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  • 06


    As revealed on our Ten Forward Weekly community stream last night, Star Trek Online is incredibly happy to announce our next Star Trek actor to join Victory is Life: Aron Eisenberg! Aron is returning to the role of Nog, the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, and the Captain of the U.S.S. Chimera. Nog is a former Chief Engineer of the Enterprise, as well as a veteran of the Dominion and Iconian Wars. With the return of the Hu’rq, he’s been called into action and will once again be interacting with your Captain in a race to save the galaxy. Welcome, Aron, we’re so glad to have you back! Check out our official reveal and interview with Aron Eisenberg from last night’s Ten Forward Weekly. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px;

  • 30


    Wing Commander Armada comes with one of the greatest game manuals in history, an all-the-more impressive achievement given Origin prided themselves on producing wonderful lore material. That manual is Voices of War, a fascinating and evocative look at both sides of the Terran-Kilrathi conflict. For a game with very little internal narrative it's impressive that Armada's lore manual has been so massively influential on the rest of the Wing Commander universe. But Armada had TWO similarly sized manuals! Voices of War is dedicated only to world building while a second Play Guide offered all the details on how to actually interface with the game. It was only ever available digitally in an ancient 'VEBE' format which does not open with any kind of modern viewer. For whatever reason, GOG did not bother to include a copy with their release. Not having access to a copy hasn't been a huge problem for Wing

  • 13


    Hercxena is big into Wing Commander streaming. His avatar is even a Bluehair-looking guy, and he gets good crowds for it on Twitch. We shared his Righteous Fire stream back in 2016, since that's less common on most platforms, and now he's been digging into Armada. He's cross posted the first few Twitch streams over to YouTube, which are potentially a little easier to check out. I admit I haven't watched the whole thing myself yet, but it looks like he takes a good crack at the lengthy campaign. There's so many wonderful things about this game. The cockpit sounds are great and the explosions are gorgeous. A lot of people consider the strategic aspect to be on the basic side, but it's still a joy for me. It's really nice to see people playing still playing it! (And it's fun to see that my box scan from 2005 is still circulating around the internet)

  • 31


    Here's a funky bootleg shared by Patrick_Patman. The Super/Multi Game bundle is a CD packed with a whopping 808 games. Wing Commander Armada is the clear headliner here, and other notables include Litil Divil, Gateway2 Homeworld, Heimdall 2 and Zool2 (Sonic). The other 803 games are part of a shovelware Game Master collection. "Over 800 of the highest quality games on CD-ROM." I can't vouch for the rest, but at least one included title is fantastic!


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  • 06


    Deathsnake was recently trolling the archives of the German magazine PC Player and came across a neat video on Wing Commander Armada. The clip is brief and in German, but it represents what would have been super cutting edge at the time. There's a small handful of contemporary videos with WC3 info, but clips on Armada are especially rare.

    Now we're used to getting fancy trailers and streaming gameplay previews months before release on any game imaginable, but the world was very different 25 years ago. PC Player was one of the first magazines to distribute a CD-ROM that had short multimedia clips such as this in an era where standard television broadcasts were the only time you'd see video content, and there was no gaming material to speak of. In special cases you may have been able to go to a software store and see one of these discs playing on repeat. You can use an app like Google Translate

  • 08


  • 16


    Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has attended a public ceremony following her year-long abduction by the Lords of Restoration.
    Her proclamation from Trasken Square, standing before millions of Capitol's citizens and flanked by legions of Imperial Guard, was broadcast across all channels:
    "To those who protected the Empire during my enforced absence, I offer my deepest gratitude. My trusted chancellor, senators and security agencies are to be commended."
    "To those who dared to attack Imperial citizens, who dared to impersonate me and mislead my people…who took the lives of my family. Know this: there will be no place to hide from my wrath."
    "And to all citizens who may fear these uncertain times, I vow that your Emperor will lead you into the glorious future that is ours by right."
    Subsequent messages from the Imperial Palace praised ACT and its supporters for their work in freeing Arissa and

  • 09


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    Various Imperial allies, ambassadors and nobles have been summoned to Capitol for a series of meetings with Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval.
    Political journalist Cassia Carvalho provided details for The Imperial Herald:
    "There are rumours of many behind-the-scenes changes among the upper echelons of power since Emperor Arissa returned. But this latest event was mostly in the public eye and seemed designed to reassure the citizens of her physical presence."
    "Members from all echelons of the Imperial aristocracy arrived at the palace with their entourages. Court ceremonies were held to reaffirm their fealty to Emperor Arissa, all with as much spectacle and grandeur as possible."
    "Less public were Arissa's closed sessions with representatives from the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. Laurentin Sharpe, the Empire's senior ambassador to the Alliance, said: 'The purpose of these briefings is to update Her

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    Following a referendum by the Marlinist Colonies, Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval has formally recognised their autonomous status.
    Prime Consul Kayode Tau of the Marlinist Consulate reported on his latest meeting with the Emperor:
    "Her Majesty was clearly uncomfortable with the democratic way in which the ex-Imperial citizens in the colonies now govern themselves. But she gracefully acknowledged that the Marlinist population had declined her invitation to become an Imperial protectorate, and would thus remain independent."
    "However, there was a proviso to Emperor Arissa's acceptance of the decision. She insisted that the Marlinist Colonies must work with the Empire's intelligence agencies to prevent any resurgence of the NMLA or similar terrorist groups."
    It has since been agreed that Imperial Intelligence and the Marlinist Constabulary would collaborate on identifying Neo-Marlinist extremists.

  • 04


    It's July, so that means this is the final month that Wing Commander Arena will be offered for sale by Microsoft! Although the game will remain playable for the foreseeable future, potential players will need to purchase their copy now to be able to download it to their Xbox 360 later. The game has been heavily discounted to just $0.99, so there's no reason not to pick a copy up just in case! It's also a really good idea to read LOAF's excellent Arena FAQ to get all of the details straight. To go along with this countdown, here's a couple of videos that AD recently found that show Andre BigBoss hunting achievements. The first clip shows what it takes to organize 16 players for the big "TCS Tiger's Claw" unlock. I very much admire the effort and appreciate how this sort of thing is preserved for history, since modern streaming infrastructure didn't exist back in 2007. I believe the clips are