A mine dropper which does not require ammo, and is obtainable in Single Player only.
Articles containing the tag „Mine Dropper“
M479 “Swatter” Mine Dropper
The best EMP Mine available on the market.
HM-a “Seeker” Homing Mine Dropper
M485 "Screamer" Mine Dropper
The replacement for the Dual Mine producing a far more powerful explosion.
Average EMP Mine Dropper.
One from the most powerful EMP mines on the market.
This is an EMP mine with similar damage output to the Eraser missile.
Average EMP mine.
HM-b Razor Homing Mine Dropper
HM-d "Driller" Homing Mine Dropper
The “seeking technology” behind the Cutter has been entirely re-engineered, enabling it to now deliver a larger, more accurate and deadlier blow to its target.