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    other_disks0t.jpgThis conversation provided a good excuse to post some airplane diskettes! Origin could make a handsome disk!

    ParadiseRegaind: I’m reminded of the beautiful US diskette artwork for Pacific Strike, and to a lesser extend, Strike Commander.

    LOAF: Agreed! Makes you wish there had been a diskette SKU for Wings of Glory...

    • Strike Commander
    • Disk 1 - F-16 Fighting Falcon
    • Disk 2 - MiG-29 Fulcrum
    • Disk 3 - Tornado
    • Disk 4 - A-10 Warthog
    • Disk 5 - Su-27 Flanker
    • Disk 6 - F-15 Eagle
    • Disk 7 - F/A-18 Hornet
    • Disk 8 - F-22 Lightning II

    (Note that most copies of Strike Commander include a bonus Origin FX demo on Disk 8; the F-22 art only appears in copies without the demo.)


    • Pacific Strike
    • Disk 1 (and 9) - F4F Wildcat
    • Disk 2 - TBD Devastator
    • Disk 3 - F6F Hellcat
    • Disk 4 - SBD Dauntless
    • Disk 5 - F4U Corsair
    • Disk 6 - SB2C Helldiver
    • Disk 7 - TBD Avenger
    • Disk 8 - F8F Bearcat


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    Welcome and happy birthday! Today's not just about our celebration - we're also celebrating the community's many years of dedication to Wing Commander fandom. As we talked about just a few days ago: "The point of a fandom is not to build a cathedral to a brand but to provide a shared starting point from which you connect with others, expand your thinking and grow to become better people." Like everyone else, we're not out of the woods yet, and there are still many challenges everyone is facing every day. Nevertheless, we wouldn't have made it this far without each other. WC fans have come up with some great things this year that we're excited to share. To set the mood and kick things off, FekLeyrTarg put together this adorable and amazing little short - I love it!

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    The WC4 Fan Remake team is back with a thoroughly exhaustive overview of their recent progress. If you have any questions at all about the latest and greatest happenings with the project, this new video below has the details! It's full of information and beautiful WIP content. You should check out the clip for the full experience, but there is also a new article at WCRespace too with a bit more info... including a target release date! You can also find the recently updated playable demo here!

    Happy Birthday, Wing Commander CIC!

    As we don't have a new demo to release for this year's celebration, we thought that instead we'd share an in-depth update on the current state of the project: where we are, where we're going and, crucially, when we plan to get there!

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    As Titan Indra in the HIP 20567 system was attacked, Vox Galactica reporter Jade Sanderlyn published her eye-witness account.
    "Watching the Thargoid mothership's last hours had my guts in knots. Caustic gas and debris spurted from its vents like blood from multiple wounds. Violent vibrations and bioluminescent pulses gave the impression of a creature shuddering its last. And our ship's sensors picked up horrific creaks and groans, part collapsing starship and part dying animal."
    "The Titan appeared to begin building energy for its electromagnetic attack but it seemed to go out of control. I was half-blinded by a sudden flash that sent our ship spinning out into the black. It continued to explode with a series of increasingly intense releases of energy, and then the most intense blast I think I will ever bear witness to."
    "This dragon, which had once carried off our people and destroyed our

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    A few weeks ago we talked about the many Wing Commander articles that Hardcore Gaming 101 has written. It turns out they also did a whole podcast episode about the series. They joke about hating on games for being old, but their appreciation for what it does keeps coming up. It's also just kind of fun to listen to a room full of nerds gush about the series. Give it a listen here (jump to about 2:15 for the real content to get going).


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    Here's a quick peek at several different versions of the Hit Squad edition of Wing Commander 1 that come from Dennis Mull's extensive collection. Hit Squad was a budget published that was responsible for a wide range of translations and rereleases for the original game. It's exactly the type of variation that both delights and drives collectors mad!


    LOAF: They covered the UK, France, Germany and Italy. Gotta be at least a dozen versions for the patient collector! (I bet Dennis Mull has a bunch.)

    Dennis: Yes, I have a few, but there are more out there.

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    Ever wonder about the callsigns in the Wing Commander TrainSim? They're selected from a bank of options when you start a new game. They include all the wingmen plus SEGALLION, DIBBER, ZORO, GRYPHON, SUTEK and POTSHOT. These are all the callsigns of members of the dev team.

    trainsim_compare11t.jpgtrainsim_compare12t.jpgSegallion gets a star system in WC1, too. Sutek was Paul Isaac’s callsign but I’m not sure who the original Segallion was. Learn about the many variants of the TrainSim here!


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    We've been reporting for a while now that Wing Commander Arena's days are numbered in the Microsoft XBox Live Marketplace. The game has had an incredible 17 year run, but all Xbox 360 games that aren't forward-compatible with the Xbox One/Series systems will be delisted from the company's digital storefront on July 29, 2024. The good news is that owners will be able to continue to play online for the foreseeable future, so we've been strongly recommending people buy the game while they have the chance. If you have yet to secure your own copy, there's no time like the present. Microsoft is in the process of heavily discounting a variety of the affected games, which includes a whopping 90% reduction for Arena. It's now only $0.99! You can buy it on the web, but there have been mixed reports of the store hanging and timing out. Try a different browser or return later if you have an issue. See you

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    How about some vintage French mag scans? Guybrush_SF has you covered! I've also added English translations to make the reviews easier to read. I love the part where they gush about the game's rare beautiful and branching gameplay, but the text is only part of the appeal. It's also always such a fascinating time capsule to look at how an article like this would have been presented more than thirty years ago. We also have previews from each mag in our archive. Find the Gen 4 preview here and Tilt here (though for the Amiga version, so not a direct relationship).


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    Last week we shared a fun assortment of European Hit Squad releases from Dennis Mull's collection. Now Conservatoire national du jeu vidéo or the French National Video Game Conservatory has posted an unusual triple-translation copy of WC1 that has English, French and Italian all in one. It's always fun to learn about a new version of Wing Commander! This is part of a delightful larger thread on the history of multilingual game packaging.

    LOAF: Part of a fascinating thread on multi-language game boxes. English-French-Italian as on this Hit Squad copy of Wing Commander I is an unusual grouping!


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    To the Wing Commander Combat Information Center's 25th birthday celebration! TONIGHT at 7:00 PM Eastern US (4:00 PM Pacific and 11:00 PM GMT). Help us ring in a quarter century with fellow fans in #Wingnut on Discord!


    • A long-anticipated return!
    • Reams and reams of new material for the archive!
    • Deleted scenes!
    • Aural delights!
    • Photographic wonders!
    • Fan project updates!
    • All new prizes!
    • Cake... and more!

    So join us in Discord, channel #WingNut! You can stop by any time to join the fun!

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