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    Jul this I suppose. Here's a scene by NeoSilverThorn. A few more of their creations are below. We hope you have a great weekend - and that you stay safe and healthy!


    Bad, bad day: Things in Gemini Sector could be better. Sure, the Kilrathi jump the border, the Navy's over-stretched...but one normally doesn't find Bloodfang-class fighters this far from Kilrathi space, let alone away from the Imperial house. Yet, here they are, and one under-gunned privateer is unhappily dealing with that fact...


    On a Wing Commander kick. Well, a scifi kick in general. So, have a somewhat cartoony Kilrathi pilot gal.
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    Fans have recently rallied to save The Tick after its cancellation by Amazon Studios last week. The superhero show stars François Chau, among many others, who played Vagabond in Wing Commanders 3 and 4. He's been a big voice in the campaign to bring the show back, and he's gotten some major support from Mark Hamill. Far from being a lost cause, the show's creator and cast have announced that they are signed on for more episodes, and their production partners are reportedly looking for another network willing to air a third season. Amazon Prime subscribers can catch the highly rated show for free on Prime Video. Mr. Chau continues to be active in a wide variety of sci-fi shows from Stargate SG1 to Lost to The Expanse to the new X-Files, but it's neat to see him remember his Wing Commander roots like this!

    Hey Mark! This is your old pal Vagabond from our Wing Commander days. A big thanks for your

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    Blackstar Update
    The in 2019 released "Lost Fleet" update opened opportunities to release more story related content for Freelancer Crossfire without interfering with the main story of Crossfire. Lost Fleet ended with a cliffhanger, with the player being stranded on a space station in the middle of nowhere. Blackstar starts right there.

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    Blackstar Update
    The in 2019 released "Lost Fleet" update opened opportunities to release more story related content for Freelancer Crossfire without interfering with the main story of Crossfire. Lost Fleet ended with a cliffhanger, with the player being stranded on a space station in the middle of nowhere. Blackstar starts right there.

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    Blackstar Fleet
    Since the ambition behind Blackstar Fleet got significantly bigger, more time is needed to get all the work done. We currently make good progress, adding our newly created assets into the game, doing lots of fine tuning etc. but still can not tell exactly when the new Crossfire version will be ready.Instead of letting you wait without anything new (besides the two already released updates this year) we have the intention to release some of the already done new content early. And with early I mea

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    Blackstar Fleet
    Since the ambition behind Blackstar Fleet got significantly bigger, more time is needed to get all the work done. We currently make good progress, adding our newly created assets into the game, doing lots of fine tuning etc. but still can not tell exactly when the new Crossfire version will be ready.Instead of letting you wait without anything new (besides the two already released updates this year) we have the intention to release some of the already done new content early. And with early I mea

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    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for an appearance on all platforms beginning on November 21st, 2018 - November 27th, 2018. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, alongside the Swarm Lock Box! There are too many prizes to list here, but here’s a sample of just the Tier 6 ships you can unlock in this prize pack: Benthan Assault Cruiser Vaadwaur Manasa Assault Escort Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Escort Carrier Krenim Imperium Warship Herald Quas Flight Deck Cruiser Tholian Tarantula Dreadnought Cruiser Na’kuhl Tadaari Raider Cardassian Keldon Cruiser Jem’Hadar Dreadnought Carrier Kelvin Timeline Starship Elachi S’ateth Escort Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer Sphere Builder Denuos Dreadnought Carrier The

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    has switched over from his recent streak of big flashy stations and capships to put together something from the other end of the spectrum. This is his take on the stealth Hellcats that we see pop up in the Wing Commander 4 novel. He's managed to pull off a neat hull effect that blends the standard gray durasteel with some kind of low profile coating. The result is pretty neat and helps make the case for the Hellcat remaining in service with the Black Lance into the 2670s.


    After the war, the boys over in R&D and Special Projects started slapping a cloaking device on anything with wings. They were obsessed with trying to close the gap between us and the fur balls; even after their disarmament at Torgo they still had a big lead on us in cloaking technology. So when we heard Douglas was shipping us a new model of Hellcat to test out we were a bit...skeptical is probably the best word
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