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    Vox Galactica correspondent Jade Sanderlyn reports on the latest developments regarding the war against the Thargoids.
    "In the broad sense, there have been few significant changes in Thargoid tactics. The eight Maelstroms continue to send waves of Thargoid vessels deeper into the core systems. Anti-xeno forces are certainly winning victories, and in some cases retaking previously occupied systems. But we are still losing more than we save."
    "Despite being reformed only recently, Aegis has hit the ground running. Its caustic sink launcher is now available following a successful trial by Aden Tanner. This ingenious device increases the amount of time that a ship can spend inside a Maelstrom before being impaired by corrosive damage."
    "The repulsing energy wave at the clouds' centres, however, remains impenetrable. I understand that Aegis has prioritised gathering data about this defence

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    Vox Galactica's Jade Sanderlyn reports on the discovery of the Titans, and new Thargoid craft both in space and on occupied worlds.
    "The true scale of the challenge facing humanity became evident this month, when we finally learned what was within the Maelstroms. It has long been theorised that the Thargoids have 'motherships' of some kind. But few were prepared for the shocking reality of the Titans, squatting at the centre of the corrosive clouds like bloated spiders in their webs. I can't be the only one whose guts knotted with fear when I first saw those floating monstrosities."
    "The Maelstroms also revealed a new type of Thargoid vessel, the aggressive Glaive-class hunter. Resembling multi-bladed throwing knives, these quickly drew blood as they hurled viciously into our midst. There are reports of Glaives sighted within systems that have fallen to the Thargoid invasion fleets,

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    Aegis has announced a breakthrough that has effectively neutralised the disruptive effects of Thargoid Sensors on starports.

    Henrik de Lacerda, a senior engineer at Aegis Research, told the media:

    "As we know, Thargoid Sensors can cripple starports for weeks or months at a time, but recent advancements in our study of meta-alloys have resulted in an effective cure for what was once called 'the technological plague'."

    "New procedures in the application of meta-alloys mean that extremely small quantities are now sufficient to shield systems from disruption."

    "Following this breakthrough, we have made arrangements to ship meta-alloys to all affected stations, to restore them to functionality. It will not be long before every starport in known space is immune to Thargoid Sensor–related interference."

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    The Thargoids have emerged in the Witch Head Nebula, just hours after human expansion efforts in the region began. Numerous attacks in the area indicate that Thargoid craft are aggressively defending the region's barnacle sites.

    Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research said in an update:

    "Representative factions of the Alliance, Empire and Federation have entered the Witch Head Nebula to begin colonisation efforts. A number of megaships and Ocellus starports arrived in the area on schedule, only to be met with hostile Thargoid vessels soon afterwards."

    This development, coupled with increased Thargoid activity in the Pleiades Nebula, suggests that the Thargoids are intent on driving humanity out of regions containing barnacle sites. Tesreau was quick to repeat that securing access to a source of meta-alloys is of great importance to humanity.

    "All three superpowers are urgently requesting help

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    The human enclave within the California Nebula has reported multiple attacks from Thargoid forces.
    Systems such as California Sector CQ-Y c5 and HIP 18077 have experienced direct assaults by large numbers of Thargoid vessels. Megaships in the area have also been attacked and left in disrepair, with surviving crews activating distress signals.
    Harrison Gladstone, a spokesperson for Turner Research Group which oversees Allied operations in the region, gave a statement to Vox Galactica:
    "We're accustomed to the Thargoid encounters in the California nebula, but this time their aggression caught everyone by surprise. Research teams have been recalled from the region's barnacle sites. It's just become too dangerous to send our people out there."
    Colonisation of the California Nebula took place in 3302 and focused primarily on harvesting meta-alloys from Thargoid barnacle sites. Although the enclave

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    Aegis has confirmed that the Thargoid presence in the core systems has been significantly diminished, due largely to the efforts of the galactic community.

    Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison with Aegis, made this statement:

    "This is a very positive development. Using data from our Eagle Eye network, courageous members of the galactic community have formed a barrier of steel and fire, preventing Thargoid vessels from encroaching further. In doing so they have prevented several starports from being attacked, saving many thousands of lives."

    "Furthermore, in many regions the Thargoid incursion has actually been reversed. Although they remain entrenched within the Pleiades, their forces in the core systems have been pushed back to the Bhal system, their initial beachhead."

    "Aegis offers its sincere thanks and congratulations to every one of the Commanders who risked their lives by meeting

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