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    This Thursday, March 29th from 7am - 10am PT we will be performing maintenance on Arc servers that will affect some of our games and services. During this time, our engineers will be performing upgrades that will impact each service separately. Read the details below to find out how your favorite games will be affected: These games will be unavailable during maintenance: Forsaken World - Shylia Forsaken World - Dyos Forsaken World - lllyfue Forsaken World - Nyos Forsaken World - Tytan Jade Dynasty - Shura Jade Dynasty - Archia Perfect World International - Dawn Glory Swordsman - Xia Swordsman - Han Neverwinter - Russia These services may experience intermittent issues, but we do not expect any major downtime: All other Arc games Game logins Game websites Purchasing systems Arc > console account linking When will maintenance begin in my timezone? Our goal is to provide

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    Tzenkethi Captain Neth Parr could no longer be a party to the madness of genocide. Each life lost nudged her a bit further towards the path of rebellion. Finally, at the battle of Bajor, she abandoned her command, betrayed her hero and admiral, and sought political asylum on Deep Space 9. What were the events that led to this pivotal moment? In “The Renegade’s Regret”, you can see what life was like as Captain Neth Parr before she surrendered herself at Deep Space 9. This featured episode features a brand new game mode: Play as Captain Neth Parr on the ground, and fly the Coalition Warship Steadfast! “The Renegade’s Regret” will be available to all players level 10 and up (Romulan players must have selected a faction) for a limited time. Afterward, find it in your mission journal to play. Safe travels, Captains! Tiff “Wubblez” Chu Content Design Cryptic Studios .share-footer a {

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    Attention Captains, the Elachi are pouring into the Alpha Quadrant from previously undiscovered Iconian space gates in order to abduct helpless people! With what the Elachi have been doing with their captives, we need every Captain at the ready to help stop their forces. For a limited time only, the Elachi Alert queued event will return to Star Trek Online. From Thursday, March 29th at 8AM PT til Monday, April 2nd at 10AM PT, close these doors to subspace and receive bonus mark rewards. A joint fleet has gathered here to stop them. The fleet consists of science ships that have disabled their weaponry in order to divert all available resources to disabling the gate. We’ll need to protect them from the Elachi until they finish their work. Remember that the science vessels efficiency will drop as they lose crew members to the Elachi. Defend the joint fleet from the Elachi in order to ensure their

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    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 10am PT today, 3/28 to 10am PT tomorrow, 3/29 on PC. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: 25% off R&D Packs - and it's your last day to take advantage of the Infinity R&D Promotion! 30% off All Items in the Lobi Store Except Ships! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity

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    “Admiral, the Steadfast is heading towards Federation space. Estimated trajectory would have them arrive at Izar in a little over two days.” “So, have they abandoned their mission?” Admiral Tzen-Tarrak asked. “Yes, sir. Their assigned systems are all returning positive scans. No Drantzuli purges have taken place in any of them.” “Have Commander Neth Parr assemble a team to intercept the Steadfast. Give her the prototype. And tell them not to let Captain Tzen-Crinnu’s noble blood slow them down,” The admiral practically spat out the traitorous captain’s name. “As of this moment, he is an enemy of the state, and will be dealt with as such. If I had my way, he’d be strapped to a protomatter bomb at the next Drantzuli purge.” “Y-yes, sir,” the startled adjutant replied. “I’ll let her know, Admiral - at once!” *** Commander Neth Parr flew to intercept the Steadfast

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    The Infinity Lock Box was originally released approximately two years ago. During this time, it has proven itself as a player favorite among all of our Lock Boxes. In celebration of this popularity, we’ve decided to give the Infinity Lock Box an entire full-size run! This special Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for a multi-week appearance beginning with the release of the Season 14.5 Update on April 3rd, 2018. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, while the Discovery Lock Box will be retired. Prize Structure Changes We’re making some changes to the Infinity Lock Box prize tables in preparation for this full-length appearance. Our hope is that these changes will streamline the box’s contents a bit, and allow players to more

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    Rule of Acquisition # 74: Knowledge equals profit. Any wise Captain knows that when a sale this good comes your way, it’s best to take advantage of it. We’re pleased to announce that Ferengi Merchants are putting a 15% sale on Keys from From April 3rd at 8am PT to April 10th at 10am PT. Now is the best time for Captains to load up on your Keys and grab those ships you’ve been eyeing. Remember Captains, Rule of Acquisition # 22: A wise man can hear profit in the wind. Now is the time to act. For a limited time only starting today, players will be able to purchase the Key Ring Bundle! This special pack includes 20x Master Keys (used to open any Lock Box) for the price of 2250 Zen. As an additional special promotional offer when purchasing this bundle, every pack also includes a single Ultimate Tech Upgrade. Applying this item to any upgradeable piece of equipment will instantly set both its Mark

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    April 5th is the anniversary of First Contact Day, when Humans and Vulcans first met on Earth! To celebrate the anniversary of First Contact Day, the Zefram Cochrane Memorial and Historical Museum is holding a special re-enactment event from April 5th at 8am PT to April 12th at 10am PT, on all three platforms!. Participants are invited to visit to Bozeman, Montana—the site of Cochrane’s launch of the first Human warp-capable ship, the Phoenix—and engage in the construction of their own replica Phoenix! Captains who participate will search the area for useful parts, just like Cochrane scavenged the pieces for the Phoenix. Using these parts in conjunction with a basic hull assembly, captains will make their own model of the Phoenix by combining engines, hull, and stabilizer parts found in various bits and pieces scattered about the re-creation of the historical settlement. Under the shadow of Zefram

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    Every week, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on SPECTRUM and voted on by YOU. This week, we get answers on Ship Docking, Scanning, Blind Quantum Travel and more.

    You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here

    And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to:

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    New Features: New Featured Episode: The Renegade’s Regret The new Featured Episode, “The Renegade’s Regret” has been added to the Featured Episode tab in the journal. Travel to Deep Space Nine and speak to Neth Parr to find out why she betrayed her people to help save Bajor. This episode is available for level 10 Captains and above. For more information, please visit the “The Renegade’s Regret” blog at:…A-the-renegade%27s-regret Constable Secondary Specialization: This new Secondary Specialization is themed around upholding the law that keeps modern societies functioning much like the way Constable Odo did for Deep Space Nine. This Specialization is unique in that it benefits the player whether in space or ground. For more details, please visit the Constable Secondary Specialization blog at:…nstable-specialization%21

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    In the fall of last year we saw the plans for the Tzenkethi laid bare, and in the winter of this year we saw the amazing scope and magnitude of the H’urq threat their crusade attempted to curtail. At the center of both of those encounters was a Tzenkethi named Neth Par, who defected against the Tzenkethi and helped assure an alliance victory…for now. In one of the most unique episodes in the history of STO, “The Renegade’s Regret,” you’ll be put in the shoes of Neth Par as she describes the history of the Tzenkethi Crusade from her perspective and what eventually led her to betray her own people. Captains will be revisiting worlds they saw in earlier episodes but from a new point of view, and witnessing the Tzenkethi genocide first hand. In addition to this fantastic episode we have a great collection of features for all of our captains to enjoy. First, we’re adding the Constable