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  • 07


    Welcome to the Vega Sector! Here's the original

    star map

    sketch that became a page of Wing Commander's Claw Marks manual. The map was redone for several ports and even included as a poster in the FM Towns release (the blue one). The only problem: it's supposed to be to scale but the distances change in each version! Note that "Hell's Kitchen" becomes "Apocalypse" in the SNES version because Nintendo.


  • 07


    Avid Wing Commander collector

    Christian Klein

    has found another rare artifact. He managed to locate a British copy of the game on 5.25" low density disks that may be an earlier release than the mass produced copy most of us are familiar with. In it, Hunter is named "Dart," which we know was an original placeholder name for the character. The first screenshot below shows this, and the second is from the British 3.5" high density disk release. LOAF points out that the name change came late in development, and both Hunter and Maniac actually have "Dart" and "Joker" nameplates on their helmets in all versions of the final game!


  • 07


    The Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack

    has a new Nephilim transport. Thanks to some graphical magic by Dark Sentinel and DefianceIndustries, the Triton goes from being an ugly gray


    to an exotic alien worm. It looks like a lot of fun to blow up!

    wcso_shipupgrade210t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade211t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade212t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade213t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade214t.jpgHere's the explodey version!


    Update time true believers! Today we are showcasing another great Nephilim ship brought to you by Dark Sentinel. The Triton (aka Leatherback) transport. Essentially a giant cigar case with guns, DS has done a great job making it look more like the original concept art, good and buggy! He's also bringing spines back. That's right spines! This ship is loaded with them! If you don't like spines, go home! Also I got the fun part of blowing it up, and so can you! Look for this and other exciting Nephilim additions in the next patch - Coming soon!
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    spotted a couple of nifty easter eggs in a recent World of Warcraft quest. Wing Commander Black and a blue-haired Kilrath make appearances as a couple of Orcs in a story mission. These aren't random gaming references either - WoW executive producer

    J Allen Brack

    is a major Wing Commander vet. He got his start in the industry as a QA tester on Wing Commander 3 and went on to work on P2, WC4, Kilrathi Saga, Prophecy and Secret Ops. There are likely numerous such gems hidden in the game. Another player spotted

    Wing Commander Mulverick

    a while back too.


  • 07


  • 07


    Scimitars may not be known for going fast, but blink and you might miss this one. Hit the gear in the lower right and you can slow the clip down in slow motion. At 0.25 speed you can admire the design a little more. This is just one of the Wing Commander fighters that

    Stephen Fender

    is working on. He's got four Confed and four Kilrathi ships coming together, and with that he's considering putting together a Lego movie or comic. Whatever form this ends up taking, we'd love to see it!

    A little LEGO model I designed in Lego Digital Designer, converted to 3DS, then imported into Lightwave for a quick test render.
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  • 07


    The Rind Gold Electronics Org Campaign has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Large quantities of research materials and mined resources were delivered to Wegner Market over the past week, allowing the Empire to proceed with the construction of a new pilot-training centre.

    A spokesperson for the Rind Gold Electronics Org released the following statement:

    "As the dangers facing humanity become more potent, we must not become overly reliant on technology. Instead we must seek to cultivate the human mind, and unlock its boundless potential."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Wegner Market in the Rind system.

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