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    A recent behavioural change in the Thargoids has prompted urgent discussion among Aegis researchers and strategists.
    Since the fall of the fourth Titan, Hadad, there are increasing reports that the Thargoid expansion efforts have been growing weaker. While Thargoids are continuing to expand outwards from the Titans, they are no longer reinforcing their spire sites. Further, independent squadrons dedicated to defeating the Thargoid threat like SNPX, AXI, and MUDD, have noted increasing ease in thwarting attempts to probe and invade systems.
    Dr. Ivano Colombera, Imperial Science Academy's director of xenological studies and Empire liaison to Aegis, gave their view:
    "I have heard the strategy reports touting words like 'weakening Thargoid presence', and I must urge caution. I hypothesise that this change signals a strategic defensive response, not an enemy on their last legs."
    "I believe that

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    Last week we saw Maiden Ariana upgrade a vintage computer in order to get Wing Commander 3 running. That one was a big hit, so she's moved on now to Wing Commander 4. I personally really like going through the install menus. They evoke so much of the anticipation of opening and installing a brand new game for the first time. WC4 was the first game in the series to have a fully graphical in-universe interface to walk you through the setup, and you usually only ever see it one time for obvious reasons, so it's a nice throwback to see here. Thanks to all the upgrades put in place for The Heart of the Tiger, The Price of Freedom just works in this case. A good chunk of the middle is rewatching the intro, and if watching a video of it playing on a 15" monitor leaves you wanting more, check out ODVS' remaster of that cinematic here. You can also follow Ariana's Twitch for some WC3/4 streams in the

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    We’re back from a wonderful Star Trek Las Vegas! We had five days of meeting our fans at our booth, putting on panels with some of our favorite Star Trek Actors, and enjoying exciting announcements like Patrick Stewart returning to the role of Jean Luc Picard. If you followed along with our Twitter, you were kept up to date with all the action all week, including our Sunday Age of Discovery panel. But even if you didn’t – or if you just want to experience it all again – we won’t let you down. The fine folks at Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast recorded our epic panel with Mary Wiseman and Rekha Sharma, and you can check out the audio from that panel, and interviews with Lead Systems Designer Jeremy Randall and Lead Designer Al Rivera, right here: Thanks so much to the fine folks at Priority One for bringing us this audio, and especially to Elio Lleo, our incomparable

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    A new voyage of discovery is about to begin, Captains, and we’re proud to share it with you. Interact with Cadet Sylvia Tilly, face off against the sinister Ju’la, and take your first steps into a new era when Star Trek Online: Age of Discovery launches on October 9th, and later this fall on Xbox One and Playstation 4. You’ll be able to bring your reputations to a new tier, compete in random Task Force Operations, and experience the beginnings of a brand new story that will have ramifications for all of Star Trek Online. The Age of Discovery is coming, very soon. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity

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    While you’re settling in to the Age of Discovery, you may have noticed some changes to the game’s loading screens and UI, especially if you’re a Discovery Captain. That’s the work of our awesome UI team, including newcoming Joanna Gianulis, who created a brand new, Age of Discovery loading screen based on the show’s title sequence! Joanna also made the title sequence into wallpapers for your computer or your phone, which you can grab right here. Enjoy! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    I’m not going to lie to you…this war is not going well for the Federation. Every day, the Klingons gain ground, and every day, we fall a little further back. Well, not today. Today, we stand, together, as Starfleet. Today, we prove that our ideals can withstand a hostile invasion force. I’m honored to serve with each and every one of you. Go out there and make me proud. You were just a cadet, stepping out into the cosmos for the first time, when the Klingon War broke out. Now it’s come home. In “Downfall,” the second episode of Age of Discovery, you’ll find yourself standing in defense of Starbase One, in what could be her final battle. Enemies, including Ju’la herself, are going to attempt to take this last bastion of defense for themselves. Only you can stop them. Downfall is the second episode available to Discovery-era Captains after completing the tutorial. It will also be

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    New Episode - Secrets This is Admiral Kensington. I have a special assignment for you. A Klingon raiding party attacked one of our science stations near the Delta Volanis Cluster. Please assist them in any way you can. A Klingon raiding party attacked a Starfleet research facility near the Delta Volanis Cluster, but left survivors and took nothing. The station is damaged, however, and the staff could use your help to resume normal operations. Be on your guard – this could be a Klingon ruse. Be ready for anything. If things get desperate, one of Starfleet’s top-secret vessels is in the area and can assist if necessary. Get on this as soon as you can – Starfleet Command needs to know what the Klingons are up to out there. Secrets is the first episode available to Discovery-era Captains after completing the tutorial. It will also be available to 2409 and TOS-era Captains as a historical

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    The Interstellar Association for Agriculture has announced that below-average crop yields are expected in several key locations.
    Dr Genevieve Kane, writing on behalf of the organisation, published this statement:
    "Recent audits conducted on two primary agricultural worlds, located in Diso and Orerve, indicate that staple food harvests have been markedly lower in recent months."
    "Broader data analysis suggests that crop returns in several other systems may also fail to meet projected quotas. An investigation is underway to identify the reasons for this drop in produce."
    "To prevent a shortage of produce from impacting consumers, the IAA is reviewing options to enhance the fertility of cropland used for domestic consumption. These include newly proposed synthetic treatments that we hope will increase the sustainability of essential harvests."
    The situation was first highlighted during the

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    We've stayed pretty far away from the recent AI art craze, but Patrick Buechner found a phenomenal use for it this week. He's run several of the original Wing Commander characters through the Stable Diffusion package with stellar results. These are an interpretation, of course, and you may or may not like the specific output character, but it's very cool to see a new realistic take on these iconic pilots (yes, Shotglass used to be a pilot "till the fleabags shot me up so bad I couldn’t fly"). Even the backgrounds and choice of collar detail on their clothing is pretty interesting!


    It's raining so I'm playing with Wing Commander 1 characters in #stablediffusion #AIart

    Patrick has a long resume as an Electronic Arts executive among many other roles in the gaming industry. You can find more on his accomplished background here.

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    Techmaster has a new channel that's playing around with various video games and AI enhancement programs, and Wing Commander is ripe for fusion of the two. One of their first clips is an upscaled sample of Wing Commander 3, which is very challenging to enhance due to its vintage 1994 low-res, low-framerate & high compression footage. Kilrathi fur doesn't make it any easier either. I would say the thumbnail looks a bit better than the video in motion, but it's not a bad first effort. Overall, it's just good to see more people dabbling in this technology!

    Crazy AI video upscaling 240p to 4k Wing Commander III PS1 game topaz veai + dain app

    As you're probably familiar, ODVS has been spending considerable effort over the last couple years to perfect his own AI-enhanced upscaling efforts. Comparing the two, you can see the improvement that comes from all of this investment!

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    Princess Aisling Duval has challenged the Empire's shift in priority towards reduced interaction with other superpowers.
    During an interview with the Citizens' Chronicle newsfeed, she remarked:
    "It's obvious that the Imperial Navy is deeply embarrassed by its commitment to Salvation, and is as good as paralyzed without his superweapon technology. The Emperor is now attempting to save face by severing all collaborative projects with the Alliance and Federation. Frankly, I think this is short-sighted and self-defeating."
    "Our naval crews in HIP 22460 died as heroes, of course, but we should not ignore that they were acting in coalition with Allied and Federal taskforces. This tragedy affected all of us, and we do not honour the dead by pretending otherwise. All of us with the ability to help, no matter our allegiance, must do more to support the families of everyone lost in that appalling

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