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    Channel 07 has intercepted footage of a violent attack on three talk show hosts, broadcast live on several Imperial newsfeeds.
    The show came to an abrupt halt after the three were apparently fired upon by an assailant who gained access to the enclosed set. The perpetrator managed to flee the building before security could intervene.
    Details on the status of the victims have not been provided, but first responders to the scene found a digital calling card pinned to the host's dressing room door. Police have authorised the publication of the card's contents, which consists of a single word:
    The word is thought to be encoded by a text cipher. It is hoped that by sharing the text, members of the public will be able to identify the perpetrator's next move.

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    The Empire's withdrawal from all cross-superpower operations has gained the full support of Hadrian Augustus Duval.
    Political journalist Cassia Carvalho reviewed the situation for The Imperial Herald:
    "As the illegitimate grandson of Emperor Hengist, Hadrian Duval has long been considered the 'black sheep' of the Imperial Family. Only a few years ago, he sought to replace Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval on the throne. But he has since been pardoned and accepted as a genuine Duval, albeit with no royal title or position."
    "Now, for the first time, Hadrian openly approves of the Emperor's decisions. As he told Paresa News Network: 'Walking away from the Alliance and Federation is the right path for the Empire to take. The Imperial Navy deserves to be our priority, to reinforce our strength and better defend us against our enemies.'"
    "Senator Zemina Torval dismissed this as a 'hypocritical

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    LividLiquid has put together a super creative musical playlist for your listening enjoyment. She's taken the moody atmospheric music of Wing Commander Privateer and transformed it with an NES-style audio filter. I didn't even know this could be a thing, and it's amazing how much it actually does feel like this is what the game could sound like on an 8-bit Nintendo. As an extra bonus, each track also has an accompanying piece of Privateer location cover art with an appropriately reduced color palette. Hit the little playlist icon in the upper right of the embedded YouTube video below to flip through the different chapters. You can also jump straight to the playlist here. If these really hit your ear in the right way, you can even download the mp3 album (35 meg zip)!

    I ran each of the Midi files Wing Commander Privateer uses for its music through an 8-bit soundfont one by one, and this playlist is
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    Wingnuts have a long history of trying to get Wing Commander games to run on portable devices, and here's a neat new addition to that list! Normal_Andy has taken several photos of Wing Commander 3 running on the KeepRetro MIYOO-Mini V2 device. It's a cute GameBoy-style handheld with a dual core 1.2 GHz ARM Cortex-A7 processor and a 640x480 2.8" screen. At $64, it's almost worth it just to be able to carry WC3 with you wherever you go! We'll see if I can talk AD into buying one!

    miyoo_mini1t.jpgmiyoo_mini2t.jpgmiyoo_mini3t.jpgmiyoo_mini4t.jpgFor comparison, here's other fans getting Wing Commander games running on a GPWD Win, nVidia Shield, Pandora, Android device and even a Nintendo DS!

    Ok now I'm really impressed
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    Adm_Maverick just got a new 3D printer, and one of the first things that they made were some stunning Wing Commander fighters! The Excalibur is perhaps one of the most printed ships out there, but for good reason! It's just a gorgeous design with angular lines that make it nicely reproducible. The same goes for the Thunderbolt, which also makes a slick appearance here. After finalizing some of the sizes and designs, these are slated to make their way into her tabletop game. You can read more about that here. We can't wait to see how everything looks when it's all together!


    Got a resin printer. Still learning the specifics of it. I decided to upscale the size of the fighter tokens for my game. Should give a greater emphasis on the dog fight scale I’m aiming for with the game.
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    CountvonSchnaps has sketched out a wonderful take on the Southampton class destroyer. It's a very sturdy and recognizable design, and the artist has accentuated the iconic features really well. We get an aft view here, so the turrets, engines and small flight deck are in view. It reminds me of the familiar perspective we would see from the Victory's bar or bridge. This is their only Wing Commander designs, but they have many more sci-fi ships in a gallery here.


