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    Here's a really nifty collectible that Christian Klein has added to his collection. It's a copy of Privateer localized for South Korea. You might not be able to tell from the first frame, but the box is extremely tall! Check it out side-by-side with a more conventional package. The Wing Commander series got a fair amount of translation in South Korea. Here's a lengthy 14-page review of Privateer as well as a local magazine ad. This also isn't Christian's first SK WC game: he's also got a tall box WC4!


    FINALLY added a Korean Wing Commander Privateer (SKC Soft Land) to my collection. Look at this huuuuge box. Thanks to Dominus of Exult
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    People have been loving the recent glimpse of Mac's massive Concordia fleet, but the scene we've gotten has featured the ship and its many escorts majestically cruising through space. Now it's time for a peek at the action! He's posted this teaser that shows the dreadnought's powerful phase transit cannon warm up, take aim and blast a Fralthra to bits. The encounter is inspired by this famous scene!

    This is what all y'all wanted from the Concordia video wasnt it.

    So here's the first pass of the Phase Transit Cannon in action.#wingcommander

    — Mac's Lore (@MacsLore) October 19, 2023

    Way back in 2010 I wondered if perhaps by 2020 it would be appropriate to post the full 250 kilobyte animated gif directly on the front page. Dear readers, I believe that day has come. Brace yourselves:

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    CountvonSchnaps has a new sketch: a wonderful Tallahassee class cruiser like the TCS Coventry in WC3. I really like what he's done with colors, paneling and detail across the hull. It adds some rich character! He originally drew a Southampton destroyer, which we highlighted last year. I missed the cruiser addition until Dragon1 pointed it out this week, but I'm happy to be able to share both now!


    A redesign (slightly) of a cruiser featured in Wing Commander 3 and 4: the Tallahassee Class cruiser. Sporting 11 turrets (2x dual barrel heavy antimatter turrets, 1 x dual barrel tachyon gun turret and 8 laser cannons) it also has a front mounted axial gauss cannon and a torpedo/missile launcher. Similar to the Southampton it has a hangar bay located at the back which can house a full wing of fighter; typically, 4 Arrow light fighters and a shuttle.

    It is fun to make ships like these, in a sketchy and

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    The gang at Roberts Space Industries is holding their annual Star Citizen convention this weekend, and they're wrapping events up with a big announcement: the campaign-driven game announced in 2012, Squadron 42, is now "feature complete." This means the core items are in place, and they are entering a new phase of polishing. This is expected to still take a significant amount of time, so the team is not putting a release date out there yet. They have, however, published a very cool new video that highlights the latest in the game's cinematics and spaceflight. The clip even begins with familiar nods to things like their iteration of the Hornet fighter and the Vega System. Chris Roberts says, "We want to make sure that Squadron 42 delivers on the promise of being this generation's Wing Commander," and it does indeed seem like this generation may get to experience it!

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    Mac is on a roll with fabulous Wing Commander renders this month, and his latest is a spectacular Super Ferret as originally modeled by Klavs. His new scene is vertically oriented with a lot of hard angles and implied speed. There's also some great interplay between the engine flare, background nebula gases and other light sources. The new image is below, and you can see it assembled with two of his similar pieces as well!


    Ferret model by Hangar B Productions. Which now completes the poster series I started way back. Now to see what they'll look like printed.


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    Klavs is back to polish his Sabre model again, and he's got a neat new setup here. He's put together an expansive 8K backdrop and then added his own models to it for a very ultrawide wallpaper. It would fit nicely across two 4K monitors with very slim bezels or anchor a higher/wider monitor very well. The ships look slick as always, and the Sabre is especially mean from a head-on perspective!


    Fiddling with these models again with a heavily tweaked Midjourney AI background and a LOT of passes to make it look more painterly.
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    It's been a while since we've last seen Chronocidal Guy's Excalibur model in action, but the ship is back on track and under construction on his workbench. He's reworked the design in a handful of ways, including rescaling the model to be considerably larger. This has allowed him to add more detail to items like the mounted weapons. It's pretty far along, so hopefully we won't have to wait forever to see the final ship!


    I have been busy revisiting this design though, and decided to finally dig in and rebuild the blank sections, add a simple cockpit, and print a slightly larger scale one.

    Good progress being made, but the print times have scaled up along with the size, and I'm waiting for the weekend to print the engine modules, since they'll take 24 hours each. The fuselage and wings were both about 36 hour prints.

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    Pretty neat discovery by AD: the German dub of Wing Commander Prophecy includes two post-mission attaboys that aren’t present in the English release!

    They are both included in the shooting script and the schedule! It’s not some giant missing piece but it’s pretty neat to see more of Ginger’s Rachel… even if she’s speaking German! Yes we are adding the entire German dub to Holovids! You can learn more here and here.


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    Mac's highly anticipated lore video on the TCS Concordia has been released! The clip has been teased in a variety of forms over the past month, and now you can enjoy the entire episode. It details the extensive history of the vessel from its commissioning in the wake of The Secret Missions 2 through the exploits of WC2 and the Special Operations and finally with her heroic efforts from the WC novels. The thorough narration is complemented by more than twenty minutes of gorgeous fleet footage. It's very informative and visually striking. Don't miss it!

    The Rockstar of Confed's Carrier Fleet.
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