need help for CF 1.7 Singleplayer

There are 9 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by goodone.

  • The first, this is a very good mod for freelancer. I had playing the original game a long time ago.
    Now I play freelancer again but the CF 1.7 mod.
    I found so many new systems and the mod runs very good.
    Now I found the Sol System and there comes my problem.
    If I flying around for a while and set some far waypoints ( ca. 250 K and more) the game crashed and goes back to the desktop. ( Win XP ).
    Have somebody an idea whats happens with this?

  • crashes to desktop often happen when u do not turn off 3d sound and use a jump gate. but in ur case idk...

    maybe u try a clean install of the game and mod, as described in this CF Guide (see chapter "Installation Instructions")

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  • this is a well known problem that affects sol system, especially when new sound and music data appears: lanes, gates and dk sounds and music. older machines r more prone to experience this issue, and there is little one can do, except to stay in sol as little as possible, and to turn off the 3d sound setting.

    maybe op will address this issue in 1.8 version by making sound data a bit smaller.

    it's a general problem with freelancer, and happens in vanilla version as well, but not so often as in sol. the problem is in sound engine that makes too many sound data bursts on pci bus, thus making many retries for failed transfer to sound card or southbridge, resulting in client breakdown. 3d sound setting usually makes this data bigger, so it's one of suggestions various mod writers offer to their users. it's affecting via based mainboards mostly, but can happen to others too.

    ofc, there r some workarounds:
    1. setting latency on pci bus to a greater number, in bios: 64, 126 - makes pci transfer window wider so data can arrive w/o interruptions
    2. updating bios - usually includes some changes how pci bus corresponds with sound card on older systems
    3. installing a latency patch (via kt133/kt133a/kt266/kt266a/kt333/kt400 and some other based system)

    i was having the same sound data problem with cf every time i played on one of via based machines, only to test it thoroughly for days and find the solution in the latency patch. now it works with no problems what so ever. :D system is generally faster too.

    if u know ur way with computer and have an older via based mainboard, latency patch will fix ur and everyone else's problem with this matter. if u don't, setting larger latency in bios will help, 64 or 128 is a good start, but u can test other values too.

    this information about the latency trouble should be made visible publicly, so op should maybe stick this topic, or copy it somewhere else. i am not familiar that anyone on swat forum knows about this issue, but i consider topic of higher importance, because many older machines (those fl was made 4) experience this problem.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • Only a question goodone:

    On which OS (XP SP1 or so) did u install it?

    Because of this advice from your posted link...

    Warning! This does not install on Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), or on Windows 2003, due to increased security on those versions. I will not be issuing an update for this any time soon.

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  • Maybe you can get around that..... not a lot you can't do with a pc if you know how ^^

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  • it says so on author's page, but luckily, i had no troubles installing it. and yes, it works, not just stands there like in a protected mode environment. i had looked for bits it affects, and yep, working all right. ppl can check it too using device manager, under the hidden devices (turn on hidden devices checkbox from the view menu), search for vlatency driver.

    i conclude the warning does not stand for xp sp2, just for server 2003 version of windows, and possibly vista. as much as i was able to see from installer, it should work on all versions of windows, but if one has driver certification (which is an option off by default in xp sp2) turned on, it might not install. the former is usually true for vista and most of server 2003 installations, but one can get it work, just as ryzune suggested.

    on the other part, systems it is written for are not server alike, and i guess nobody will try to install vista or server 2003 on them, so, there are no big time worries. anyway, as far as i can tell, because it is beta product (not that it has any bugs or so), author may have rewritten installer so it works on all windows versions, but didn't bother to change the warning.

    anyway, i urge ppl to install it, if they have kt133/kt133a mainboards. it solved many troubles with that particular chipset, which is one of the fastest for sdram, making it even better. and ofc, cf works with no problems as a result.

    i would not be able to play cf on my regular machine if i didn't bother to check it out, so i am glad i had, at the end. :D

    btw, it is windows xp sp2 machine, patched with criticals, with usual security measures (av+as+firewall), many programs, nvidia graphics, sound blaster live!, tv tuner, modem, network card (abit kt7a mainboard - no integrated stuff). i just love the old perfectly working configuration. :)

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • setting latencies without other relevant chipset settings can b quite harmful for a mobo, on older via affected hardware, so i recommend avoiding it on those.

    on the other hand, one doesn't really need a latency change, and if one wish to make a decent fine tuning, powerstrip is better than latency tool - it does latencies and many other things too. however, it's only a shareware.

    so, it's a go/go if u know what u r doing. if u don't and still use those affected via mobos, i recommend sticking to that freeware patch i posted previously.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po