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  • 05


    This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the launch of Deep Space Nine, and the team for Star Trek Online couldn’t wait to mark the occasion with our fourth full expansion: Victory is Life. The only way we could see to top our previous expansions was to not only introduce a brand new player faction in the Jem’Hadar, but also throw in a level cap increase from 60 to 65! Starting today, Captains in Star Trek Online will have the opportunity to create a brand new captain in their own Jem’Hadar faction. All Jem’Hadar captains will be as formidable right out of space dock as their namesakes, as they will be leveled up to 60 with a fully equipped ship, a fully geared crew, and a variety of completed Reputations, Specialization trees, and R&D progress. As a fresh captain you will have all the tools you need at your disposal to dive in and play Star Trek Online right at end game, all 100% for

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  • 23


    Happy New Year fellow Captains! On behalf of Star Trek Online, I am very proud to announce that our voyage has just reached its 9th Anniversary. Our continuing mission: to explore exciting new and familiar worlds, to create new stories and gameplay, to boldly go where no player has gone before. Welcome to the celebration! It’s been a wonderful journey. 2018 saw the acclaimed release of Star Trek Online’s 4th major expansion – Victory is Life! It was here Captains explored the Gamma Quadrant and encountered the Hur’q threat alongside our beloved DS9 characters, voiced by the original actors in the largest cast ever assembled for Star Trek Online. For the first time, players created Jem’Hadar Captains, battled heroically in one of our most ambitious Battlezones to date and walked the promenade on our faithfully recreated Deep Space Nine station. We are incredibly proud of

  • 09


    Captains, welcome to Age of Discovery! This is a landmark event for Star Trek Online as it marks the first time that the game has run in parallel with a live Trek television show. We are already experiencing fantastic new synergies collaborating closely with CBS and the show writers. Captains will experience this right away in a reimagined Federation starting experience working alongside Cadet Sylvia Tilly (voiced by Discovery's Mary Wiseman) as players set out on epic, multi-release adventures. In AoD’s maiden voyage, players will journey to iconic locations from Star Trek: Discovery, exploring the depths of the Dilithium Mines of Corvan II, boarding the new experimental Crossfield class starship, the U.S.S. Glenn, and defending Starbase 1 from a fearsome attack by the Klingon House of D’Ghor. Captains will also come face to face with the vicious J'Ula, matriarch of the House of Mo'Kai and

  • 03


    In the fall of last year we saw the plans for the Tzenkethi laid bare, and in the winter of this year we saw the amazing scope and magnitude of the H’urq threat their crusade attempted to curtail. At the center of both of those encounters was a Tzenkethi named Neth Par, who defected against the Tzenkethi and helped assure an alliance victory…for now. In one of the most unique episodes in the history of STO, “The Renegade’s Regret,” you’ll be put in the shoes of Neth Par as she describes the history of the Tzenkethi Crusade from her perspective and what eventually led her to betray her own people. Captains will be revisiting worlds they saw in earlier episodes but from a new point of view, and witnessing the Tzenkethi genocide first hand. In addition to this fantastic episode we have a great collection of features for all of our captains to enjoy. First, we’re adding the Constable

  • 19


    I guarantee you, sirs, madams, and those that fit in neither, these are the very finest deals you will find anywhere in the galaxy! Yes, you have lucked out to stumble on the best kept secret in all four quadrants, my own, personal, secret market. I’ve procured goods from Andoria to Zayra IV, and they’re all available for you, starting very soon. Yes, yes, the market isn’t technically open yet, but I can personally guarantee these items will blow your mind, or my name isn’t – bzzt - Harcourt Fenton Mudd. What are these items, you say? Well well well, I’m happy to provide the answers you seek, oh discerning buyer. For the very first time Mudd’s Market is accessible, for her Grand Opening so to speak, I’ve curated a collection of curiosities that will captivate every customer. Look here – oh, please do not touch, when the sale is open we will allow inspection of these objects of

