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    The world has seen a lot of a particular funeral today, but have they seen enough Wing Commander funerals? Decidedly not. LOAF is here to fix that with a handful of screenshots!

    We’ve talked about how Wing Commander doesn’t have many queens… but it has PLENTY of funerals!


    One of the craziest things about the movie is that it /doesn’t/ have a space funeral.
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    The Sci-Fi King has put together a little demo of the Thunderbolt VII taking on a Stargate F-302 Fighter-Interceptor. Who will win in this epic battle between the Wing Commander and Stargate universes... in the Star Trek Bridge Commander engine? You'll have to watch to find out!

    Sci Fi Here. We got The ThunderBolt Going Against F-302. Who You Think Will Win? Lets find Out. Hope You Guys enjoy This Video As I Did Making Them and make interesting Scenarios. Thank You 4 Watching!!!
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    Star Citizen has surpassed the $500 million crowdfunding threshold! It's probably not a milestone even Chris Roberts could have imagined back when the project kicked off in October 2012, but the Roberts Space Industries engine continues to print money. It's not even slowing down - the most recent $100 million has come in just the last ten months. At that pace, they're on track to hit a cool billion dollars in just about four more years. It's hard to fathom how they could even spend that much money on development, but I'm sure they'll find a way. All of this is just in time for the 10th anniversary of the game's unveiling. They will be celebrating a Digital CitizenCon to celebrate on October 8!

    rsi_announcement58t.jpgrsi_announcement59t.jpgrsi_announcement60t.jpgThanks to Dennis Mull for the tip!

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    Cpl Hades reports that the Xenia emulator continues to make improvements in how it handles Wing Commander Arena. When we last reported on this progress, we noted that players could start the game and go through menus, but actual gameplay would cause a crash. Hades is now able to get the single player modes going, although multiplayer support is still not present. We 1000% recommend everyone buy the game for $9.99, but as a two-generations-old console game that depends on special Microsoft servers to operate, it very much seems like a time will come when the game will not be regularly playable. It's great to see that when that unfortunate day arrives, alternatives should exist to keep the game running!


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    It was only just last month that I saw my first Wing Commander themed short form video in the wild, and today I've spotted another. There's really nothing newsworthy about this, except yesterday happened to be Wing Commander Armada's 28th birthday! So enjoy a vertical slice of an Arrow dogfighting a Dralthi to celebrate. It's a little bit unsatisfying as is, but they also posted a full frame version of the first gauntlet mission where this was sampled from. If this leaves you wanting more, stop by the CIC Discord right now where LOAF is doing a close read of Voices of War!

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    FekLeyrTarg shared this neat clip of the German Amiga translation of Wing Commander 1. Both the Amiga and SNES editions of the game got proper German localizations, but the more common PC DOS version did not. Both FekLeyr and Dennis Mull confirm that the text comes across quite well here. If you're a PC player looking to try things out in a different language, Marty2Life made a German conversion package available here (also French and Spanish!).

    Footage from the German Amiga version of WC1. And I must say the translation is pretty good.
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    The kind human behind the X-Wing Game Series Twitter account has sent us a wonderful vintage interview. This piece from the May 1996 issue of PC Powerplay magazine talks to Mark "Hammil" (Hamill) about his experiences on the Wing Commander games. Mark is in rare form and it's a compelling transcript -- I wonder if he ever played that 3DO! -- but even more exciting than the text is this rarely seen production photo of Hamill as Colonel Blair wearing a Confederation flight suit with a Border Worlds patch. Awesome!


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    A media forum is being arranged that will officially propose reinstating the tri-superpower anti-xeno agency.
    The event is being organised by Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research for Aegis. She delivered a statement to all newsfeeds:
    "As the war against the Thargoids intensifies, the need for centralised xenological research is more vital than ever. This press conference will put forward a case to convince leaders in the Alliance, Empire and Federation to review their decision to dismantle Aegis."
    "The Baumann Report highlighted many of Aegis's limitations, and we do not intend to ignore these. Improvements to several departments would have to be made. But the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism Unit proved that cross-superpower collaboration can be efficient, flexible and effective. Aegis could be restructured along similar lines to prevent repeating its past mistakes."
    Invitations to the

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    Wing Commander I's manual, Claw Marks, includes sixteen pages of hand drawn art of the game's ships. These schematics were part of a larger group draughted by Origin artist Glen Johnson as reference for the game's outsource 3D artist. While the original art consisted of 21 ships with 5 views each, Claw Marks reproduces only 16 ships with 3 views, two of those split in half to save space. We thought it would be a fun experiment to 'unsplit' the top and bottom views from the Claw Marks artwork! Here are the results, quick-and-dirty edits to show what the ships looked like when they were originally drawn:
