Posts by Ruusan

    Allow me to expand on how the game is played.....

    This is taken from the EVE Online Wikipedia page:


    One example is the corporate heist perpetrated by the in-game assassin's guild Guiding Hand Social Club (GHSC). GHSC infiltrated a target corporation over the course of nearly a year before performing a virtual assassination on the target's CEO and stealing or destroying billions of credits' worth of property.


    As Az said, don't trust anyone :P

    Also the fact that there have only been 9 (Confirmed that is) player owned Titan class ships constructed in the game, and one of these ships has the potential to destroy 250+ ships in a single shot, shows how seriously players take their ships ^^

    If a battleship or something is heavily damaged and under attack, a corporation will pull out all the stops to retreive that ship and get it back to base for repairs, or face losing a ship worth in excess of 80,000,000 ISK, sometimes up to 130,000,000 ISK.

    True, but that requires constant work, and for someone working full time, 5AM to 6PM like I do, it would be impossible.

    Once I've been manufacturing for several months and am able to create more advanced weapons, components, star ships etc, I may be able to afford it. But either way, £12 odd a month is hardly a problem to pay.

    I haven't looked into it myself but the idea of it interests me. It's a hell of a lot of ISK though. Only a seriously accomplished player that has been playing for at least a year would be capable of generating that kind of income.

    Well my character is a manufacturer to be, haven't done any work with regards the power of my ship yet, I just have a basic mining frigate, but I am willing to assist with any knowledge of the game I have ^^

    Same name on EVE, I am Ryzune. Maybe I'll see some of you guys giving the free trial a go 8)

    TV advertising campaigns, radio advertisments, flyers, annoying pop-ups on websites, people driving through the streets with megaphones, sponsorship of motorsports and football.

    That's how we get people to see CF :D

    When I used to have old computers, I used to have a method for fixing stuff like this.

    I booted up, then stopped it at the command line. I then formatted my hard drive. Next, I inserted my old Windows 98 SE CD, and re-installed Windows.

    Those were the good old days..... the days where everytime something went majorly wrong, you just wiped the whole hard drive :D

    But yeah.... delete save games. I had that once before.

    I was the first person to vote for "No, I am blind"!

    But seriously, I don't care.... it doesn't take that long to scroll, and my connection downloads any page in less than 3 seconds anyway.