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    The Year of Klingon is almost upon us, Captains, and the first stage is right around the corner. To help you find and celebrate all of the amazing rebuilt content, we put together a very honorable list of what’s changing with tomorrow’s patch and where you can find it. First, we aimed our sights at the Klingon Tutorial, and the Empire Mission Arc. These episodes have new environment art, updated cutscenes, new and updated voice over recordings, and even some new gameplay. Our designers have taken to the field of battle and produced some missions that we feel are up to our modern standards for Star Trek Online, and really make you feel like a Klingon Warrior. Some of our most iconic Klingon characters were long overdo for an update, and our character artists took on that task with gusto. Below, you can see the new designs for Worf, J’mpok, K’mtar, and Kagran. Nxt