Warfrane Builds

A collection of Warframe builds including detailed descriptions and how these builds work.

    General Information

    Nova is a Warframe that can be considered an oddball due to various reasons.

    Multiple aspects of this frame are outright strange and therefore actually very interesting.

    Nova looks squishy and weak at first, not a superior damage dealer or tank unlike other frames but it can actually do both roles if done right. However, I think it is best to consider her a support frame.

    Worth to mention is that with a speed of 1.2 she also is one of the fastest Warframes in the game.

    There are multiple ways to mod this Warframe but in the end it comes down to two builds. A speed Nova or a slow Nova, both with their specific benefits in certain game modes.

    e.g. a speed Nova increases the movement speed of enemies and therefore is best to be used on game modes with a limited number of enemies that you want to kill as fast as possible -> defense missions; But keep

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    General Description

    Rhino is most definitely the most useful Warframe for beginners.

    In my eyes it is the first new Warframe you should try to get since it is easy to mod and massively increases your survivability even without have many special mods.

    However, this guide of course will show how to create some of the best possible builds for this Warframe.

    The normal Rhino can be build with blueprints you can find early in the game by defeating the boss at the assassination mission at Mercury. Just run the mission a few time and you will get all the blueprints you will need.

    Rhino Prime has slightly higher sprint speed and +50 armor compared to the normal version.

    Abilities (in order of usefulness)

    Ability 4 - Rhino Stomp

    Stomps the ground, puts enemies around you in stasis and slows down time for a short duration while also causing damage.

    In my

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    General Description

    Excalibur was the very first Warframe in the game and has become the poster boy in the following years.

    Generally you would assume that he is outclassed by most other frames meanwhile but that simply is not true.

    This guide is not about the normal starter frame and this also is not about the Excalibur Prime. The Prime version is something nobody of us ever will get to use since it is exclusively for founders which supported the game in the early days.

    That however is no big deal since we have the option to use the Excalibur Umbra instead (which has even better stats than the Excalibur Prime).

    You can get it for free by playing one of the story missions (The Second Dream) and once you have it you never want to look back to the ordinary version.

    Excalibur Umbra is special because it comes with 3 Umbra Polarity slots and

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