  • 19


    I guarantee you, sirs, madams, and those that fit in neither, these are the very finest deals you will find anywhere in the galaxy! Yes, you have lucked out to stumble on the best kept secret in all four quadrants, my own, personal, secret market. I’ve procured goods from Andoria to Zayra IV, and they’re all available for you, starting very soon. Yes, yes, the market isn’t technically open yet, but I can personally guarantee these items will blow your mind, or my name isn’t – bzzt - Harcourt Fenton Mudd. What are these items, you say? Well well well, I’m happy to provide the answers you seek, oh discerning buyer. For the very first time Mudd’s Market is accessible, for her Grand Opening so to speak, I’ve curated a collection of curiosities that will captivate every customer. Look here – oh, please do not touch, when the sale is open we will allow inspection of these objects of

  • 10


    Captains, welcome to Awakening. This update is particularly special for me – since my tenure on Star Trek Online began, we’ve been working on bringing you the Age of Discovery expansion, to make sure we had a complete and polished experience for Captains in the 2256 Discovery-era of Star Trek. Now, we’re returning to 2410, bringing your Captains back to the story STO has been telling for almost ten years. It’s exciting to advance and blend the narrative established in Age of Discovery into our timeline. And what a playground it’s going to be. Awakening brings with it a brand new story, starring Anthony Rapp as Commander Paul Stamets, brought to life as a hologram and thrust into the future of 2410. With Stamets at your side, you’ll journey into the Mycelial Network, stopping the threat posed by J’ula and her House Mo’kai raiders. But that’s not all – this update also brings

  • 10


    Captains, welcome to Awakening. This update is particularly special for me – since my tenure on Star Trek Online began, we’ve been working on bringing you the Age of Discovery expansion, to make sure we had a complete and polished experience for Captains in the 2256 Discovery-era of Star Trek. Now, we’re returning to 2410, bringing your Captains back to the story STO has been telling for almost ten years. It’s exciting to advance and blend the narrative established in Age of Discovery into our timeline. And what a playground it’s going to be. Awakening brings with it a brand new story, starring Anthony Rapp as Commander Paul Stamets, brought to life as a hologram and thrust into the future of 2410. With Stamets at your side, you’ll journey into the Mycelial Network, stopping the threat posed by J’ula and her House Mo’kai raiders. But that’s not all – this update also brings

  • 11


    Greetings, Temporally-Displaced Operative! Before reading the following missive, please understand that knowledge of its contents is closely monitored and highly classified. If you are found disseminating this information without explicit permission from your assigned Temporal Investigations (TI) contact, disciplinary actions may be pursued, up to and including aggressive memory re-factoring for both you and any unauthorized recipients. Nobody wants that. Temporal Displacement and You We understand that finding yourself removed from your native timestream can be a difficult situation for any operative to adapt to, regardless of your training or talents. The following guide is meant to aid you in adjusting to your new temporal reality, and to put you on the path to success and well-being. Here at Temporal Investigations, we have resolved to treat Temporally-Displaced Operatives (or “TDOs”)

  • 13


    We'd like to congratulate Wing Commander CIC founder Chris Reid and his wife Lacey Reid on the birth of their second daughter Lillianna Jane. Since Wing Commander fans love specifications, Lillianna was born this morning at 5:07 am Seattle time, her length is 19.7 inches and her mass was 6 pounds 15 ounces. Her yaw, pitch and roll are 70, 75 and 70 degrees per second respectively and her matter/anti-matter engine is capable of converting spaceborne hydrogen into nearly unlimited afterburner fuel. Congratulations on number two, Chris and Lacey; everyone on the CIC team loves you both and is very happy to know you're raising our next generation of space heroes!


  • 15


    Welcome and happy birthday! Today's not just about our celebration - we're also celebrating the community's many years of dedication to Wing Commander fandom. As we talked about just a few days ago: "The point of a fandom is not to build a cathedral to a brand but to provide a shared starting point from which you connect with others, expand your thinking and grow to become better people." Like everyone else, we're not out of the woods yet, and there are still many challenges everyone is facing every day. Nevertheless, we wouldn't have made it this far without each other. WC fans have come up with some great things this year that we're excited to share. To set the mood and kick things off, FekLeyrTarg put together this adorable and amazing little short - I love it!

