Posts by Chief_Wiggum

    Moinsen Leute ,

    ich bin zu breit um zu wissen welches Forum ich für diesen Thread benutzen soll ,ein off Topic Forum hab ich irgendwie net gefunden sry...

    um mal ein wenig Kultur zu verbreiten ,habe ich mich entschlossen einen Thread aufzumachen ,der sich um Eure Lieblingsmusik dreht.....

    ich fange mal mit dem Videobattle an: und um es abzurunden............! Und gebt Euch die letzte Nummer mal volle Suppe auf Kopfhörer*fg*

    Viel Spass mit meiner Auswahl und ich bin gespannt was bei Euch so geht ...

    Live fast....die young!!

    hihihi ...what do u think when u read Valkyrie "N1" ? <br>Yes ,it is based on the Rheinland Valkyrie but the N1 is a modified VHF build by the Nomads (in the Monkey mod).<br><br>It dosn't matter ,it was only a Sentiment...don't worry <img src="wcf/images/smilies/wink.png" alt=";)"><br><br><br><br>

    Wrong ,look at the exhaust ,this isn't the coulor of Rheinland Engines .This is the modified Valkyrie N1 (Or Valkyrie 2) and in this Vid u see the Monkey Mod and they fight at planet Granu (Robots).
    In this Area are never seen Rheinlandships and i played the mod a long time ;)
    Look the whole Vid and u will see.
    greets ,

    Chief_Wiggum aka Sideshowbob(MP)

    Hello Shockwave ,

    many thx for the fast help :)

    Hell yeah ....nice fights with Dom'Setek's and nice guns to loot and make money 8)
    haha and i waste my time with trading and Missions against Xenos to earn Money ,this way is much more profitable.

    One Question there a ship (not the Bullpop MK III) wich can carry 6 class 10 weapons?

    have a nice die at Inner Core ,

    Chief_Wiggum aka Sideshowbob (MP)

    1. The mod is really the BEST (and i played all mods u can download at mod database like Monkey universe or tekagi's treasure etc ) ,well done OP.

    2. I've been in the Dervon System and do the Quest and now i'm exploring this System and hope to find a Wreck or something else it's really big (u need a Sleeper Ship to explore:P ).

    3. Before i done the Quest ,i 've explore the Inner Core and the neighbour Systems ( also extrem Big ) .Then I've read the Forum to investigate what the Systems held for me ,nothing intristing and I dicide to fly back to Omega 3 . I want to dock at the Anomalie in the Inner Core to go to Omega 3 and nothing happens . The Anomalie spits me out and i'm back in the Inner Core ,not in Omega 3. I Stuck there .And there is no way out because i'm hostile to DK.At weth i would be destroyed by the Defense Turrets (haha ,in SP u never have a chance to get in this System ,but i've saved at Omega 3.Is this a Bug or am i unlucky?

    4.Why are there no DK's in Omicron Alpha ,Gamma and Theta ? In 1.7 there are some...

    5.It would be nice ,to have an dockable Stations on the way to DK's Space to fill up nanobots and Bat's example the Worrior Stations .This would be smoothie .

    6.A little bit horrible is the Utopia System .Why in hell u put this Weaponplatforms around Battleship Bismark????? When i spot the Bismark it is Neutral to me ,the weaponplatforms not and in the infocard from these platforms is no hint from whom they are ,so i can't fit up my rep to get them neutral.Only the Xenos are hostile to me ,every other group is neutral to me so i don't understand this It makes me crazy that I can't dock on it and i can't see the reason why?
    I blow up all Cruiser's and Weaponplatforms ,dock at the Triangle and fly back ...and what did i see ...all the Platforms and Cruiser's are at the same Place ...This is a Main Logical Error in the whole FL game ,when i blast a station away ,than it has to be away for a long Time not for minutes!!!! ----It is really magic---.

    7.I really miss only one Ship: The Valkyre N1 (in Monkey Universe i fly it and it was awesome) u get cruise speed in 2 sec :P

    But all in one i have fun and enjoy the gameplay .

    So long ,

    Chief_Wiggum aka Sideshowbob