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    I was thinking about the Prophecy Advance clip we shared yesterday, and it reminded me that regular Wing Commander Prophecy on the PC rocks too! Here's the exciting cutscene where the Midway fires its massive Nephilim plasma weapon. Did you know that if you fail the final mission and then continue, the ship desperately tries to fire the weapon a second time? This does not work out well for the Terran Confederation!

    With that being said, the crew definitely had warning that there could be disastrous results!

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    Here's a treat you've never seen before! This is the trailer that was created to test Digital Anvil's ability to produce a Wing Commander Movie. It was quietly shown at the 1998 SXSW in Austin, Texas. Thanks to Banjo, now you can see it too!

    In order to raise interest in a Wing Commander feature film among prospective partners and raise money for production by selling future distribution rights, Digital Anvil produced a short one minute trailer featuring an action scene.

    Astute fans will notice that, while the Kilrathi capital ship is visually very similar to the Concom seen in the final movie, the space fighters are more detailed versions of ships in the games themselves. The human pilots are flying WC1 and 2 style Rapiers, and the Kilrathi appear to be piloting Vaktoths (previously seen in WC3). Shot in 1997 not too long after WC4 shipped, the cockpit sets and costumes are left over from the

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    Eryx Channel has posted a video about the "Evolution of Wing Commander Games." It's a simple clip with edits of the games as they appeared in the franchise, but a few things caught my eye. Games like Academy, Armada, Righteous Fire, Super Wing Commander, Kilrathi Saga and Arena are included, which is always really great to see. It's kind of odd they added in WC Saga at the end, because the rundown should really just go through 2007. Fan projects like WC Saga are wonderful, but there are a bunch of awesome ones that could warrant their own complete video. Also, that's a Star Citizen/Squadron 42 screenshot in the thumbnail, which is extra weird because it's not even in the clip!

    Oh, the other thing that caught my eye is this stellar comment:

    I liked this series because my dad would always be on top of the newest release in the series.Those were the good 'ol days!

    That's where we are now, folks. :)

  • 01


    It’s almost time, Captains. Next week, Victory is Life launches on PC, bringing you back to the characters, locations and stories of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for the first time in 25 years. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is one of the most beloved Star Trek series in history, but we know it might have been a few years since you’ve watched the entire thing, and you might want to catch up before Victory is Life launches. We’ve got you covered – while you don’t need to have seen any of these episodes to understand Victory is Life, watching them will give you a bit of extra context that might make the expansion that much more meaningful. Without further ado, here are the episodes the Star Trek Online developers recommend you binge before Victory is Life goes live: Season 1 Episode 13 – Battlelines Season 2 Episode 26 – The Jem’Hadar Season 3 Episode 1 – The Search, Pt. 1 Episode 2

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    PhilsComputerLab has another novel video that looks at the WC series from a new angle. The focus of this episode is to emphasize the evolutionary leaps that each iteration in the series made. It's a great topic to discuss, because it's probably harder for later generations to appreciate. It's easy to look at the four year gap between WC1 and WC3 and say, "Wow," but there was a lot of technological advancement happening that drove all that. The expected conventions of game design were ever-changing as well. Check it out below, and thanks to thp for the tip!

    The Wing Commander games are a great example to showcase how the PC has evolved in the short span of just 7 years from 1990 to 1997.

    One correction: WC3 was 1994 (on PC), not 1995, and I definitely would not have called its reception "mixed." At the time of its release, WC3 was tied for PC Gamer's highest rated game of all time, among many other

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    has put together a neat little video that chronicles the graphical progression from the Wing Commander 1 to 3. Most Wingnuts today would be quite familiar with these cuts, so there's nothing really new to see here, but there's a certain charm to seeing them presented side by side so you can appreciate how much the gaming world changed in just four years. The clip looks at characters, dogfighting, cutscenes and even the title sequence. Check it out below:

    In this video, I will show how Origin's Wing Commander PC series (Kilrathi trilogy) graphics improved from Wing Commander 1 to Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger
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    It's easier to play your classic Wing Commander games today with DOSBox, GOG and compatibility patches like wcdx readily available, but there's also a certain magic to getting an old 386 or 486 running. Not everyone has the time or space to make that happen though, so Philip from RadioShack put together this video of the game running on a vintage Tandy 2500 SX/25. This would have been a pretty good system for getting the original Wing Commander going back in the day!

    The planets aligned and I was able to get Wing Commander running on my Tandy 2500 SX / 25 Hard Drive model computer - a 25mhz 386 running DOS 6.2 with Sound Blaster audio. RadioShack pro tip - add EMM3686 to your config.sys file!

    He's got an in-depth review of the machine here that's also a fun watch!

    My first computer was a 1987 era Tandy 1000 that ran at about 4.77 MHz, so I find this fascinating.

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    Last Line of Defense

    now has a new Waterloo. It's an interesting translation of a WC2 design into WC3 styling. One of the most notable changes are the swap from flak cannons to designated gun and missile turrets.


    put together this nifty video of the ship fending off eight Dralthi with its updated weaponry. No problem for a heavy cruiser!

    Wing Commander Saga Waterloo under attack

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    Actress Dana Delany, who voiced Gwen "Archer" Bowman in Wing Commander Academy, had an unfortunate accident this week. She had a bad fall down a flight of stairs and came out of it with a black eye. Many news outlets are reporting how she was a longtime friend of Bob Saget, whose recent death appears connected to head trauma. As such, Ms. Delany took the incident seriously and got it checked out. Fortunately it appears that she'll be fine!

    You should see the other guy.

    Thank you all for your concern. I fell down some iron stairs head first (totally sober!) & all I could think of was poor Bob Saget. So I grabbed the handrail with my face. I was afraid it was fractured but thankfully, no. The folks at St John's emergency took great care of me.


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    albumkickstarter_goodies25t.jpgIt's been a big month for crowdfunded projects! On top of some exciting new campaigns, composer George Oldziey has continued to make good progress on his second major music album. The assets for the physical discs are finally wrapped up and ready to go out for production. Digital samples of the music on the album have also just been distributed. Backers can now check their


    accounts for download information if they didn't get an email notification to do so already. This package includes both digitally reorchestrated classical style tracks from Wing Commanders 3, 4 and Prophecy as well as his awesome Wing Commander jazz tracks that include live takes on popular WC bar music. George would still love to get more digital pieces recorded by a live orchestra again some day, and we'll share any new news on that front when it breaks!

    Greetings all! Sorry to be so AWOL recently. I just wanted
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    Mike Winterbauer's campaign to create an alternate art portfolio for his classic game art covers comes to a close this week. We can confidently project its success since it currently stands at 7.5 times its target amount. CIC staff members alone appear to have pledged more than the minimum threshold, so that helps too. Of particular interest to WC fans is a new spread that shows side-by-side depictions of his famous Super Nintendo Wing Commander art on the game's box as well as in print magazines. There are also several other similar collages involved for his other games, including Solstice, Power Blade and Might & Magic. As of this writing, the project has passed $1500. If it reaches $2000, pledgers will also receive a "Xeen Rises" sketch. Some of his past WC works are available in the lower tiers, or the new 16x24 inch metal print comes in at the $150 (plus shipping) level. Find out more