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    Games on Film

    podcast has recorded an episode that's all about Wing Commander. They spend more than 80 minutes talking about the franchise's background and the environment that existed in 1999. Then the commentators spend quite a bit of time talking through the highs and lows of the film itself. One thing that sets this review/discussion apart from the cliche comments you frequently see is that they thought the space action was on the boring side but were actually intrigued by the Pilgrim angle. Since their focus is all about video games that have crossed over into theaters, they make a good point that FMV-centric series seem to have an inherently difficult time gaining acceptance since it's so easy to break with cinematic styles that their fans are used to. You can check out the full episode



    Harry and Rory journey into the deep reaches of space - and the even deeper reaches of the DVD
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    Due to heightened military action in the core systems, Senator Caspian Leopold has launched an initiative to construct a rehabilitation centre for those affected by the ongoing conflict.

    A spokesperson for Senator Leopold gave the following statement to the media:

    "An escalation in hostilities from both Thargoid and human parties has left a lot of innocent civilians without food or shelter. Senator Leopold has heard their cries for help, and is building a sanctuary where the safety of refugees can be guaranteed."

    The Nifelhel Corp., which is overseeing the initiative, has placed an open order for Cobalt, Semiconductors and Synthetic Fabrics, promising to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Biruni Port in the Niflhel system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure those contributing commodities to the initiative can do so safely.


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    The Lave Radio Network has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Lave Station, thereby allowing the network to broadcast its annual conference to the entire galaxy. A rival campaign from the Lave Jet Family was unable to destabilise the Lave Radio initiative, despite also receiving the support of independent pilots.

    As the campaign drew to a close, one of the organisers released a statement:

    "The signal is spreading. We would like to extend our gratitude to the galactic community for making this possible."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Lave Station in the Lave system.

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    The Lave Jet Family has announced that its campaign to prevent the Lave Radio Network from broadcasting its annual conference has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to construct a signal jammer, thereby preventing Lave Radio from transmitting the conference.

    The Lave Jet Family has extended its gratitude to those who supported the campaign.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Lave Station in the Lave system.

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    The Lave Radio Network has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Lave Station, thereby allowing the network to broadcast its annual conference to the entire galaxy. A rival campaign from the Lave Jet Family was unable to destabilise the Lave Radio initiative, despite also receiving the support of independent pilots.

    As the campaign drew to a close, one of the organisers released a statement:

    "The signal is spreading. We would like to extend our gratitude to the galactic community for making this possible."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Lave Station in the Lave system.

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    General: Resolved an issue which was causing the Landing Page to appear upon every map transfer for many players. All Jem'Hadar captains can now Transwarp to Deep Space Nine. Resolved an issue which caused Cardassian Intel ships to completely disappear when using cloak. Resolved an issue where some Hur’q powers had no audio. Added a Crafting Weekend event starting on June 21. Resolved an issue that caused Jem'Hadar captains to display the incorrect FX when ranking up starship mastery. Dominion Security Teams now use the Dominion's transporter FX when beaming down. Content: Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not replay “Researcher Rescue”. Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not start “Stranded in Space”. Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not start “Hide and Seek”. Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not

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    From June 14th at 8am PT to June 18th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding! This discount includes the brand new Cardassian and Jem’Hadar Vanguard ships! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. Each time a player buys a Tier 5 ship, they will receive a free ship upgrade token. This only occurs when the Tier 5 ship is bought for the first time on an account. The Claim for this token will appear in

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    From June 14th at 8am PT to June 18th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale, and introducing the Archon Intel Assault Cruiser to Xbox One and Playstation 4 for the very first time! See below for details on this brand new ship! Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. Each time a player buys a Tier 5 ship, they will receive a free ship upgrade token. This only occurs when the Tier 5 ship is bought for the

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    has a neat new audio treat for fellow fans. He's recorded a classic Star*Solder article to test out his new audio gear. If the story doesn't ring a bell, it's the one that details some of the exploits and fate of the final surviving Midway class megacarrier that fought in the Nephilim war. It's a very creative reading with music and sound effects layered in! You can find the original text on page 23 of the manual



    In order to test my new semi-professional microphone and practice my skills in Adobe Audition, I produced an Audio Narration of "Last of the Megacarriers" from "Star*Solder", the manual of "Wing Commander Arena". This is the tale of the TCS Port Broughton, a Terran Confederation Megacarrier and sistership to the TCS Midway from "Wing Commander: Prophecy".
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    Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling the amount of Technology Points earned from each one applied! From Thursday, June 14th at 8AM PST to June 18th at 10AM PST, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade! This in turn reduces the amount of Dilithium that must be spent to reach each Upgrade threshold, allowing Captains additional chances to attain both Mark and Rarity increases on their favored load outs. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

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    “There’s somethin’ you don’t see every day,” mused Louann Wilkins as she looked at the Bajoran Wormhole on the viewscreen. “Kinda reminds me of a hurricane. Still pretty, though.” “You say that now, but wait until there’s a thousand ships coming out of it, all filled with people wanting to kill you,” Quark smirked at the sharp-featured human at the Science station as her eyes widened. “It loses its luster pretty fast when that happens, believe me.” The Ferengi took a seat at the empty Engineering station and watched something else on the viewscreen – a Bajoran freighter as it entered the wormhole at impulse speed. “There. There’s our decoy,” Quark called to the Na’kuhl at the helm of the Orion vessel Coldstar as he pointed at an image on the viewscreen. “Follow them in, nice and slow, and we’ll ditch the Federation cloak sensors around the wormhole. If anything, we’ll

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    This is turning into a series!

    Christian Klein

    has found yet another DROSoft localization for Spain. This time it's Wing Commander 2. This one has a long of box text to translate, and the small instruction pamphlet has a very cool design with watermark silhouettes of all the ships on it. Relatively speaking, there's quite a few copies of Wing Commander 2 out there, but not this version of it! Really cool find!


    Thanks Spain! I recently found another neat Wing Commander 2 version to add to my small collection.