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    Each week we’ll roll out new rewards for the Featured Episode “The Renegade's Regret.” The first week’s rewards is the Console – Science – Emitter Refocuser. In addition, the first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 60. The Console – Science – Emitter Refocuser is a new unique science console, inspired by Tzenkethi designs and technology. It passively boosts your Tetryon Damage, Shield Restoration, and Drain Expertise. Next week we’ll reveal

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    The Lave Radio Network has announced that its campaign has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Lave Station, thereby allowing the network to broadcast its annual conference to the entire galaxy. A rival campaign from the Lave Jet Family was unable to destabilise the Lave Radio initiative, despite also receiving the support of independent pilots.

    As the campaign drew to a close, one of the organisers released a statement:

    "The signal is spreading. We would like to extend our gratitude to the galactic community for making this possible."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Lave Station in the Lave system.

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    Star Trek Online is teaming up with Geek and Sundry and Alpha, to bring you some really fun episodes of their show, Painter’s Guild. Normally on the show, host Will Friedle learns to paint miniatures from the experts, but this time, he’s stepping into the teacher’s seat – and his pupil is none other than Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Victory is Life’s Nana Visitor! Nana sits in with Will to paint the some Gameprint models of a Star Trek Online ship, specifically the Chimera class. She also talks with Will about her time on DS9, and her experience working with STO on this summer’s expansion, Victory is Life. The first episode is out right now on their streaming service, Alpha, and you can get a free thirty day trial to check it out. Want to print and paint your own ship model? Head to the ship tailor in game, and you can customize and order your 3D printed model there, from Gameprint. You can

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    Anatoly Shashkin has posted another awesome bit of WC history. He's shared several pages of preliminary programming for Wingleader, which was the intermediate name for Wing Commander before release. The depiction includes some of the methodology behind how the Kilrathi approach a target, maneuver / evade and retreat for home. It's pretty cool to see what eventually turned into the pilot behavior that we all know and love! You can find more great throwbacks on the DOSNostalgia Twitter feed.


    Some AI code from Wingleader, a game that eventually became Wing Commander

    LOAF added this bit:

    Anyone can have a look at this! The BRAINS.C file shown here was included with the Wing Commander I rolling demo and will open right up in a text editor. (And anyone interested in the WC1 AI should check out the Wing Commander I & II Ultimate Strategy Guide which reprints exactly how each enemy and ace 'thinks'.)
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    In the Final Frontier, your fate depends entirely on who you choose to trust. And there’s one man in all the galaxy that you absolutely should, and cannot, trust. After all, he’s just a Plain, Simple Tailor. The Plan and Simple Bundle is coming to the Lobi Store on PC this week, to celebrate one of our favorite characters, Elim Garak. From June 30th to July 6th, the bundle will be available for 1500 Lobi (and subject to any sales that happen during this period), and contains: Cardassian Keldon Cruiser [T6] A special Elim Garak Holographic Bridge Officer 5 Gold Tech Upgrades A New Title: Plain and Simple Enjoy, Captains, and remember: The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height:

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    AD has found another Argentinian magazine that celebrates a classic Wing Commander release. This one is from the Top Kids Club magazine, number 24. The copy seems dominated by Mortal Kombat stuff, but Wing Commander 4 gets a lengthy review as well. It earns a whopping 95% rating, which is great no matter where you're from. Although the spread is well endowed with flashy WC4 pics, there are also some curious WC3 Arrow press images that sneak in too. If you find the review amazing and just have to own a copy, it's for sale on Facebook Marketplace for $250. I'll probably pass, so I wanted to let you know!


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    wcafun05at.jpgWe've got a new poll up now, and this time we're asking about the worst places to need to eject. The options in this survey are bit deeper lore than we usually include, so here's a fuller rundown of the choices available:

    • Planet Pisces is the place where Krulan nar Ragitagha is stalked by the infamous Arthrosquids
    • Angel is forced to eject after taking out the skipper missile bearing down on the Claw
    • Minx is in an escape pod poisoned by radiation after the destruction of Ayer's Rock
    • Vagabond loses a fight against a wing of Darket in the Kilrah System on the Temblor Run
    • This is the pilot that Seether executes if you stay aboard the Lexington
    • Hawk reveals to Casey that Iceman saved him in B'shriss, but he was found and captured by the Kilrathi - the remains in the pod retrieved by Blair weren't pretty
    • I can only imagine what new challenges Arena's Nephilim fluid-space presented to ejected pilots
    • The pilot of
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    Bazooka Joe

    has published an interesting Wing Commander themed music video. It's three minutes of fighter scenes stitched together from Wing Commander Academy to the tune of "Know Why." Wing Commander fan videos like this were common a while back, but they've fallen out of vogue in recent years. It's not really clear what the theme or motivation for this clip was, but it's more than just the intro paired to random music. Someone spent some time editing together all the combat, so here it is for your viewing pleasure:

    Wing Commander Know why music video
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    Attention Captains, the Elachi are pouring into the Alpha Quadrant from previously undiscovered Iconian space gates in order to abduct helpless people! The Elachi have been doing with their captives, we need every Captain at the ready to help stop their forces. For a limited time only, the Elachi Alert queued event will return to Star Trek Online. From Thursday, July 25th at 8AM PT til Monday, July 29th at 10AM PT, close these doors to subspace and receive bonus mark rewards. A joint fleet has gathered here to stop them. The fleet consists of science ships that have disabled their weaponry in order to divert all available resources to disabling the gate. We’ll need to protect them from the Elachi until they finish their work. Remember that the science vessels efficiency will drop as they lose crew members to the Elachi. Defend the joint fleet from the Elachi in order to ensure their success. Be

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