Posts by Gibbon

    Anything is possible. Not wishing to step on OP's toes, but if you only play it in singleplayer then yes, you could add anything you like. If you play multiplayer then no, it's not possible unless OP added them to Crossfire.

    I'm actually thinking of doing an FLMM version for use with vanilla as i've had a few requests for that already. Only other place the ELITE ships exist atm is in my Galacticum mod which isn't released.

    Thanks fellas, taken a lot of hard work to get them working i can tell you that much. They are all done now, finished the last one last night.

    I'll be offering this as a modders resource package first, so this will include all 25 ships plus the Coriolis space station, sur files, cockpit files with rear views and icons.

    I've had quite a bit of interest in these ships with people asking me to make them plug and play for vanilla. Right now i have to say i'll think about it.

    I have them for inclusion in my Galacticum mod but that's not vanilla as i have things setup completely differently for ships in there, only four guns for a start on fighters and the weapon groups have been completely redone. So as i said, i'll think about it.

    I'll put them in the download section of the portal once i've finished double checking them.

    Except you'd need to make new ale files first, then you could use the above to match them, but in essence you're correct. Not easy making ale files though lol

    Thanks guys. One of the more interesting facts with these illumination effects for the engine is..... they can be changed to match the colour of the engine you want to use. I use Paintshop Pro 7 for all my graphical work and there's a function called Adjust Hue/Saturation/Lightness. Its' a simple slider. With that you can change the glow colour to match the engine of your choice, be it a standard engine or a custom made one. Very handy for making different versions.

    Well, I was vary of jflp as I heard (in another forum) that it can cause instability in freelancer (ie frequent crashes) and might register as cheat on some servers, so (as I am going to start playing with Crossfire as soon as it finishes downloading) I did not wished to get banned just for resolution's sake.

    This is because a lot of people have no idea what they are talking about and are a bunch of clod fisted baboons that have no idea what the software does in the first place, this regarding the information you read elsewhere. JFLP is fine, i've been using it since it came out and works in any resolution i've tried at least. Now before someone shoots me down in flames, not tried it in Crossfire as i believe OP has his own version of widescreen support included, and JFLP could cause issues with Crossfire so best to let OP sort that out.

    To clarify, a lot of other mods don't make huge changes to the FL files, so a bit of knowledge helps before using JFLP. For a start it won't cause instability (unless it overwrites something, that's when problems occur), server programs will not pick up this as a cheat because it isn't, only a server program that checks files on the client might do that and i for one won't have a program like that installed. A lot of mods already include this addon, mine included, so worth checking readme files of any other mod that you play and see if it's already there. I had a guy try to install it over the files in my mod and was wondering why he was having problems. This is because hardly anybody reads the included readme files with mods, there is a reason we mod makers put them there :)

    I'm not so sure FL players will flock there, having said that it does look good. I've been testing this for a while but it reminds me more of freespace. That said once they iron out the bugs, of which there are quite a few and get it really stable, it will appeal to many, of that i have no doubt.


    I'm actually terrible at modelling and haven't created diddly since i started modding FL, specially in the ship department. I'm good at converting things to run in FL, do that all the time tbh, same with these ships, a guy called Griff gave them to me to convert so that's what i've done. I chat with OP now and then on msn, so if he needs help i'm sure he'll ask.

    As to me lurking in the Sol system, not wrong there, have a luxury cabin on the International Space Station :)

    What is ELITE? Good question and while i could explain it, this site does a better job of it.

    Saying that for those that can't be bothered to look, ELITE was the grandfather of all the space trading games you see today. Released in 1984 and written by David Braben & Ian Bell, the game introduced many concepts that we all take for granted in modern 3D space games and was a huge influence for the creators of EVE Online amongst others.

    I played it when it came out and nobody had ever seen a 3D space game where there was actual combat, trading and travelling the universe all in one tidy little package. ELITE used wiremesh representations of the ships in the game, although later versions started to use shaded graphics on the models.

    There hasn't really been a similar game like it to be honest, many have tried and been found sadly lacking. I'd like to say Freelancer came close, but in all honesty it didn't, although the basic principles were there. Freelancer offers the same ideas but in a much smaller universe, but the advantage Freelancer has is it looks a million times better.

    With the 25th anniversary of ELITE, i've taken it upon myself to create an ELITE ship pack featuring all the models from the original game that have been rebuilt and retextured by a fine gentleman called Griff, who very kindly gave me permission to convert them to FL.

    First thing, the Coriolis Station, a little flyby

    Ships are now all converted, icons done, in the middle of testing. All models have custom surs, icons and lightmaps and will be free to use by anyone who wants them.