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    People are always asking me: Ben, I want to enjoy The Secret Missions, The Secret Missions 2, Super Wing Commander's extra campaign and Freedom Flight together in the most technically correct but narratively meaningless order possible...

    sm_timeline1t.jpgsm_timeline2t.jpgsm_timeline3t.jpgsm_timeline4t.jpg... well if that's you then boy did I ever spend my day off making a needlessly confusing spreadsheet for you!

    sm_timeline6t.jpgIt also tells you when to read sections of Wing Commander I & II: The Ultimate Strategy Guide because Secret Missions 2 is the rare game that's novelized by two completely different writers!


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    Section 31. The Tal Shiar. The Obsidian Order. Intelligence services like ours have always been shrouded in mystery and the allure of power. One day, it will likely be known that the Romulan Star Empire was manipulated into war with the Dominion. When that day comes, it will brush aside the other legacies of Captain Benjamin Sisko like footnotes for all but Bajor’s faithful. Stories of secret intelligence service have resonated with us throughout the ages. The means they use (and the ends which justify them) cast a long and deadly shadow, shrouding the victors in a heavy moral gray. Folk scarcely notice the extra wrinkles on their leader’s face as they stand among the ruins of a town sacrificed to keep a secret. From the tiny spec that listens in the right room to the ultimate prize of a compromised head of state, intelligence services are a heavy burden and powerful tool for any nation. Star

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    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for a two-week appearance beginning on September 27th, 2018. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, while the Deep Space 9 Lock Box will be retired. Updated Prize Lists Along with all of the prizes previously offered in previous appearances of the Infinity Lock Box, additional prizes originally seen in the Discovery Lock Box have been added to the drop tables. They now include all of the following: Crossfield-class Science Spearhead [T6] Sarcophagus Dreadnought Carrier [T6] Cross-Faction Consoles Multi-Target Tractor Arrays (Federation) Mycelium Ambush (Klingon) Cross-Faction Starship Mastery: Honored Dead (Federation) Black Alert (Klingon) DS9-themed Ground

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    Wing Commander veteran Paul Hughes has posted a shot of some fabulous wall art he's had made. They're Photobox canvas prints designed to commemorate Starlancer, Elite and Privateer 2. The '90s space sims are based on the straight European box art while the Elite cover comes from the fancy Acornsoft release. Modern print-on-demand services make cool projects like these relatively easy, and the results are super sweet!


    Final home office canvases. Really chuffed how well they came out. Space games and I have a bit of a history. :D So many tales to tell... It was a fun project.

    We were lucky; the cover art and manuals were done in house by a member of the Dev team - Mr Paul Chapman. The Elite one is a Photoshop retouch of the artwork that I did, the other two come from the original hires artwork and were all printed on Canvas by Photobox.

    Loved Wing Commander (especially WC3) I was a tad star struck when

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    Everything Old is New Again, and that’s certainly the case for starships. The Age of Discovery Operations Pack, out soon, features exciting new starships based on 23rd century designs, but brought up to speed on modern combat capabilities. Federation-aligned captains will gain access to the following starships: Shran Light Pilot Escort [T6] Gagarin Miracle Worker Battlecruiser [T6] Walker-class Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser Klingon-aligned officers will be able to obtain: M'Chla Pilot Bird of Prey [T6] Qugh Miracle Worker Battlecruiser [T6] This ships in this bundle continue the recent experimentation into scaling starships that can be used as soon as you complete the tutorial!* We hope you share in our excitement as we continue exploring the concept of scaling starships, and see how this may shape the way you fly ships in the future of Star Trek Online at all levels.

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    Starting with the release of Age of Discovery this Tuesday, October 9th, new Battlecruiser-class vessels are being made available on the C-Store for Federation characters, and its allied members among the Romulan and Dominion factions. This new vessel will be available in both Non-Fleet and Fleet variants. Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From release until Monday, October 15th you can get this ship for 20% off. Thereafter, it will return to their normal pricing at 3000 ZEN when. Fleet versions of this Battlecruiser will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 5 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply if you have purchased the ship from the C-Store. Europa-class Heavy Battlecruiser [T6] The Europa-class Heavy Battlecruiser is well-suited to the frontiers of the Federation, whether the mission is one of exploration or defense efforts. It is named after the U.S.S.

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    As Alliance engineers delve into Hur’q technologies to better understand them and how to best adapt their technology to ours, one specialized team has been hard at work adapting their starships for incorporation into the Alliance’s fleets to help replace the vessels lost in many recent conflicts. The following starships will become available with the release of the Swarm Lock Box, scheduled to arrive on PC starting with the release of Age of Discovery on October 9th, 2018. Hur’q Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel [T6] The Assembly appears to have originated as a long-range scout, with strong sensor suites and auxiliary systems designed for support roles and scientific endeavors, but highly adaptable to more offensive pursuits since the Hur’q transitioned into a ravening swarm. Despite a relatively civilian design (when seen through the unique lens of Hur'q society), these vessels

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    This Tuesday, October 30th come and watch some of the Star Trek Online development team form a crew and explore the galaxy, in a live stream play of Modiphius’ new Star Trek Adventures tabletop roleplaying game. The stream will take place at 7:00 pm PT (instead of the usual 4:00 for Ten Forward Weekly), and will follow the story of the U.S.S. Pathfinder and her crew on a mission of science, exploration, and probably some phasers. What: Members of the STO Dev Team play Star Trek Adventures! When: 7:00 PM PST LINKS TO WATCH: The Cryptic Studios Twitch Channel or The Star Trek Online Facebook Page We'll be starting a new story in this episode, but if you want to watch past episodes, you can find them here. MEET THE SHIP The U.S.S. Pathfinder (NCC-97600) was developed as part of Starfleet’s “Four Quadrant Strategy,” (4QS) which was designed to help them explore and defend the