PT.This event map will only be playable during this three week event timeframe. Once a day, players will be awarded a Multidimensional Transporter for playing this event. By turning in 14 Transporters through a new project available in the Event Reputation System, players can receive 50,000 Dilithium Ore, 500 Fleet Marks, 250 Marks of their choice, and a brand new unique weapon – the Agony Phaser Energy Torpedo Launcher! Based on the well-known weaponry typically fired in the form of directed energy weapons, this projectile is specially equipped to encase itself in the harmful power of agony rays, afflicting the crews and subsystems of enemy starships with a deadly overload of painful power. Upon hitting a foe, this torpedo has a chance to disable

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    The Gamma Task Force represents a coalition of forces formed to curb new threats pouring out of the Gamma Quadrant. The combination of top scientific organizations and military forces around the galaxy, this Task Force exists to ensure that the galaxy will survive these new threats intact and together. This new reputation will be available with Victory is Life’s release and will feature all new traits, kit modules, space equipment sets and a ground equipment set, as well as new ground armor and space visuals. Progression Submitting Gamma Marks will increase your standing with the Gamma Task Force. These can be earned by participating in “Swarm”, a brand-new queue, as well as participating in the Gamma Quadrant Sector Battlezone. These sources of marks have scaling rewards, increasing the number of Gamma Marks received by performing above expectations or completing bonus objectives. Germanium

  • 04


    On Stardate 95935.68, the Star Trek Online Away Team returned from its mission to establish first contact with players and Star Trek fans at Destination Star Trek Germany in Dortmund, Germany. It was an amazing weekend and the entire crew is glad that they got the chance to meet all of you. We had three panels during the event, showing off Star Trek Online to newcomers, and revealing more details of our upcoming expansion, Victory is Life. Thanks to Aron Eisenberg, and Robert Duncan McNeil, who joined us on Friday, and Chase Masterson, who joined us on Sunday, to speak about the work they’ve done on Victory is Life. You guys made our panels a heck of a good time for everyone involved. During the weekend we challenged players to compete in the Hodos System Shuttle Race, in the Delta Quadrant. Little did we know what talent we were going to meet during the convention. While Tom Paris challenges

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  • 03


    We are excited to announce the return of the Phoenix Prize Pack, which return to Star Trek Online on PC from May 3rd at 8AM PT til May 10th at 10am PT. Just like Zefram Cochrane’s experimental vessel, the Phoenix Prize Pack blazes a trail into new frontiers! And, following in the model of its mythological namesake, the Phoenix Prize Pack also represents the return from the ashes of items, ships and other rewards that have been retired from Star Trek Online, and are no longer accessible by any other means. Purchasing and opening this promotional prize pack will offer players the unique opportunity of obtaining many otherwise inaccessible items, ships and equipment, which were previously available from events or promotions, or as other limited-availability rewards. (Check further below for complete prize information!) How it works is simple: Players may visit the Dilithium Store to purchase a Phoenix

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    From May 3rd at 8am PT to May 7th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. Each time a player buys a Tier 5 ship, they will receive a free ship upgrade token. This only occurs when the Tier 5 ship is bought for the first time on an account. The Claim for this token will appear in the Promotions tab of the C-Store. When the player clicks claim, they will receive a

  • 03


    Greetings, Captains. We’re making a change to how subscriptions work in Star Trek Online. The Lifetime Subscription will still be available and unchanged, but we’re shifting away from monthly subscriptions. As of right now, those subscriptions will not longer be available on our website. Instead, we’re replacing them with a brand new purchasable pack, The Elite Starter Pack. When you purchase the Elite Starter Pack, the following will unlock for your whole account: One new Character Slot 20 Shared Bank Slots 5 Captain Retrain Tokens An Increase on your Energy Credit Cap to 2 billion Energy Credits Once the initial product is purchased, a new product will appear called Elite Starter Pack Reclaim. This can be claimed once per character and unlocks: 30 Inventory Slots 60 Bank Slots 2 Bridge Officer Slots This pack is available right now in the C-store for 1500 zen. What happens