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    has created a MEGA Overview of the Wing Commander series. He covers each of the main games, which is all of the PC games except the expansions, Secret Ops or Arena. Of course it would be nice if those were included too, but it's still pretty impressive how exhaustive the video is as it takes nearly a full hour to cover the landscape. Lots of streamers hit WC1 or WC3/4, so it's a nice change to hear someone detailing out Academy nav points, Armada shipyards and the nuances of Privateer 2 videos. I suppose we'll just have to wait for the GIGA Overview for more!

    In this video, I provide an overview of the 9 main games of the Wing Commander series released between 1990 and 1997.
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    The Close Encounters Corps has announced that its appeal for commodities has reached a successful conclusion, having received an overwhelming response from the galactic community.

    A huge number of muon imagers were delivered to Crown Prospect over the past week. These will allow the construction of a scientific megaship to research the nebula surrounding the BD-12 1172 system.

    With the initiative at an end, Admiral Anton Vern of the Close Encounters Corps issued the following statement:

    "I am grateful for the professionalism displayed by the pilots who took part in this project, and thank them on behalf of our researchers. New horizons and new worlds await us."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Crown Prospect in the Kagutsuchi system.

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    The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. - George Bernard Shaw The I.S.S. Discovery has jumped into the future and the Terrans have plans for the planet Pahvo. Now it's up to you to stop them -- and their ruthless Captain "Killy" -- before they threaten the entire quadrant. Visit the peaceful planet to discover what the Terrans have done and figure out how to break their link with the enigmatic Pahvans, who've never managed to establish successful communication with the Vulcan Science Academy's research teams. "Illusion of Communication" is the second episode in the new story showing how the accidental displacement of the Discovery has ramifications felt as far afield as the 25th century. This episode continues the storyline for existing captains after the events of the Gamma Quadrant and carries on events after the episode "Para Pacem."

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    The Arc Client has received a facelift with some fresh new features that we’re excited to share! This blog will highlight some of the most noteworthy changes, additions, and updates you’ll find in the new Arc 5.0 Client when it goes live to the world on July 11th, 2018! Arc 5.0 Home Custom News Introducing Custom News, a brand new section to the Arc Home UI. Custom News is located on the right side of the Home screen and spotlights some of the most important articles, like patch notes, refer-a-friend, and events. Featured News The Featured News section is now more media friendly. Videos will be embedded directly into the carousel, so you can watch trailers from the comfort of your favorite game’s Home screen. Breaking News When there’s a critical announcement, you’ll be the first to know thanks to the stylish new Breaking News module. Get current info on

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    A Federal Navy vessel has reported the discovery of an unregistered outpost with all occupants murdered, following a response to an automatic distress signal.

    The incident is being investigated by the Federal Intelligence Agency. Senior Agent Rochelle Karim made the following statement:

    "This remote lunar base was designed to prevent detection, and yet it has been located and invaded by unknown forces who chose to gun down its inhabitants. It appears access codes were used to bypass security systems, as there are no signs of forced entry."

    "Initial findings suggest the outpost was dedicated to advanced nuclear research. This may have been a targeted attack in order to steal a power source, a weapon, or valuable data."

    "We are conducting a thorough examination of the site, and expect to learn more soon."

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    Odo and the young Jem'Hadar haven't gone very far past the wormhole in the Gamma Quadrant when a Dominion patrol ship neared. "Well, you've been waiting all your life, short as it may be, to meet your people,” Odo said to his traveling companion. “Now, you'll get your chance. I hope," Odo paused, looking for the right words, "I hope you'll be happy." "Are you sure you want to go back to the station,” the young warrior asked. “Don't you belong here? Your people are here – you are a Founder!" Before Odo could convince himself, again, that he made the right decision, the other ship hailed them. He sighed, "On screen." A female Vorta appeared, "Greetings, Founder. Did you change your mind? Are you coming home to us at long last?" "I see word of my existence has made it throughout the Dominion. Hmph." "It’s best said that such information is at a ‘need to know’ status, Founder.

