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    GOG has lots of discounts tied to certain holidays, such as the Lunar New Year or summer, but this week GOG is kicking off a new event just dubbed The GOG Sale. To celebrate it being the end of August, 3500 games are marked down up to 90% off. Wing Commander is a part of this too, and fans benefit with 75% off. That means all DOS and Windows games are less than $12! Complete your collection via the links below!


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    The Guardian has posted an interesting article on the

    strangest start cameos in video games

    . It's an interesting lot. Even the bad cameos are fascinating in their own way. Mark Hamill is included on the list for Wing Commander 3, and both John Rhys-Davies and Malcolm McDowell are mentioned too. Wing Commander actors indirectly dominate the list as both John Hurt and Tim Curry are mentioned for their roles in Tender Loving Care and Command & Conquer 3. Hurt played Joe (Kane) the Bartender in Privateer 2 and Curry was the voice of Melek in Wing Commander 3. I'm very surprised Clive Owen didn't make this list! Check out the full article



    Mark Hamill – Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger

    Ten years after Return of the Jedi, “Luke Skywalker” Hamill made his onscreen video game debut in this science fiction epic from Origin Systems. Mixing interactive space battles with quaintly low-res

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    We've got another vintage magazine review of Wing Commander III today... but this time, with a twist! This 'technical review' was printed in the June/July 1995 issue of Game Developer magazine, an industry publication which ran from the dawn of the multimedia age in 1994 all the way until 2013! This review doesn't just tell you how good the game is, it tells you how it works under the hood. And as an added bonus, it's actually written by Wayne Sikes, the man responsible for the beloved PREDIT Privateer editing tool.


    The article also mentions an earlier feature on Pacific Strike's related file structure that had been printed in the December 1994 issue. This information is also likely of use to Wing Commander III modders and so we've reproduced it below:


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    Hailing all Captains! We are pleased to announce a sale on Lifetime Subscriptions from now October 24th at 8am PT to November 21st at 10am PT, bringing the price down by $100 to $199.99! Now is the perfect time to pick up a Lifetime Subscription to STO! And with the brand new Jem'Hadar rewards, we're announcing a 25% off sale on the following Jem'Hadar items from October 24th at 8am PT to October 28th at 10am PT: Gamma Vanguard Pack Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack Jem'hadar Vanguard Species T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Raider T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Dreadnought Cruiser T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier T6 Jem'Hadar Temporal Vanguard Warship Jem'Hadar Tactical Uniform Jem'Hadar EV Suit Enjoy all the rewards that come with being a Lifetime Subscriber. With exclusive species unlocks like playable Talaxian Species, instant access to all Lifetime Rewards, there are

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    Hailing all Captains! We are pleased to announce a sale on Lifetime Subscriptions from now October 24th at 8am PT to November 21st at 10am PT, bringing the price down by $100 to $199.99! Now is the perfect time to pick up a Lifetime Subscription to STO! And with the brand new Jem'Hadar rewards, we're announcing a 25% off sale on the following Jem'Hadar items from October 24th at 8am PT to October 28th at 10am PT: Gamma Vanguard Pack Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack Jem'hadar Vanguard Species T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Heavy Raider T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Dreadnought Cruiser T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Warship T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard Carrier T6 Jem'Hadar Temporal Vanguard Warship Jem'Hadar Tactical Uniform Jem'Hadar EV Suit Enjoy all the rewards that come with being a Lifetime Subscriber. With exclusive species unlocks like playable Talaxian Species, instant access to all Lifetime Rewards, there are

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    A special tribunal of the Federal Navy Criminal Court has deliberated the case of former admiral Aden Tanner and made a final decision.
    The following press release was released to all Federal newsfeeds:
    "This tribunal has scrutinised the latest evidence supplied by the Federal Attorney's Office. We find that the analysis of Salvation's superweapons does indeed substantiate Mr Tanner's allegation that they were designed to provoke a hostile response from the Thargoids. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to verify that its claimed 'anti-xeno detection network' exists, explaining that most of Salvation's advanced designs were not widely shared within the corporation."
    "Nevertheless, regardless of motive or moral justification, Mr Tanner directly disobeyed orders when the Musashi staged an assault on Hind Mine in the T Tauri system. It is therefore our judgement that the court martial verdict on the

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    The universe we enjoy today isn’t the only one, not by a long shot. Our nearest neighbor, the ever-belligerent so-called ‘Mirror Universe’, is just one of countless roads spanning a cosmic tree of probability vast beyond imagining. From time to time, a new branch sprouts and the timeline forks again. Rarer still are the times those branches remerge, as they did with the U.S.S. Kelvin. Official contact with this universe, colloquially known as the Kelvin timeline, has been extremely limited. Nevertheless, some artifacts from that temporal neighbor have found their way into our neck of the woods. Alternate histories are an ever-present “what if” in science fiction. Appropriately enough, they tend not to be major cultural pillars, nor are they ever entirely escapable. As we look forward to what changes in society new technology might bring, we are wise to recall how our new normal was just one

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    The universe we enjoy today isn’t the only one, not by a long shot. Our nearest neighbor, the ever-belligerent so-called ‘Mirror Universe’, is just one of countless roads spanning a cosmic tree of probability vast beyond imagining. From time to time, a new branch sprouts and the timeline forks again. Rarer still are the times those branches remerge, as they did with the U.S.S. Kelvin. Official contact with this universe, colloquially known as the Kelvin timeline, has been extremely limited. Nevertheless, some artifacts from that temporal neighbor have found their way into our neck of the woods. Alternate histories are an ever-present “what if” in science fiction. Appropriately enough, they tend not to be major cultural pillars, nor are they ever entirely escapable. As we look forward to what changes in society new technology might bring, we are wise to recall how our new normal was just one

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    JAYCE’S NAVY INTERSTELLAR SPECIAL BULLETIN STARDATE 87971.0 KHITOMER ALLIANCE ANNOUNCES NEW COMBINED SERVICE Today, the Secretary for the Federation Starfleet, the Grand Dahar Master of the Klingon Imperial Fleet, and the Admiral of the Romulan Republic Fleet jointly announced the formation of a new ‘Allied Fleet Service .’ This combined service formalizes the strides made in cross-naval cooperation since the end of the Iconian War. An impossible dream just years ago, the AFS hopes to harness the best personnel and technologies from all corners of the Khitomer Alliance to build an organization dedicated to the mutual defense of its member states. Building a new navy from a combination of such diverse cultural traditions has been a complex challenge for the admiralties of each nation, but a variety of exchange programs, inter-fleet exercises, and external challenges has motivated a

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    agiar2000 posted a neat video of what happens at the end of the TrainSim in Wing Commander 1. Everyone plays at least one short-lived round just prior to Enyo 1, but a lot of pilots never go back. There's a high score board you can place on, but you can also get to the end after four missions. Running through them all nets a score of more than one million points, which would put someone in first place with plenty of room to spare!

    trainsim_win1t.jpgtrainsim_win2t.jpgtrainsim_win3t.jpgThe clip should start at 9:30 so you can see the happy conclusion.

    Did you know that it is possible to win in the training simulator in the 1990 DOS game "Wing Commander"? I didn't until I accomplished it. I only recorded the last 10 minutes because I was using a 10-minute "instant replay" recording feature that constantly records a rolling 10-minutes.
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