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    A moist wind blew across the multicolored Mycelial plain, and Amna Patel experienced it in a way she never had before. She sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking a broad basin, the sky brilliant and full of spores, some communicating, some reproducing, some simply traveling from place to place. She had experienced a lot in her life, not the least of which was rebirth as a being made of blood, bones, and animal flesh, and moments like this gave her a deeper understanding of how strange it must be to travel here from the humans’ dimension. The humidity was almost uncomfortable against her recently acquired skin, and the spores in the air scoured her throat when she breathed. While the jahSepp knew she was of their kind, and thus didn’t seek to poison her or chase her away, she had to admit that the only world she knew felt strange and uninviting. She took this form to communicate with the humans

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    The ever-creative Tarsus has created another fun Wing Commander distraction to bring you some holiday cheer. With resources from the new Head Museum, he's created an automatic advent calendar with your favorite original WC characters as the daily reveal. It's a simple concept, but I can't wait to see who's queued up for tomorrow! Check it out for yourself here.


    I've taken the liberty of making an advent calendar out of your heads.
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    Today a larger than normal percentage of Wing Commander fans are outside lighting off explosives and various rocketry. If you're among them, please stay safe! Might want to keep a Super Soaker handy... or leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals. It's also Origin founder Richard Garriott's 57th birthday - Happy Birthday!


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    albumkickstarter_goodies25t.jpgIt's been a big month for crowdfunded projects! On top of some exciting new campaigns, composer George Oldziey has continued to make good progress on his second major music album. The assets for the physical discs are finally wrapped up and ready to go out for production. Digital samples of the music on the album have also just been distributed. Backers can now check their


    accounts for download information if they didn't get an email notification to do so already. This package includes both digitally reorchestrated classical style tracks from Wing Commanders 3, 4 and Prophecy as well as his awesome Wing Commander jazz tracks that include live takes on popular WC bar music. George would still love to get more digital pieces recorded by a live orchestra again some day, and we'll share any new news on that front when it breaks!

    Greetings all! Sorry to be so AWOL recently. I just wanted
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    In the foreseeable future, GalNet articles will concentrate on in-game activity, such as Interstellar Initiatives, the release of new ships and modules, and significant narrative developments. With this change, we will be stopping the 'off-camera' narratives that we have previously published via GalNet ...

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    General: The Renegade’s Regret: Rewards for Week 2 and Week 3 of “Renegade’s Regrets” have been updated. Week 2 will now reward the Trait Unlocks previously listed as the Week 3 reward. Week 3 will now reward a new “Ceremonial Polearm” The Draconian Sword is no longer a reward option. Players can no longer sit in the chair which the DS9 Security officer is sitting in. Neth Parr’s mouth now moves when speaking. Removed the random food players would receive when playing the episode. Resolved an issue where changing auto-attack settings would reset upon moving to another map. T5 Temporal ships will no longer have access to the T6 hulls if the player owns another T5 temporal ship or shuttle. Known Issues: The mission "The New Link" is currently cannot be completed. It's recommended that players skip it.

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    The threat to us all is grave. Our response must be as one, or we will all be lost. In “Storm Clouds Gather,” the first mission of Victory is Life, your Captain is summoned to Deep Space Nine to participate in the one of the largest meetings of the galaxy’s powers in history. Odo has personally summoned representatives from the Alliance to the station where he once served as Security Chief to discuss the rising threat of the Hur’q. The threat is too great for anyone to face alone. Something must be done, even if it means joining forces with the Dominion. “Storm Clouds Gather” is an episode for Captains level 60 and above. It will launch with our newest expansion, Victory is Life. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px;

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    There is another universe, out there. One that is dark and twisted, like a cracked reflection on an ancient mirror. There, the brutal Terran Empire reigns supreme, and all life must either submit or rebel. There have been incursions into our universe from the Terran Empire before, most notably at the behest of the insane Admiral Leeta, but nothing like this. On January 23rd, the infamous Captain Killy finally makes her first appearance anywhere in Star Trek media, as Mary Wiseman returns to Star Trek Online. You’ll face off against this twisted version of Tilly, and much more, as part of our Ninth Anniversary update, Mirror of Discovery. Captains on PC (and soon on Xbox One and Playstation 4) will travel to the forest planet of Pahvo, to investigate strange readings from an Ion Storm. From there, a two episode arc will place you in a deadly race against time – and to determine whether this

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    Here's a fun Origin advertising pamphlet that you might not have seen if you weren't on Origin's mailing list (like Dan Gheesling was). This brochure went out to promote the holiday lineup on CD. Wing Commander 3 gets top billing, of course, with special mention of the Premiere Edition that was only available via direct sale from EA. A lot of collectors picked theirs up on eBay after the fact without realizing these weren't readily available in stores, although a similar boxed film reel edition was sold at Sam's Club. The reverse side is a System Shock sandwich flanked by Wings of Glory and Bioforge. This sheet represents a magical time in Origin history. The company was no longer held back by the limitations of floppy disks, and they were taking full advantage of the new disc format!

    Origin's Holiday CD Line Up is a folded mailer which was sent to registered customers to promote the companys
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    During the Iconian War, the best and brightest of the Alliance came together and began anew – training a new generation to take up arms in the greatest conflict the galaxy had ever seen. This new generation of officers had a name, one that’s rung throughout history. The Delta Recruits. We’re pleased to announce that, for the first time since 2015, the Delta Recruit program is returning, first to PC, and later to Xbox One and Playstation 4 for the very first time. Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, and the Romulan Republic have all kicked up their recruiting efforts. New captains in any of these factions will be known as Delta Recruits, and they bring with them the knowledge and capability needed to see to the future of the galaxy. There will never been a better time to start playing Star Trek Online than during the Delta Recruitment event, which runs from April 19th to May 17th on PC.

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    General: Resolved an issue which was causing the Landing Page to appear upon every map transfer for many players. All Jem'Hadar captains can now Transwarp to Deep Space Nine. Resolved an issue which caused Cardassian Intel ships to completely disappear when using cloak. Resolved an issue where some Hur’q powers had no audio. Added a Crafting Weekend event starting on June 21. Resolved an issue that caused Jem'Hadar captains to display the incorrect FX when ranking up starship mastery. Dominion Security Teams now use the Dominion's transporter FX when beaming down. Content: Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not replay “Researcher Rescue”. Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not start “Stranded in Space”. Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not start “Hide and Seek”. Resolved an issue where Jem’Hadar Captains could not

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    Each week we’ll roll out a new reward for the Featured Episode “Home.” The first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be at least level 60. Continued encounters with the Hur’q necessitate the need for more Polaron based weaponry. To that end, a new Torpedo warhead has been created from a non-sentient Morphogenic Matrix that removes the kinetic components in favor of an explosion of Polaron energy. The Morphogenic Polaron Energy Torpedo launcher fires projectiles

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