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    General: Resolved an issue that prevented Discovery-era Klingon ships from awarding skill points when defeated. Resolved an issue that could sometimes cause players to be stuck in Sector Space after completing “Children of War”. Resolved an issue which caused owners of the Hur’q Ravager Escort Carrier [T6] or Hur’q Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel [T6] to be unable to purchase Swarmer Fighters from various stores. Resolved an issue that prevented level 55 Captains from being able to turn in “New Officer” mission. Resolved an issue that was causing the mission “Secrets” to be available during the tutorial. Organized various items in the C-Store Delta Rising and Victory is Life Bridge Officers moved to Bridge Officer Tab. Agents of Yesterday 0718 Bridge Officer moved to Bridge Officer Tab. Legacy of Romulus and Delta Rising Duty Officers moved to Duty Officers

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    “Captain’s Log, supplemental.” Captain Thy’kir Shran lifted his finger from a button on the terminal in his ready room. He had come in here to record his thoughts as the U.S.S. Sebrova cruised at high warp toward their latest objective. These were momentous times, dangerous times, and he felt that they deserved to be chronicled. But he wasn’t sure where to begin. The peaceful exploratory mission Starfleet had offered him when he donned the uniform was no longer a priority. Across Starfleet, science vessels and starships built for exploration were being retrofitted for combat—the Sebrova included. All because of the Klingons’ attacks at the Battle of the Binary Stars. While he and the Sebrova weren’t present at the battle, he found it surreal to hear the news of the tragedy for two reasons: One, because of the Klingons’ sudden and unexpected savagery and two, because among the

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    There's great news out of the Through the Moongate: the first stretch goal has been reached, which means that there will be an extra chapter looking at the developing of Wing Commander II! Here's the official word:

    A million thank yous to all our backers who made another achievement possible! We will have the pleasure to work with Siobhan Beeman, Ellen Guon Beeman, and other Originites on the Wing Commander 2 chapter, which will be delivered as a digital download to all backers from Honesty tier and higher. We are excited to dig into and tell many yet unknown stories of another legendary game from Origin!

    The project has added a second strech goal which would add a rare Ultima print for backers at the Sacrifice (50 euro) level or higher. There are three days left, so if you want a copy for yourself you can pledge here! There are three days left on this one, so get in quick!


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    Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling the amount of Technology Points earned from each one applied! From Thursday, January 10th at 8AM PST to January 14th at 10AM PST, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade! This in turn reduces the amount of Dilithium that must be spent to reach each Upgrade threshold, allowing Captains additional chances to attain both Mark and Rarity increases on their favored load outs. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

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    Star Trek Las Vegas, the biggest gathering of Trek Fans and Celebrities, is coming to the Rio from July 31st – August 4th, and we want to see you there. That's why we're teaming with Creation Entertainment to give you the opportunity to win two tickets to the show! Come and meet your favorite Trek actors like William Shatner, Anson Mount, Denise Crosby, Michael Dorn and much, much more over the course of almost an entire week of celebrating Trek! But that's not all – every year at STLV we have an exclusive bridge officer pack that you can't get anywhere else. Last year's was some of the cast of Deep Space Nine, and we'll be beaming those officers on to the bridge of one of this year's lucky winners. You can enter the contest in the field below. ONE GRAND PRIZE WINNER WILL RECEIVE 2x Copper Passes to Star Trek Las Vegas 1x Command Dreadnought Cruiser Bundle (PC) 1x STLV Exclusive 2018 Bridge

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    Captain’s Log: Stardate…um…we’ll edit that in later. The crew of the U.S.S. Cerritos, um, specifically her support crew, have been thrown forward in time. Or turned into holograms. Or possibly Excalbian constructs. Any way, they’re in 2411 now, and they’ve been given the very, very, very important assignment of helping out on your ship. Use them how you like! Just, uh, maybe leave the Bat’leth and Romulan Whiskey storage locked. Like, at all times. Our med bay is already overstaffed, ok? Seriously. Lock the doors. We’re not kidding. Starting tomorrow, August 4th, the characters of Lower Decks are coming to your Duty Officer roster on all platforms! You’ll be able to pick up Boimler, Mariner, Tendi and Rutherford to add to your Federation crews. Each of them come with a unique, active power, and it’s even sometimes helpful. They’re completely free in the Duty Officers tab of