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    The details of the negotiation that created the Alliance between the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Republic are slowly coming to life, years after the signing of the document. One very important, timed clause has no come to fruition, and the Romulan Republic will gain access to Federation and Klingon technology! As part of the constant evolving nature of Star Trek Online, we’ve decided to make a change to what ships Romulan Captains can access. Previously, Romulans could only fly Romulan ships, no matter who they were allied with. When Victory is Life launches, Romulan Captains will be able to fly the ships of their chosen allied faction! Take to the stars in the Defiant or a Bird of Prey, while still defending the honor of the Romulan Republic. This includes all allied ships except: Chimera/Manticore Heavy Destroyer (All variants) Peghqu'/Duvqu' Heavy Destroyer (All

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    Leeta poured a glass of Slug-o-Cola as her husband muttered to himself. She hated seeing him like this. He was a brilliant man and an excellent Grand Nagus, but when the stakes got too high, he had a tendency to get a little overwhelmed. She put the glass down on Rom’s desk and gently caressed his ear, eliciting a distracted shiver. “Perhaps it’s time to take a break, Husband. I’m sure that no problem is worth working yourself into an early grave.” She gave him a warm smile. “Thanks, Wife.” he picked up the drink and took a sip. “Mmm, slimy! But no, I need to solve this! The Ferengi are counting on me to lead them, and not to a state of bankruptcy – or worse!” Leeta frowned. “Should call your mother? I know that she has helped you with work issues in the past.” Rom shook his head. “Nooo. Moogie is trying to enjoy her retirement. Grand Nagus Zek picked me because he

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    Friday night score! Happened across several pre-release Super Wing Commander screenshots. Note the older VDU graphics and the early cockpit that's more TIE Fighter than Hornet!

    swc_preview_blurbt.jpgA preview build seems to have been provided to magazines in early 1994... wonder if it's floating around somewhere! Here's what the finished cockpits looked like.

    swc_cockpit1t.jpgswc_cockpit2t.jpgswc_cockpit3t.jpgswc_cockpit4t.jpgswc_cockpit5t.jpgAnd here's some footage of a pre-release build, from a VHS trailer. You can see the same WIP VDU images... plus a cut enemy ship at the 28 second mark!

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    The Now Playing Podcast's latest episode is all about Wing Commander. They are obviously a movie show, but this installment actually approaches the subject from a comprehensive Wing Commander franchise angle. At least one of the commentators has a long history with the series including the games, knowledge of the TV show and the back story of the WC Movie itself. They poke fun at some of the sillier elements of the film, but they credit things like its pioneering first use of time slice "bullet time," which is cool. They spend a full 90 minutes hashing everything out, so they cover quite a bit of ground. Check it out for yourself



    Game developer Chris Roberts was on course to deliver the first major science fiction film of 1999 when he personally piloted his massively popular flight simulator Wing CommanderPhantom Menace and The Matrix. Do fighter pilots Freddie Prinze Jr. and Matthew
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    is hard at work cranking out the most plentiful peashooter of the Gemini Sector, the F-38 Talon. Unfortunately, they're mostly up to no good on behalf of the Retros or pirates, but occasionally the Confed Militia will trot a few out as well. The Talon might be a bland workhorse in Privateer, but these updated renders are gorgeous!

    I finally finished up my F-38 Talon. These things litter the Gemini sector and everybody has at least ten. From the Retros, to pirates, to in-system security - you can't throw a rock and not hit one; even the Kilrathi have a few. But I currently only did two paint schemes. By far the most famous - and obnoxious:




    And to counteract the crazies - here's a Confed ISS version: Best not be carrying any contraband around these guys - oh, who am I kidding, they're made entirely of tissue paper. Anyway - enjoy!
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    FredDude posted this nifty sneak preview of Privateer 2 from the October 1996 issue of Computer Gaming World. You can see they're pretty excited. The author spends quite a bit of time talking about the dark and cutthroat environment that the game exists in. There's also some hints of the devious storyline highlighted by a number of star actors. They're almost more optimistic about it than WC3/4, and it's perhaps these lofty expectations that affected the general perception of the final game. You can find their somewhat disappointed final review


    (although they did still end up being jazzed about the unique story).


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    Despite his intense desire to rejoin the Great Link after five long years in deep space, Nuno waited until the last of his crew departed the ship. He watched the Jem’Hadar disappear into the base, followed by Adiss, his Vorta first officer, and then stepped out of the ship himself, running his lightly flaking hand along the hull as the hatch closed behind him. He left the Link all those years ago with a new mission, and a controversial one at that. He emerged with the goal of taking a small company of Vorta and Jem’Hadar on an exploration mission deep within the Gamma Quadrant. The Link roiled with conflict over the decision to designate an exploration vessel, and Nuno’s suggestion that he—a changeling—go along with them. He convinced them that his team could find great resources, new species to absorb into the Dominion, and even a planet suitable for building a new Link. A Vorta could

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    Greetings, First. This is Dukan’Rex, Elder First, reporting directly to our Founder, Odo. I have a special mission for you. During our last anniversary episode, Scylla and Charybdis, a fleet of Jem’Hadar ships show up with Odo to join the battle at DS9. Now see the events leading up to this battle from the perspective of an elite Jem’Hadar team. You will get a chance to outfit your ship(s), select your Bridge Officers, and prep yourself for an epic battle before heading out of the Gamma Quadrant. Turn the TIde is a Jem’Hadar only episode, required for all new Jem’Hadar characters to complete before joining a faction. It is designed for experienced players as you will start at level 60. Note: it is not a tutorial - it is not repeatable or skippable. However, you will get to conquer various enemies of the Dominion for the glory of the Founders. Remember: Victory is life! Tiffany

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    One of the exciting features of our upcoming expansion, Victory is Life, is the addition of an all-new faction for players, The Dominion. Home to the most impressive military might in the Gamma Quadrant, The Dominion was featured prominently on-screen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and we’re excited to finally give players the opportunity to be a part of this mighty force. Their fearsome warriors, the Jem’Hadar, will be available for players to create and jump right into the current storyline with the release of Victory is Life. Jump-Started Careers In order to best serve the Dominion, Jem’Hadar soldiers are cloned – engineered from birth to the highest standards, as dictated by the Founders. This unique process has them combat-ready within days of being birthed. To reflect this side of their biology, and to allow players to immediately start experiencing the vast amounts of high-level

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    Every week, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on SPECTRUM and voted on by YOU. This week, we address questions on the party system, scanning ranges, cargo encumbrance and more.

    You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here

    And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: Subscriptions - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42