  • 05


    You might think GOG's Summer Sale is still in full swing, but it actually came to a close on June 27. Don't despair, however, as a new Weekend Sale is discounting Wing Commander, Ultima and more! The GOG Twitter account also put out a little trivia message that included references to Ultima 8 and Wing Commander Academy. There's only about 24 hours yet to go as of this writing, so act fast! And if you miss it, don't worry, I'm sure there will be another Wing Commander sale in our near future.


    Can you name the titles from our Good Old Games Weekend? No cheating! 😏

    You can find more classics up to -90% here 👉 | #GOGSale

    — GOG.COM (@GOGcom) July 3, 2022
  • 31


    Dennis Mull tipped us off about a Wing Commander-themed stream happening this weekend. The Sol Citizens show on Sunday will be about Chris Roberts' earlier games from Wing Commander to Freelancer. It'll be broadcasting starting at 5 pm US Eastern Time. Sounds like a good time!

    What was the name of the "Bengal-Class" carrier introduced in Chris Roberts' game "Wing Commander"? Watch the SOL Citizens Sunday, July 31st at 8:00pm ET to see if you're right? Twitch or

    sol_citizen_streamt.jpgTo his credit, I don't think Dennis will have a problem tackling these trivia questions!

    Still unpacking boxes from my move but I already unpacked these.


  • 08


    Here are this week's main stories.
    The Alliance Festival of Culture has drawn to a close with a celebration of food and drink in the Diso system. Attendees sampled dishes prepared by celebrated chefs, and enjoyed a wide variety of complementary beverages. Suppliers managed to overcome initial concerns that low harvests in nearby systems would impact the festival. Prime Minister Mahon hailed the event as a huge success.
    The Sap Core Legion faction has announced the successful conclusion of its initiative to outfit a new orbital medical facility in the Heike system. The installation, Swords Rest Medical Facility, is now operational around Heike 1.
    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 01


    Here are this week's main stories.

    An exhibition of the visual arts has been upstaged by notorious art thief the Winking Cat during the Alliance Festival of Culture's sixth week. The stolen artwork 'Penance Street' by Megan Madigan was discovered in an empty room of the Garden City Gallery in Alioth. Gallery staff soon found the infamous winking cat motif hidden behind the picture.

    The Starship Enterprises faction has confirmed the success of its initiative to establish an asteroid base in the LP 339-7 system. The corporation has expressed hope that an increase in trade and industry will benefit the whole system.

    Finally, the Sap Core Legion faction has called for independent pilots to deliver resources for the construction of a medical facility in the Heike system. The organisers hope that the new orbital facility will benefit the region.

    And those are the main stories this week.

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Alliance Festival of Culture's fifth week has focused on theatre and dance. Crowds travelling to New Caledonia in the Tionisla system have enjoyed a wide variety of performance art shows, ranging from full stage productions to amateur street acts.

    The Fortunes Corsairs faction has announced a successful conclusion to their appeal for food deliveries in the Chamas system. A new starport has been built in Chamas, following the well-received grand feast attended by many government officials.

    Finally, the Starship Enterprises faction has issued a public request for mined resources. The intent is to build a new asteroid base in the LP 339-7 system, which would serve as a portal for increased trade and industrial operations for residents.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 18


    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Alliance Festival of Culture has entered the Olgrea system this week with a celebration of literature. Fans of both modern and classical fiction gathered to discuss their favourite novels and meet popular authors.

    The Fortunes Corsairs faction has organised an initiative to transport food commodities to the Chamas system. A fundraiser supporting efforts to construct an asteroid base in the system is scheduled for next week, with a grand feast advertised as the main attraction.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 11


    Here are this week's main stories.

    Expansion of the Witch Head enclave has continued with the installation of seven planetary ports. Focus has turned to supporting the influx of new colonists, now that access to meta-alloys in the region has been secured. It is hoped that the new ports will accelerate ongoing efforts to repair the starports damaged in recent Thargoid attacks.

    In related news, new engineer Chloe Sedesi has opened for business at one of the new planetary facilities, Cinder Dock. Sedesi's services have been complemented by a tech broker and material trader, available at Bray Landing and Ratchet Hub respectively.

    Finally, the Alliance Festival of Culture has entered its third week with a music festival in the Phekda system, which organisers have called 'the greatest gig in the galaxy'. The line-up includes a mix of established and new talent, with a one-off performance by