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    This is Starbase One – all Federation Ships please respond. There is a Klingon attack force on its way. If you can hear this message, please, proceed to Starbase One with all speed! This is Starbase One – all Federation Ships please respond… In the 2250s, one of the most pivotal battles of the Klingon War was the Defense of Starbase One. Now, Captains in Star Trek Online will have the opportunity to experience that battle firsthand, through a historical simulation. Can your ship hold the line against waves of Klingon attackers? Would your presence be enough to change the course of the war? The Defense of Starbase One will be a Task Force Operation, playable by all factions, launching with Age of Discovery. You will face several waves of increasingly difficult Klingon ships, and have to defend escaping civilians. Win to earn a choice of marks box, and more! .share-footer a {

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    Summer Update 2017

    The summer update focuses providing some updates to the owners of battleships. There are special depots spread around in the Canis and Inner Core sectors, once you loot them you will have to gain one of tree update parts, which will boost your battleship performance for either weapons, shields or engines.

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    We are excited to announce the return of the Phoenix Prize Pack, which return to Star Trek Online on PC from July 18th at 8AM PT til July 25th at 10am PT. Just like Zefram Cochrane’s experimental vessel, the Phoenix Prize Pack blazes a trail into new frontiers! And, following in the model of its mythological namesake, the Phoenix Prize Pack also represents the return from the ashes of items, ships and other rewards that have been retired from Star Trek Online, and are no longer accessible by any other means. Purchasing and opening this promotional prize pack will offer players the unique opportunity of obtaining many otherwise inaccessible items, ships and equipment, which were previously available from events or promotions, or as other limited-availability rewards. (Check further below for complete prize information!) How it works is simple: Players may visit the Dilithium Store to purchase a

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    Kira Nerys, Kai to the Bajoran people, rubbed her temples. The migraine was coming. Right now, the pain was a low rumbling in the back of her mind. It reminded her of the sound of Cardassian shuttles, sweeping low over the Dahkur Hills as they hunted for her and her friends. By tonight, it would have raged into a full explosion in her brain. It was always this way when she had to preside over a meeting with politicians. Tea, she decided suddenly. Tea would help. Her steps led her out of the meeting room and into the halls of Terok Nor. She would make a nice, big pot of tea, and sit in her private quarters in the temple, and meditate until the distant rumbling passed. Maybe this time she could escape it. The recent attack on Bajor had rattled them all. Even now, decades after their independence, Bajor’s government still felt new and fragile to her. The meeting had quickly descended into factions

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    To keep the Wing Commander Movie's birthday train rolling another day, here's a medley by Illustrated Fiction. It condenses down many of the spaceflight scenes into a tight mini film. While the ship designs received an understandably mixed reception, the actual action-packed CGI portions of the movie were just great. Here's a chance to appreciate them together! They also paired this with a nice writeup, which you can find here.

    Wing Commander (the movie) is a guilty pleasure and it is something of an oddity in that it feels both very much of its time - especially in terms of its casting - but also like a curious throwback to the 1970s and 80s.

    The movie, based on the popular video game series, was released in 1999, in the middle of the CG revolution sweeping through cinemas by the late 90s (Matrix, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, etc). The movie is a mix of rubbery aliens rubbing shoulders with

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    New Features: 9th Annual Anniversary Celebration! Join Star Trek Online’s 9th Anniversary Celebration by visiting Q at Qo’Nos or Earth Space Dock. Earn rewards in the Omega Molecule Stabilization Game that will help you gain access to special crafting materials and Anniversary Prize Vouchers. 1000 Anniversary Prize Vouchers will earn the player a brand new T6 Starship: The Vulcan T’Pau Scout Ship as seen in Star Trek Discovery. Players can also earn 200 Anniversary Prize Vouchers on the first play of our 2 new episodes: “Para Pacem” and “Illusion of Communication” for a total of 400 Vouchers. For more information, please visit the Anniversary Events blog at: Celebrate our Ninth Anniversary! | Star Trek Online New Story Arc: Mirror of Discovery The new story arc “Mirror of Discovery” has been added to the missions list in the journal. Discover “Para

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    Multiplayer Features / Community Content

    2015 was truely was a year of detail improvements in Crossfire. After the release of the first beta version at the end of 2014 we got lots of player feedbacks and could observe how the Mod performs in our online environment. The step... or probably we should say the huge jump from Crossfire 1.9 to version 2.0 adressed many wishes and suggestions of our community at the SWAT Portal. Next to that we also wanted to redesign the complete Mod in order to look stunning and feel amazing.

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    With a small delay, we've just released the second patch for Nintendo Switch, which brings a couple of bug fixes involving UI navigation and gameplay issues.


    • Fixed UI navigation issues in the repair, upgrade and crafting screens
    • Fixed that a new run couldn't be started in the hangar, if the player was on the codex tab
    • Fixed frame rate dependant issues with black holes & tweaked their strength
    • Fixed that the health of the player's drones could go above 100%, and that they sometimes weren't spawning again when loading a savegame
    • Fixed several issues where loot containers were inaccessible
    • Fixed that rotating the ship in the color selection screen would also change the color
    • Fixed that in hardcore mode, perks would stay unlocked after death
    • Make sure Okkar Gunships don't flee outside of level area
    • Fixed localization issues of some ship wreck logbooks
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    Eagle-eyed Wingnut


    spotted a Wing Commander prop reappear in a television commercial. A simple, but unique, console appeared near the Midway's hangar in Prophecy. The same unit popped up again in a Coca-Cola ad the following year. Both are visible just briefly, so this is a crazy catch!


    Here’s a background WC prop which can be found in another production. This futuristic console (although if you look closely, it looks like a solar panel attached to a battery box and lights) can be found on the hangar deck of the TCS Midway in WCP, as well as a later Coca Cola commercial from 1998. The commercial can be found at:
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    The Year of Klingon is almost upon us, Captains, and the first stage is right around the corner. To help you find and celebrate all of the amazing rebuilt content, we put together a very honorable list of what’s changing with tomorrow’s patch and where you can find it. First, we aimed our sights at the Klingon Tutorial, and the Empire Mission Arc. These episodes have new environment art, updated cutscenes, new and updated voice over recordings, and even some new gameplay. Our designers have taken to the field of battle and produced some missions that we feel are up to our modern standards for Star Trek Online, and really make you feel like a Klingon Warrior. Some of our most iconic Klingon characters were long overdo for an update, and our character artists took on that task with gusto. Below, you can see the new designs for Worf, J’mpok, K’mtar, and Kagran. Nxt