Eve Online Newbie report

There are 59 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Corynthos.

  • Day 1

    I am "No Mahd"

    Long 637 MB download - but then its easy to get running.

    Intro is interesting about the history and then its off to start your char - choice of 4 races and then many sub sections depending on your career/skill choices and factions.

    I am following the in game tutorial which is pretty good but basic = the game seems very complicated at the begin.

    Met some secret agents for doing important jobs that will earn me cash and beign my ascension up the corporate ladder - most of these missons involve - MINING FOR RAW MATERIALS - GULP

    At least I have been able to follow my life long ambition to become a miner (haha) - always wear a hard hat in space!!

    Chatted to a few people and most are helpful - but seeing a group of 2700 rookies is strange.

    Current cash 133k (hah!)

  • Muahahaha!!! I'm gonna find you and run you down in my industrial ship!!!

    Lol j/k, yeah it is complicated at the start. Doesn't take long to adjust though.

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Days 2-3

    AN extensive tutorial is available to take you through many of the games options and opportunities.

    Typically for me - I followed my own route for a bit and spent hours mining to purchase a better ship - only to find out later I would have received a good ship following the tuturial in 5 minutes, Damn!!

    Blueprints - how I hate them!!

    These are design sheet for constructing equipment - or gulp - even a ship - providing you have the raw materials and know how - you can manufacture it.

    Thing is - once you put the whole shebang in motion - the scientists/engineers take the blueprint for use and then you spend two hours looking for the damn thing - as it dissapears from your inventory.

    One of the missions invloves using a codebreaker to access the cargo hold of a marooned fellow agent (killed by pirates) and retrieve items that allow you to INVENT and IMPROVE on an original blueprint. Damn it was hard finding an organisation willing and able to take on that job.

    Made my first Million then promptly blow the cash on a few ships and equipment that I could not use - due to my lack of skills (crap)

    Tried my hand in some combat and even blew out 12 pirates (not easy) and then smashed their habitat into smithereens.

    This guy Ryzune appeared on the scene and we met outside an asteroid belt for lunch and a capacinno. That pic he posted on the other tread is a fake - in real life (EVE LIFE) he is quite evil looking and has scars all over his face.

    My current actions:

    1. Raise rep with a particular faction by doing missions for them so when I use their refineries I pay less tax = more profit

    2. Improve skills in dogfighting to do the odd missions that involve combat

    3. Make money by mining the Veldspar as the price of Tritanium (you refine Veldspar) is going through the roof!!

  • Indeed, good thing I didn't turn up in my transport, I'd have brought a lifetimes supply of alcohol aboard :P

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Any more updates Az? I'm interested to hear more about what you think ^^

    Is anyone else trying the game out? It's free for 14 days, what do you have to lose? :))

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Days 4 and 5

    Pirates!"!" Damn them all to hell and back!!

    These days saw my first experience of death and flying in that choccy egg well known to Eve lovers.

    In Eve - when you die - you lose your ship, your cargo and your equip.

    My fault I suppose for taking on about 20 pirates myself in my newbie ship with no fighting skills - damn mining laser won't work against ships!!

    Each time I died I had to fly across a few systems in my egg to a system selling the ships and equipment I wanted - an insurance policy each time soften the financial blow.

    The mission itself was to smash a pirate bloackade of a jump gate - which I did in the end - leading to me learning some new stuff about using weapons and ammo.

    Met some guys in the mining fields who had heard my sad story and offered me 2mill cash - basically to shut up!!

    I spent that money on a 4.5 mill skills booster - appararent training your learning skills at the begin will save you significant training time in the long run.

    Been offered starting positions with two diff corps - one of them required experience in being a jerk - and I said I do that in real life.

    The trial version does not make everything available to you - so I think I am stuck in this ship - best I could find - until I register.

    I chatted to the Eve forums about comabt and I am now ready to test my new found knowledge in some killing pie rat missions - how i hate those pie rats"!!

  • You can fly cruisers in the trial version, do you have one of those? I believe you are Gallente correct? They have a very nice mining/trading cruiser.

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Days 6 and 7

    Upgraded my ship to a Gallante Destroyer called a Catalyst.

    It has 8 turret slots - so I think I can use it both for mining and exploring - before I do that though I will spend some time mining - just in case I die and lose everything.

    Spent some time on the Eve forums as well - and came across a thread where the term "Market pvp" came up - basically a player was complaining someone else was buying up all of a certain mineral and was doubling the price each week -

    Apparently the other chap controls the entire market for this item and is making a killing.

    The writer was making a complaint but got no sympathy from the resident experts on marketing :-)

    So far I see that most chat does not occur on system chat - but within corp chat rooms.

    Hoever I have met some interesting people - one chap gave me his entire thesis on the differences between the US and UK education systems LOL

    I think I am stuck with this current ship until I suscribe to the game long term - I will see if I can get a crusier like Ryzune suggested - but I think by the time I train to that level - 2 weeks will be up!!

  • Days up to registration


    Each new player is automatically assigned to a NPC corporation - the corp. you get is dictated by the role play and race choices you make during character creation. When playing, you are automatically added to the group chat of your corp. - and this group can often consist of 500 people, sometimes even a thousand. Your fellow members are very helpful and give advice - you can also hear conversations about sex, religeon and even about chocolate biscuits, and my fav - TEA!!

