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    Patch 1.35 is here and introduces a number of quality of life tweaks and changes, while also fixing some of the remaining issues you’ve reported to us. The patch will be available on both PC and PS4 today! Here’s a closer look at what you can expect:

    Features and changes

    • Introduced ship handling variances between types/classes. Each individual ship now has procedural handling and speed characteristics, based on their type and class
    • Handling is now displayed as a value on the ship statistics screen
    • It’s now possible to craft multiples of the same product at once
    • Added the ability to craft more of the same product on top of an existing stack
    • Improved transferring items between inventories
    • Added a toggle to switch from buy to sell screen on the trading menu
    • Added variance in handling between ship types
    • Improved the appearance of popup menus
    • Improved speed and smoothness of user interface page transitions
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    Teepublic is a site that makes custom shirts, hoodies, mugs and other goods with contributed art. It's mostly intended for things like corporate giveaways or a venue for selling indie art, but occasionally some unlicensed merchandise slips through - and boy, does it deliver today! Once a piece of art is uploaded, the site makes it easy to translate that imagine onto something else like a sticker, phone case or pillow. And with the coronavirus pandemic still in full swing, they've now added face masks! A handful of fairly random WC designs is available, which includes a Kilrathi taunt face, a couple famous logos and even the Hot Wing Commander. They're $15, which is on the higher side, but not bad considering how shortages persist. The company also donates a medical grade mask for each novelty one purchased. Links to the ones we could find are below - let us know if you see any other good ones.

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    This weekend, starting Thursday, May 17rd at 8AM PT to Monday, May 21th at 10AM PT, we are running a special event where Captains can earn bonus Marks by playing content throughout the game! During the event, content that provides Marks (Fleet or Reputation) will reward a 50% (1.5x) bonus above normal amounts – this bonus is available for all content that rewards Marks, including the three new reputations that came to Console with Agents of Yesterday. Start building your Fleet projects and reputations! We hope you enjoy this special event and we’ll see you in-game! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity

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    If you've been closely following




    of WC1-era ships and thought something was missing, you're right! The Confed lineup now has its star medium fighter, the Rapier.

    Klavs' Rapier

    has some serious competition now! Now we wait to see where these beauties pop up...


    And last but certainly not least in our 2655 Confed fighter lineup - the F-44A Rapier II. Fast, nimble, and equipped with God's own shields, it pretty much typifies fighter combat in the WC universe. Is it any wonder we still seem them popping up in the Nephilim war? Though it begs the question, what was the Rapier I?
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    The Year of Klingon is almost upon us, Captains, and the first stage is right around the corner. To help you find and celebrate all of the amazing rebuilt content, we put together a very honorable list of what’s changing with tomorrow’s patch and where you can find it. First, we aimed our sights at the Klingon Tutorial, and the Empire Mission Arc. These episodes have new environment art, updated cutscenes, new and updated voice over recordings, and even some new gameplay. Our designers have taken to the field of battle and produced some missions that we feel are up to our modern standards for Star Trek Online, and really make you feel like a Klingon Warrior. Some of our most iconic Klingon characters were long overdo for an update, and our character artists took on that task with gusto. Below, you can see the new designs for Worf, J’mpok, K’mtar, and Kagran. Nxt

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    Eagle-eyed Wingnut


    spotted a Wing Commander prop reappear in a television commercial. A simple, but unique, console appeared near the Midway's hangar in Prophecy. The same unit popped up again in a Coca-Cola ad the following year. Both are visible just briefly, so this is a crazy catch!


    Here’s a background WC prop which can be found in another production. This futuristic console (although if you look closely, it looks like a solar panel attached to a battery box and lights) can be found on the hangar deck of the TCS Midway in WCP, as well as a later Coca Cola commercial from 1998. The commercial can be found at:
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    With a small delay, we've just released the second patch for Nintendo Switch, which brings a couple of bug fixes involving UI navigation and gameplay issues.


    • Fixed UI navigation issues in the repair, upgrade and crafting screens
    • Fixed that a new run couldn't be started in the hangar, if the player was on the codex tab
    • Fixed frame rate dependant issues with black holes & tweaked their strength
    • Fixed that the health of the player's drones could go above 100%, and that they sometimes weren't spawning again when loading a savegame
    • Fixed several issues where loot containers were inaccessible
    • Fixed that rotating the ship in the color selection screen would also change the color
    • Fixed that in hardcore mode, perks would stay unlocked after death
    • Make sure Okkar Gunships don't flee outside of level area
    • Fixed localization issues of some ship wreck logbooks