Posts by Gibbon

    I will be looking for a few people yes. I shall put the word out when i'm ready to let some of you loose for testing purposes. In the meantime, after a chat with OP about texture sizes, i managed to make some custom news images for the custom news items i have decided to add to my mod. As an example, a wanted poster for a known terrorist in my mod

    Well here we are, the end of another tournament with only the final left to play. Who will it be? SPAIN or ITALY? I'll go for Italy simply because i think they've played the better and more visually exciting football of the tournament so far, with arguably the best goal scored at the Euros by Mario Balotelli in the last game. As for Spain, nobody doubts there class, but they have been incredibly boring to watch, at least from my perspective, and i do hope they will make a go of it in the final. Good luck to both teams and i hope they give us a great game worthy of a final.

    Thanks. My new HD technique must be working. They are actually standard Liberty textures which i've worked my magic on to make much sharper and clearer. All the ships in Liberty use the same texture and look much better for it :D

    Been messing with gunboats. There will be four house gunboats to fly, Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, Rheinland. These will only dock at planets with mooring fixtures and larger bases, like Newark, Aomori station etc. These will all have 1000 cargo hold and handle like... gunboats. No weapons can be mounted as these are included when you buy the ship.

    There will also be three pirate gunboat vessels built by the Corsairs, Outcast and the Red Hessians. These are essentially the same ship but with different skins. Weapons on these will also be included on purchase and the cargo hold wll be slightly reduced to 750. The reason being that these gunboats can dock almost anywhere.

    Seeing as most people know what the gunships look like already, the major house gunboat that is new to this mod is the Liberty Gunboat. Here are a few piccies of it in action docking at Fort Bush and at Aomori Station in Honshu. Original model by LordFjord that i found lurking on my hd. The textures are heavily modified Liberty textures that i made.

    With regards to docking gunboats, the mod uses the moors plugin by adoxa. With this you dock facing forward after getting mooring clearance, and you undock backwards like any large npc ship would. Great plugin. Only extra coding i needed to do was make some new camera hardpoints for a few of the larger bases

    Well well well, not the result i was expecting. Very entertaining game. Did the better team win on the night? Probably. Germany had so many chances, but just couldn't score. I was surprised at that. Oh well, even a good team can sometimes have a night off. So now we have Italy v Spain, again. It's funny how every football fan apart from the Spanish, want them to lose, including me lol. Come on the Azzuri, you can do it.

    Well at least we got a game last night, Portugal did try, but they were rubbish in front of goal, especially Ronaldo. Spain didn't have any strikers in the side at all, but at least tried to score. They were the better side towards the end so maybe deserved it. Oh well, let's just hope Germany do the business against Italy and then we will have the two best teams in the tournament in the final, which is maybe how it should be

    Not many games left now. On to tonight's snore fest between PORTUGAL v SPAIN. I'll be honest, bored rigid watching Spain play football, pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, then pass pass pass, and then, just maybe, they might try and shoot. They need shooting tbh as somebody described watching Spain as like watching a snake swallowing its prey. I want Portugal to win so we can have a real football match between Germany V Portugal for the final.

    Hurts to type this but we were utter rubbish, like you said, France in disguise. The better team clearly won and well done Italy. Not sure they have enough left in the tank to beat Germany, only one way to find out. I can't moan about England too much as nobody really expected us to get this far, so overall i have to be happy with the progress we made.

    That's why i like adoxa's plugin as it's simple as anything. Define a ship loadout as normal, make sure you have a goods entry for the weapon, only set the price of the weapon to 0. The plugin checks for this and won't allow you to remove the mounted weapon, it's also ignored when selling the ship. Perfect solution, at least for me. No need to mess with any ini files really

    Let's get back on topic. This isn't a noob question as i know the answer already but i'm just curious, how do you make weapons mountable on a ship that you don't want players to sell? By that i mean the weapons, not the ship. Also the small matter of selling the ship and not getting kicked for cheating.

    There's the old fashioned way of doing it, which can sometimes lead server software to flip out, about including it in the loadout but leaving the weapon entries off in shiparch. Another way to do it is to mess with the weapon classes and have all capship weapons have their own class, or the newer method which i've just adopted using adoxa's plugin which tbh, is the simplest method yet. I was just curious which option you went for OP, or you might have another way i don't know about :P

    But that didn't happen. Apart from Ribery, France were rubbish last night, didn't seem to try, ran out of ideas, not that they seemed to have any to start with. Oh well, well done Spain...again, be very curious how they do against Portugal, should be a tight game as both teams play the same way.

    Tonight's game will be a chess match, at least on paper, haven't seen two teams so evenly matched. Good fun playing against the Italians, always a quality side, anything can happen. With England, it's time to step it up, do they have any left in the tank? As incentive, a semi final against the Germans is waiting, can't ask for anything better. Hope tonight is a great game, looking forward to it.

    Yes, have to say that was well deserved, even if it was against one of the 'B' teams. Very enjoyable game, well done Germany. Onto tonight's serving, Spain v France. I'm so indifferent about this as tbh, Spain's last game was one of the most boring matches i've ever seen. I can't remember when i last saw a team that couldn't be bothered to score a goal. That said, I wouldn't mind seeing France stuff the Spanish, maybe what they need right now,k bring them back down to earth finally.

    Never going to happen sadly. The whole point of modding something is to make it how you like it, and there lies the problem. We all see things differently. OP has his Crossfire universe, i have my mods and how i like to see things, Disco has it's way of looking at things, the new Star Wars mod is another example. Not to mention all the other guys working on their own projects. This is also a good thing as some mods will have features where we go, 'crap, wish i'd thought of that' and so on. To try and get all these talented people to work on one project just is not realistic unless someone puts money on the table, then it becomes a job. There's an old saying, 'Too many cooks spoil the broth' and this is also very true

    Couldn't agree more. The big worry is that once some of the more competent modders give up and move on, who will replace them? I've seen a few recent efforts from new guys trying to woo us with their wares and imho at least, not up to scratch. I can't moan too much as we all had to start somewhere. The problem is we started when it was popular so picked up a lot of info as there were lots of us doing it. Now there are so few people left, who do you ask, where do you turn? People will just get frustrated and do something else. Shame really...