    Each corp. has associated (npc) agents that will offer the new player tutorial missions to learn about the game and then also more advanced missions.

    You can only belong to one corp. at a time - and you will see many players never leaving their initial NPC corp.

    Players can also form their own corp. and you can apply to join these - or even be invited to join if you talk to people. I have seen that each member of a player corp. will play 10% tax to the corp - but then will get rewards such as advice, cash, equip, training and dividend payouts if the corp does well!!

    Jetcan mining

    Wtf is this? Many people go on about it -

    Well the "Jet" stands for jettison and the "Can" for cannister - If you purchase a large ship with lots of cargo space - you can mine safely in certain systems (with a mining ship) and Jetcan your ore to be collected later by your cargo ship - I tried this myself and made some excellent cash.

    Make money as you sleep - ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz

    One of the interesting things in Eve is selling (yep really)

    If you dont like the price quoted to you by buyers - you can set your own price and wait.

    If you are smart - and I am not - somebody will buy your stuff whilst you are asleep - or even just as you are playing doing something else - and the money roles in. For example - this guy called Caladrill bought 2 guns from me at 125k each - guns that I had looted of pirates!!

    Its all done automatically and does not require your presence or even you to be logged in.

    For the business man amongst us - and yes that is a valid roleplay choice in Eve, you can log into your account from anywhere and download your latest transactions into an Excel spreadsheet LOL

  • And Ryzune is back from vacation. I'm back in the game ^^

    So did you pay or let it go? lol

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Eve Online update

    How to judge whether you would like Eve? Well - consider the following explanation in a guide about Electronic Warfare

    "Hit Chance = 0.5^[(Tranv/(range*tracking))*(gun sig/ship sig))^2 + ((max(0,Range-Optimal))/Falloff)^2]"

    If you think wtf? I am no maths professor at Harvard - I just want to aim and fire - then maybe you will find Eve a bit slow

    If you think hmmm, interesting - is there a way I can exploit this to my advantage - then maybe take a look at Eve.

    Basically there are loads of people that try and find out the rules of the universe- established by the developers, do some modelling (mathamatical not COSMO) and try and find out how things work - then exploit them :-)

    Since my last update I had 3 offers to join Corps and I finally decided to join one - it happened to be the smallest, but I was getting along ok with their CEO.

    I have given mining the old heave ho and looked around for other opportunities for making cash or developing my skills. I have gone down the mission route where by doing tasks for an organisation gets you financial rewards, opps to loot any killed ships and you even get Loyalty Points - like you would with a supermarket that you can then spend on specialist or subsidised items. So far I have about 1000 LPs with a Bank - but I need to get into the 10,000 to get some serious rewards.

    The missions can be varied - depending on what you want to do or specialise in - for example a miner can do mining missions to progress, a trader can do trading missions, a manufacturer can do - well you get the picture.

    Other things our Corp has looked at recently is using Blueprints to create and manufacture ships which then can be sold for a profit - after discussion our CEO has created a specialist char that can do these things well - and that means cutting our manufacturing costs and hopefully then maximising our selling costs.

    We looked at Bounty Hunting - there is a list made by players on other players and the cheapest of these give like a 1 Billion reward - maybe something to aim for in the future :-)

    Wtf is Salvaging?

    Well I heard about it in my early days but took no notice - but I finally decided to give it a try and see what rewards I could get.

    Basically it can increase your rewards from missions by a multiple of even five, after you loot wrecked ships (blowed out by you in combat) you can aim your special Salvage Beam at the wreck and find blown out circuit, computers, other electronic ware that can be sold - some of these can be sold at 300k each - I would recommend any new player who wants to mission to get train for this skill - it does not take long for basic level and can be done in a few days.

  • it seems quite interesting. i can see why burro reacted intriguingly. :D

    and how much does it cost?

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • I think its about 15 Euros a month - I just paid my first installment so I can tell you if its worth it - or not - in a few weeks.

    Last night I had finally earned enough trust with my mission agent and that corp to be offered Level 2 Missions (yep more rewards, more cash, more loot, more salvage and more danger) so look to a report on that soon.

  • Well my character is a manufacturer to be, haven't done any work with regards the power of my ship yet, I just have a basic mining frigate, but I am willing to assist with any knowledge of the game I have ^^

    Same name on EVE, I am Ryzune. Maybe I'll see some of you guys giving the free trial a go 8)

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • tzz thats sick... playing a game to be workhorse and do mining...
    you could have the same staying in RL... be my slave... i let you dig in my garden



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I read somewhere that you can pay with ISK to play... is that true? If yes - then how much?

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    tzz thats sick... playing a game to be workhorse and do mining...
    you could have the same staying in RL... be my slave... i let you dig in my garden

    Well in real life - maybe some of us are REAL pilots that fly in Saracens and uphold truth, justice and peace.

    Well speaking to some people - it sure feels like that :-)

    Maybe to relax, they want to get out of their cockpit, put a hat on and do some peaceful mining.

    Anyway OP - Xmas party in your garden you say?

  • sure - if you like being in the cold while we others have another party in the house

    but dont worry... ill come out to you... give you a warm drink and before i head back to the house ill turn around, point my finger to you and say "ha ha" ...ehmmm "ho ho ho"




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!