    Another universe (game) I recall with fond memories is the Wing Commander franchise so did my take on the already interesting WC3 Southampton Class destroyer. I made it an upgraded version but kept the general feel and structure intact. It is still armed with 9 dual turrets: 2 heavy anti matter turrets (dual barrel) and 7 laser cannons. It has also a heavy missile launcher and is capable to carry a half wing (2x Arrow light fighters) or a
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    Here's an interesting one in need of a followup: a COMPUTE! article from December 1990 saying that Origin is working on a Wing Commander port for the CDTV. That's not on my Wing Commander 1946 list!

    wc_cdtv1t.jpgwc_cdtv2t.jpgThe CDTV was a very early multimedia-era console aimed at the same 'replacement for the VCR' dream later chased by the 3DO. I've never used one myself!

    wc_cdtv3t.jpgThe CDTV's followup was the Amiga CD32, which DID have a Wing Commander port. But that wouldn't have been the same project, the later Amiga efforts were all licensed projects handled by Mindscape.


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    Aubi-Nation has completed an overhaul of his Tiger's Claw model built in Space Engineers. It's got lots of nice upgrades now. The basic geometry of the landing bay and engine nacelles has been tightened up to look sharper on the outside. Indoors, the flight deck has been spruced up with some new things, including access to an updated pilot's lounge - that even has a static TrainSim and killboard! Towards the end of the clip, Aubi fires up the engines and shows off how maneuverable the carrier is. It's quite impressive in the asteroid fields! Check out the video below:

    #ThisDadPlays Space Engineers! I take one of my favourite ships from Wing Commander and I recreate it in Space Engineers! Here is the updated version of the Tiger's Claw! Almost finished!
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    The human enclave within the California Nebula has reported multiple attacks from Thargoid forces.
    Systems such as California Sector CQ-Y c5 and HIP 18077 have experienced direct assaults by large numbers of Thargoid vessels. Megaships in the area have also been attacked and left in disrepair, with surviving crews activating distress signals.
    Harrison Gladstone, a spokesperson for Turner Research Group which oversees Allied operations in the region, gave a statement to Vox Galactica:
    "We're accustomed to the Thargoid encounters in the California nebula, but this time their aggression caught everyone by surprise. Research teams have been recalled from the region's barnacle sites. It's just become too dangerous to send our people out there."
    Colonisation of the California Nebula took place in 3302 and focused primarily on harvesting meta-alloys from Thargoid barnacle sites. Although the enclave

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    Today we’ve got a neat comparison article courtesy of the X-Wing Game Series Twitter account. It comes from the German GameStar magazine in August 1998. In this matchup, we see Wing Commander Prophecy’s key features up against Freespace and X-Wing versus Tie Fighter. Although the publication is clearly a fan of all three, WCP narrowly takes the top spot. They credit its gorgeous graphics and convincing flight mode, but are disappointed at the lack of multiplayer. I usually let alternate language scans stand on their, but I also ran this one through a translator with pretty decent results. This was such an exciting time to be a space sim fan!


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    We've found another interesting Wing Commander III preview on Internet Archive! This three page article from the September 1994 issue of German magazine Power Play (No. 78) is a unique behind the scenes look at the game coming out of Origin's worldwide press junket for the game. Most excitingly, this article includes a number of behind the scenes images which have not been widely published elsewhere (alongside the very first set of in game screenshots released online by Origin). Come for the early Victory flight deck, stay for the extreme closeup of Flash's helmet!


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    Here's something kind of different. A few weeks ago, we posted videos that were actually scans of the Super Nintendo Wing Commander documentation. At the time, I talked about some of the reasons why this could be a good thing for certain use cases. Now, AD has run across the first video narration of an old school magazine that we've seen. This seems decidedly less useful than a traditional scan would be, but I can still appreciate people trying out different things and bringing light to vintage video game content in a new way. It's the Number 52 March 1996 issue of the French Consoles magazine. Starting at the 4:37 mark, the narrative walks through some of the features coming in the Playstation version of Wing Commander 3, which came out that month. There's some nice screenshots and set photos, plus the bizarre Spanish art that pops up here and there. I can't say I hope this becomes a trend,